I Hate Pride Month

She said it best when she said......"Mind your own Business."

But she can't take her own advise, as here she is, fanning the flames and sticking her nose in other peoples business.

Where does this "men grinding their man bulges in the face of children," actually happen. I've never seen it, where is she hanging out?
:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:

Pride Month is just look at me!!!! I'm loud, proud. Or some nonsense

Nobody should be proud of getting a scholong up their keester
But....you think about it, don't you?

Homophobes and other haters be like this:

Oh, such a cute couple on the beach.

OMIGOD! Can't stop thinking of the disgusting sex they have!!!!!
She said it best when she said......"Mind your own Business."

But she can't take her own advise, as here she is, fanning the flames and sticking her nose in other peoples business.

Where does this "men grinding their man bulges in the face of children," actually happen. I've never seen it, where is she hanging out?
It's the word "pride" I really don't get. What's there to be proud about.
"Pride" is just another word for lack of individual self esteem. The government should not be in the business of psychiatry.
Pride is quite literally the worst of the seven deadly sins.


It’s the first sin. When Adam and Eve decided they could make up their own rules, and not follow God’s.

It leads to all the other sins.
It's the word "pride" I really don't get. What's there to be proud about.
I don't really get it either, BUT I leave them alone and they leave me alone.
Where's the problem.

You guys get all upset about a parade.
Sure, if you go to the parade, you will find things you don't agree about.
So don't go, don't bing your children.

It's NOT in your FACE unless you put it in your face.
That's like me saying all these confederate flag wavers and trump cult flags is in my face. It's not, but it (trump loving faggots) still exists.

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