I listened to Rush for the first time Wednesday.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
I never listened to Rush before, if I have the opportunity to listen to the radio all day, which is very rare, I will listen to Boortz from 9am to 1pm, and then I listen to Clark Howard until 3pm when Hannity comes on. That's IF I get to listen for that long.

So, because of this butthurt from the left, and the sponsors pulling out, I wanted to support Rush. Here's my take:

1. There were fewer commercials than I'm used to, that's a good thing.
2. There were still commercials, still sponsors, I don't know if they are new or not.
3. Rush has moved on.
4. He's entertaining (though not as much as Boortz).

I'll listen again. Probably try to support his sponsors, and btw, I cancelled my AOL membership and told them why.
I used to listen to him a lot, i don't like either party but i'm not someone who just needs my opinion repeated back to me. I agreed with him sometimes, didn't other times.

The thing that made me turn the dial was his drug issue. He used to bash users all the time, who knows how many times he was high himself when he was bashing them. What an opportunity he had to help all the americans who, like him, struggle with addiction. Instead one or two soundbites, he swept it under the rug and now of course he never talks about drugs at all.

I don't have to agree with someone, but I can't stand hypocrites.
Here's my take:

1. There were fewer commercials than I'm used to, that's a good thing.
2. There were still commercials, still sponsors, I don't know if they are new or not.
3. Rush has moved on.
4. He's entertaining (though not as much as Boortz).

I was expecting more..Is that all you got from the whole program?
Yeah, all those commercial breaks can really turn a listener off. I haven't listened to him for years. But that doesn't mean i don't think he's a good & smart entertainer. My views have just changed over the years. He was just way too Rah! Rah! Rah! for George Bush's Big Government mess. He lost a lot of credibility in doing that. That being said, this whole thing is a ridiculous Left-concocted scam. Many Left-leaning Media personalities say much worse things about Republican Women. And how often do you see the Left getting so outraged and condemning them? It just doesn't happen. This is just a stupid Left witch hunt. So i wish Rush Limbugh the best of luck.
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So, Rush's comments have worked in his favor. Ratings are up and sponsors will pay more for air time

I don't know if ratings are up, I wouldn't be surprised if they are. I'm sure Rush's followers aren't going to leave him because of some harmless comments he made and I'm sure that some on the left are listening to him simply because they think he's suffering.
Here's my take:

1. There were fewer commercials than I'm used to, that's a good thing.
2. There were still commercials, still sponsors, I don't know if they are new or not.
3. Rush has moved on.
4. He's entertaining (though not as much as Boortz).

I was expecting more..Is that all you got from the whole program?

Well, I could comment on the actual issues he brought up, but there are already threads on that stuff. Yes it was an over all impression I got from the first time I listened.
Yeah, all those commercial breaks can really turn a listener off. I haven't listened to him for years. But that doesn't mean i don't think he's a good & smart entertainer. My views have just changed over the years. He was just way too Rah! Rah! Rah! for George Bush's Big Government mess. He lost a lot of credibility in doing that. That being said, this whole thing is a ridiculous Left-concocted scam. Many Left-leaning Media personalities say much worse things about Republican Women. And how often do you see the Left getting so outraged and condemning them? It just doesn't happen. This is just a stupid Left witch hunt. So i wish Rush Limbugh the best of luck.

Correct. It's full-on liberal butthurt.
I used to listen to him a lot, i don't like either party but i'm not someone who just needs my opinion repeated back to me. I agreed with him sometimes, didn't other times.

The thing that made me turn the dial was his drug issue. He used to bash users all the time, who knows how many times he was high himself when he was bashing them. What an opportunity he had to help all the americans who, like him, struggle with addiction. Instead one or two soundbites, he swept it under the rug and now of course he never talks about drugs at all.

I don't have to agree with someone, but I can't stand hypocrites.

How would you know he never talks about drugs at all?

You dont listen any longer :cuckoo:

Yeah right

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I used to listen to him a lot, i don't like either party but i'm not someone who just needs my opinion repeated back to me. I agreed with him sometimes, didn't other times.

The thing that made me turn the dial was his drug issue. He used to bash users all the time, who knows how many times he was high himself when he was bashing them. What an opportunity he had to help all the americans who, like him, struggle with addiction. Instead one or two soundbites, he swept it under the rug and now of course he never talks about drugs at all.

I don't have to agree with someone, but I can't stand hypocrites.

How would you know he never talks about drugs at all?

You dont listen any longer

I listen to rush this past week and many of his commercials are gone.

The station here in Miami (WIOD) are using their commercials to fill in the gaps. I guess the station is paying Rush for the programming air time. Even so, the commercial performed by Rush are GONE!

I wonder how long this arrangement will last. Ken Star is not known for shilling out money when he can start up another local show that can fit the bill(Star is a genius at finding local personalities, by the way. We have this Libertarian that comes on after Rush that is part laugh and part "hey he got a point here! But I still don't agree with him!").

Give it time, Rush might not be on the air in Miami.Star is just too much of a money making capitalist.
Say what you want about Rush Limabugh, but he is owed an incredible amount of gratitude. He is the Father of Conservative Talk Radio. He started it all. Without him, you would still only have the Liberal Media spin on everything. It's certainly no coincidence the Liberals/Democrats hate him so much. Yeah he messes up from time to time, but Conservatives and especially Talk Radio owe quite a bit to the man. We will never have to go back to the one-sided Liberal Media spin. And Rush Limbaugh deserves most of the credit for that.
I never listened to Rush before, if I have the opportunity to listen to the radio all day, which is very rare, I will listen to Boortz from 9am to 1pm, and then I listen to Clark Howard until 3pm when Hannity comes on. That's IF I get to listen for that long.

So, because of this butthurt from the left, and the sponsors pulling out, I wanted to support Rush. Here's my take:

1. There were fewer commercials than I'm used to, that's a good thing.
2. There were still commercials, still sponsors, I don't know if they are new or not.
3. Rush has moved on.
4. He's entertaining (though not as much as Boortz).
Then you (also) see why he doesn't do T.V., anymore,
'cause he gets HIS ASS KICKED, when there's an (actual) dialogue!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNK4byQkn7w&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL2D68C4AEB6077D53]A Bully Gets Bullied - YouTube[/ame]

He's a
Say what you want about Rush Limabugh, but he is owed an incredible amount of gratitude. He is the Father of Conservative Talk Radio. He started it all. Without him, you would still only have the Liberal Media spin on everything. It's certainly no coincidence the Liberals/Democrats hate him so much. Yeah he messes up from time to time, but Conservatives and especially Talk Radio owe quite a bit to the man. We will never have to go back to the one-sided Liberal Media spin. And Rush Limbaugh deserves most of the credit for that.

Rush isn't going anywhere.
Very funny line from the op -

I cancelled my AOL membership and told them why.

Anyone who is still with AOL wouldn't cancel their "membership" because he dumped lushbo.

And, "membership"? They really it a membership??

You rw's have a really rough row to hoe, don't you.
there is NO way Rush is going anywhere. he is totally in tune with his audience and says exactly what they feel and want to hear.
Say what you want about Rush Limabugh, but he is owed an incredible amount of gratitude. He is the Father of Conservative Talk Radio. He started it all. Without him, you would still only have the Liberal Media spin on everything. It's certainly no coincidence the Liberals/Democrats hate him so much. Yeah he messes up from time to time, but Conservatives and especially Talk Radio owe quite a bit to the man. We will never have to go back to the one-sided Liberal Media spin. And Rush Limbaugh deserves most of the credit for that.

Rush isn't going anywhere.

No, he isn't. He'll just take all the hits from the Left and keep on going. That's what he's always done. They've been trying to silence him for many years. Never kid yourself into believing Socialists/Progressives believe in Free Speech. Trust me, they don't. All those who complain about Liberal Media Bias, owe everything to Rush Limbaugh. He was the lone Conservative voice in the wilderness for many years before Talk Radio took off. He went up against all the Liberal Media Titans like CBS,ABC,NBC,PBS,and CNN. And he did that just about all by himself. He has survived. And that says a whole lot about the man.
I never listened to Rush before, if I have the opportunity to listen to the radio all day, which is very rare, I will listen to Boortz from 9am to 1pm, and then I listen to Clark Howard until 3pm when Hannity comes on. That's IF I get to listen for that long.

So, because of this butthurt from the left, and the sponsors pulling out, I wanted to support Rush. Here's my take:

1. There were fewer commercials than I'm used to, that's a good thing.
2. There were still commercials, still sponsors, I don't know if they are new or not.
3. Rush has moved on.
4. He's entertaining (though not as much as Boortz).

I'll listen again. Probably try to support his sponsors, and btw, I cancelled my AOL membership and told them why.

I don't know if you listened to Rush on the day he explained how the sponsorship with his show works. There are sponsors for the affiliates and then sponsors his show directly deals with. He actually did not lose any sponsors. I'm not going to go into the explanation because it was long and frankly I don't remember the whole thing since I was listening to it when I was at work.
That said, even though I agree with some of what Rush says, I find him too full of himself and that's off putting to me. I like to listen to Hannity when I get the chance but usually at that time, I'm at the Health Club.
At any rate, you are correct, Rush has moved on, and without any loss of sponsors.

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