I, I, I, me, me, me, Obama Is On The Job In This Storm, You'll See


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Instead of saying "WE" are ready I kept hearing the usual from Obama. Obama was able to tell everyone how much Obama is ready for the storm.

Black people are at risk so Obama is on the job, and he's gonna make sure that everyone knows that he's ready.

Using phrases like "I have directed....." Obama wants to remain the focus during the RNC and he will do everything he can to interrupt the Republican event and for the first time in his presidency, start acting like a leader.

It's all a show of course, because at this point there is no emergency.

Who knows what he'll do if there is massive flooding.

I guess do what Bush did, allow FEMA to do their job, but this time he won't have a media bent on trying to blame him for everything that happens. And this time he won't have an uncooperative Democrat Governor standing in his way.

Obama meanwhile is going on a campaign event later today. To him this hurricane isn't important enough to change his plans one bit.

I remember when Bush was accused of not caring enough for black people.

Do you?


BTW, Ellen Barkin made her feelings well known. Ellen Barkin Hopes The Hurricane Kills 'Every Pro-Life, Xenophobic, Gay-Bashing SOB' At The RNC
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Liberals won't know that Obama isn't really on the job because his media will be doing stories that cover up what he's really doing in Iowa and wherever else he goes.

But those of us that don't subscribe to the MSM, we know what the real deal is.
No matter what he says or does he Will be wrong in the rights eyes. It's so predictable.
No matter what he says or does he Will be wrong in the rights eyes. It's so predictable.

Exactly. He said "I have directed" because he, as president, is the one with the authority to direct. What else they want him to do? Pretend he is multiple people?
No matter what he says or does he Will be wrong in the rights eyes. It's so predictable.

Exactly. He said "I have directed" because he, as president, is the one with the authority to direct. What else they want him to do? Pretend he is multiple people?

Obama always tries to talk like he's running things personally but in fact he delegates most of his work to others.

It doesn't stop him from putting on a show of being in charge.

Right now he's in Iowa kissing babies and drinking beer.

He's not running FEMA.
You'd have to be pretty dumb to believe he's actually claiming that he's running all phases of the operation.
How dare he say "I directed" when, well.....He directed.

My gawd when did so-called conservatives become such a pathetic group of nits, complainers and whiners?
How dare he say "I directed" when, well.....He directed.

My gawd when did so-called conservatives become such a pathetic group of nits, complainers and whiners?

Become? They've always been like this. The only difference was that when their side was in power, it took a backseat to puffing up their chests.
How dare he say "I directed" when, well.....He directed.

My gawd when did so-called conservatives become such a pathetic group of nits, complainers and whiners?

Pot meet kettle.

But getting back to the point.

Obama didn't change his plans one iota.

So he directed......then bailed.

If Bush had done so I can imagine the screams coming from nit-wits like yourself if things go to shit all of the sudden.

At the very least Bush had everything in place to go in,......but wasn't allowed to by Governor Blanco before Katrina.

Obama basically said "You handle it......I'm outta here."
How dare he say "I directed" when, well.....He directed.

My gawd when did so-called conservatives become such a pathetic group of nits, complainers and whiners?

Pot meet kettle.

But getting back to the point.

Obama didn't change his plans one iota.

So he directed......then bailed.

If Bush had done so I can imagine the screams coming from nit-wits like yourself if things go to shit all of the sudden.

At the very least Bush had everything in place to go in,......but wasn't allowed to by Governor Blanco before Katrina.

Obama basically said "You handle it......I'm outta here."
So your entire point of this thread is "Democrats would be acting as idiotic and stupid as we are acting!?!!!!!"

OK then. Carry on.
...I guess do what Bush did, allow FEMA to do their job, but this time he won't have a media bent on trying to blame him for everything that happens. And this time he won't have an uncooperative Democrat Governor standing in his way...

But only AFTER the governor REQUESTS federal assistance, which is, of course, how it works...
Just sitting here wondering if there was a federal disaster in Arizona. Would Obama even acknowledge it?
How dare he say "I directed" when, well.....He directed.

My gawd when did so-called conservatives become such a pathetic group of nits, complainers and whiners?

So is he saying, "I built this?"
Just sitting here wondering if there was a federal disaster in Arizona. Would Obama even acknowledge it?

Ask Texas. obama's done it.

obama acknowledged Issac's disaster by campainging and by FINALLY giving out the white house beer recipe. Why is the white house brewing beer anyway? Can't we afford to support obama's alcoholism without home brew. As extra special assistance, the Big Mooch wrote an article on how to shop in the grocery store! Hey if that's not caring about disaster victims, what IS?

When Romney is elected president, I want to see him personally throw that brew kit in the trash.

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