“I Hope It Didn’t Come From My Lab”


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Funny how Coronavirus was being researched at the Wuhan lab that is in the same market area where China says the pandemic began. Discussed in a 2015 Nature Science article is the potential transfer of the virus from bats to people. This report was published shortly after their project was defunded by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).


Viruses are studied in labs, not manufactured in them.
Viruses are studied in labs, not manufactured in them.
Don't strain a muscle trying to squirm away from the clear implications. It's clear Dr. Shi Zhengli was doing research into bat corona viruses and "emergence" transmission to humans.
Who are you sticking up for here? Surely not the Chinese government and their germ lab in Wuhan?
No time for semantics. The chinks were cookin up some goodies in Wuhan....probably funded by .Gov.
Who are you trying to impress with your racist garbage? No one with any brains, I hope.
How would you like me to refer to people who have unleashed a sickenss on the world? Noble Chinese?
Why don't you stop worrying about what I call people and start worrying how your government is using this "Crisis" to bend you over and anally pound you with your own Constitution? You fucking drone.
How would you like me to refer to people who have unleashed a sickenss on the world? Noble Chinese?
Why don't you stop worrying about what I call people and start worrying how your government is using this "Crisis" to bend you over and anally pound you with your own Constitution? You fucking drone.
There is a middle ground between having the racist instincts of a toothless, drooling, tobacco juice stained extra from Deliverance and calling the Chinese government of Xi Jinping "noble".
They are the 21st century equivalent of the Nazis and people better wake up. Especially the butt holes
here defending the Chinese just to poke a finger in Trump's eye.

They are far worse than you, but you are bad enough.

Let's see if you're smart enough to find the middle ground instead of making conservatives here complicit in your idiocy, which I don't intend to be.

I can do both just fine at the same time: Point out what a knuckle dragging jackass you are and oppose
the raping of our Constitutional guarantees because of some drummed up end of the world plague.
Count on it, Klan-boy!
No time for semantics. The chinks were cookin up some goodies in Wuhan....probably funded by .Gov.
Who are you trying to impress with your racist garbage? No one with any brains, I hope.
How would you like me to refer to people who have unleashed a sickenss on the world? Noble Chinese?
Why don't you stop worrying about what I call people and start worrying how your government is using this "Crisis" to bend you over and anally pound you with your own Constitution? You fucking drone.
The ChiComs have only killed a quarter million people and sent the world into a Great Depression because they lied, what’s the big deal?
Bullshit, why make up this kind of bullshit, do you hope it becomes one more BIG LIE, the grist of right wing dirt bags.
No "big lie" at all. Barry gave the Chinese $3.7 million dollars in 2015 to do bio research at it's Wuhan lab
where corona viruses from bats were engineered to interact with humans in such a deadly way.

And yeah, I chose The Blaze specifically to give you the chance to prove them liars.
Let's see you do it.
How would you like me to refer to people who have unleashed a sickenss on the world? Noble Chinese?
Why don't you stop worrying about what I call people and start worrying how your government is using this "Crisis" to bend you over and anally pound you with your own Constitution? You fucking drone.
There is a middle ground between having the racist instincts of a toothless, drooling, tobacco juice stained extra from Deliverance and calling the Chinese government of Xi Jinping "noble".
They are the 21st century equivalent of the Nazis and people better wake up. Especially the butt holes
here defending the Chinese just to poke a finger in Trump's eye.

They are far worse than you, but you are bad enough.

Let's see if you're smart enough to find the middle ground instead of making conservatives here complicit in your idiocy, which I don't intend to be.

I can do both just fine at the same time: Point out what a knuckle dragging jackass you are and oppose
the raping of our Constitutional guarantees because of some drummed up end of the world plague.
Count on it, Klan-boy!

Here's the thing. While we often say that man is the most deadly predator on Earth, humans take a distant second to nature herself. Nature kills us in the most painful, cruel, and undignified ways possible. Nature has no pity and feels no remorse.

While the current fashion fad is to blame all natural events on humans themselves (making us appear much more powerful than we are), the sad truth is that nature has been slaughtering us in the Billions since human life existed on this planet and will continue to do so with, or without our help.

While it's comforting somehow to blame a boogie man for the current outbreak of virulent flu, the sad truth is, it would have happened eventually with no help at all from China, or the WHO, or Democrats, or Illuminati, or the International Jewish Conspiracy (tm). How do I knew this? Because it's happened before, over, and over, an over again. It will continue to happen until we die off completely or we whip nature into submission.

Once again the usual subjects produce another of their conspiracy theories and form them into a BIG LIE; liars, using half-truths and hiding facts, are deplorable. Hereto are the facts:

From the LINK:

“This is not a virus somebody would have conceived of and cobbled together. It has too many distinct features, some of which are counterintuitive,” Garry says. “You wouldn’t do this if you were trying to make a more deadly virus.
"Other scientists agree. “We see absolutely no evidence that the virus has been engineered or purposely released,” says Emma Hodcroft, a molecular epidemiologist at the University of Basel in Switzerland. She was not part of Andersen’s group, but is a member of a team of scientists with Nextstrain.org that is tracking small genetic changes in the coronavirus to learn more about how it is spreading around the world."
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