I knew there was something I didn't like about the new Pope

fuzzykitten99 said:
Wow, then I must be on a fast track to hell. I love to read these books not for the 'wizard' part, but for the story WITHIN the setting. I believe kids should have the greatest imaginations that they can. TV and video games take away from their own creativity. I feel that most catholic rules prohibit creativity and free thoughts.

I don't know of a 7 year old who could read Harry Potter and fully understand it. The books are geared to kids 9+, and get more complicated for the reader and take on more age related issues as Harry gets older. Like in #5 when he kisses Cho Chang. At 15, this is his first kiss. I doubt kids ages 9-11 would even want to hear about something like that.

You're missing the point. The Harry Potter series glorifies witchcraft in the form of "white magic," which, in real life, is practiced by Wiccans and other witches as part of their religion. Impressionable children should not be reading books that glorify witchcraft, when it is specifically against God's commands to practice such things. Therefore, Christian leaders are correct in warning parents to keep their children away from Harry Potter.
well last night my 7 year olde whom has seen the harry potter movies and who goes to church and who reads the children's bible with me evrey night before bed

explaind to me that harry potter is fake and just a story and that god and jesus are real and help people...

if the message is strong enough then those given choices will be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.....and when older will know right from wrong
Therefore, Christian leaders are correct in warning parents to keep their children away from Harry Potter.

ONLY some of them----please don't confuse people ! Other Christian leaders feel differently.
gop_jeff said:
You're missing the point. The Harry Potter series glorifies witchcraft in the form of "white magic," which, in real life, is practiced by Wiccans and other witches as part of their religion. Impressionable children should not be reading books that glorify witchcraft, when it is specifically against God's commands to practice such things. Therefore, Christian leaders are correct in warning parents to keep their children away from Harry Potter.

so only god's followers can practice "white magic" and turn water into wine? part the red sea? heal the sick? prevent the angle of death from killing the first born ? hold their arms aloft to win a battle?
manu1959 said:
so only god's followers can practice "white magic" and turn water into wine? part the red sea? heal the sick? prevent the angle of death from killing the first born ? hold their arms aloft to win a battle?

Is there a difference between "miracules" and "white magic"? I guess that would depend on who you ask.
Said1 said:
Is there a difference between "miracules" and "white magic"? I guess that would depend on who you ask.

i think it depends which side you are on....

odd thing....my son just told me that harry potter is kinda like the stories in the bible.....

all the bad guys are like the egyptians....dumbeldoor is like god .... all the teachers are like the apsotles....harry is like jesus....the gril like mary and he went on and on and on....he sees the christain theme in harry potter....i guess if you teach someone to see the god in things they will see it if you teach them to see the evil in things the will see that
manu1959 said:
i think it depends which side you are on....

odd thing....my son just told me that harry potter is kinda like the stories in the bible.....

all the bad guys are like the egyptians....dumbeldoor is like god .... all the teachers are like the apsotles....harry is like jesus....the gril like mary and he went on and on and on....he sees the christain theme in harry potter....i guess if you teach someone to see the god in things they will see it if you teach them to see the evil in things the will see that

Hmmm, you're on your own with that one. :D
manu1959 said:
so only god's followers can practice "white magic" and turn water into wine? part the red sea? heal the sick? prevent the angle of death from killing the first born ? hold their arms aloft to win a battle?

There is a huge difference between magic and divine power. The latter is the real deal; the former is an imitation, and is expressly forbidden.
gop_jeff said:
There is a huge difference between magic and divine power. The latter is the real deal; the former is an imitation, and is expressly forbidden.

the difference is symantics and a belief system....no more no less...
manu1959 said:
the difference is symantics and a belief system....no more no less...

It's a lot more than semantics. Divine power is exercised by God for the furthering of His will. Magic is exercised by the ungodly in direct opposition to God's will. Check out the scriptures I posted if you think I'm smoking crack.
gop_jeff said:
It's a lot more than semantics. Divine power is exercised by God for the furthering of His will. Magic is exercised by the ungodly in direct opposition to God's will. Check out the scriptures I posted if you think I'm smoking crack.

Jeff, smoke crack?? :eek:
gop_jeff said:
It's a lot more than semantics. Divine power is exercised by God for the furthering of His will. Magic is exercised by the ungodly in direct opposition to God's will. Check out the scriptures I posted if you think I'm smoking crack.

i don't think you are smoking crack....i have read what you posted.....

i am surprised that you "fear" magic as it does not exist ....

and if people whish to turn away from god and His teachings and do whatever....why is that an issue for you...who cares what the heritics do
manu1959 said:
i don't think you are smoking crack....i have read what you posted.....

i am surprised that you "fear" magic as it does not exist ....

and if people whish to turn away from god and His teachings and do whatever....why is that an issue for you...who cares what the heritics do

It's not that I fear magic, as if it had some kind of power over me. But magic is used by the occult, Wiccans, and Satanists (who use black magic, as opposed to white magic) as a religious rite, and God is very adamant that magic, the occult, witchcraft, etc. is against His will. That is why I think Harry Potter is a bad influence to allow into children's lives: it makes them think that magic is OK, when it is not.

As far as what non-Christians do... obviously, it's their choice. But as Christians, we are to let the world know about God, His will, and His plan for mankind.
gop_jeff said:
It's not that I fear magic, as if it had some kind of power over me. But magic is used by the occult, Wiccans, and Satanists (who use black magic, as opposed to white magic) as a religious rite, and God is very adamant that magic, the occult, witchcraft, etc. is against His will. That is why I think Harry Potter is a bad influence to allow into children's lives: it makes them think that magic is OK, when it is not.

As far as what non-Christians do... obviously, it's their choice. But as Christians, we are to let the world know about God, His will, and His plan for mankind.

i don't diagree with a word you said ..... but i belive that harry potter can used as a teaching tool ..... banning it or dismissing it as evil teaches nothing .... i am sure you know that children that are banned from things are actually being taught to crave those things and at some point will seek them out for themselves .....
manu1959 said:
i don't diagree with a word you said ..... but i belive that harry potter can used as a teaching tool ..... banning it or dismissing it as evil teaches nothing .... i am sure you know that children that are banned from things are actually being taught to crave those things and at some point will seek them out for themselves .....

I've never said that it should be banned. I've said that parents and Christian leaders who denounce Harry Potter have a solid Biblical foundation on which to base their claims.

As far as being a teaching tool... for adults who can differentiate between right and wrong, I think that might be appropriate.
gop_jeff said:
I've never said that it should be banned. I've said that parents and Christian leaders who denounce Harry Potter have a solid Biblical foundation on which to base their claims.

As far as being a teaching tool... for adults who can differentiate between right and wrong, I think that might be appropriate.

never said you did ..... however, i would think that they should use it as a teaching tool not denounce it .....denouncing it make it taboo and something of interest...

waiting til your children are adults to teach them that harry potter is wrong they will have already made up their mind ..... it will be too late ....
SmarterThanYou said:
really? would it be common sensical to tell a little child that she can't watch beauty and the beast anymore because its evil? Is it even common sensical to believe that a cartoon, an imaginary story, fantasy, something that isn't real and tangible but is meant to be viewed as someones imagination telling a story, that its evil?

Well what do you care if parents decide to allow their kids to read certain material and not other books or cartoons? Yes there are books and cartoons and movies that glorify things that religious parents find offensive? Isn't that just good parenting and their business?? The Pope has every right to say what he believes to his followers......that's why he's there. And exactly what did you mean with your statement that the Vatican has too much power? You mean influence over Catholics???????? Because again that's what the Vatican is there for!!!

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