I had a product idea. Masks that look like your face.

Have a range of colors to match skin tone, lip and nose shape. What do you think?
Do that and they would be outlawed quickly, replaced by a law requiring all masks be neon orange so that police can see you wearing one at a distance.

BETTER IDEA: Paint-on mask kit. A few crayons so that your friends can paint one on your face to make it LOOK like you are wearing one! A falsie!

RUNNER UP: Photo-masks. Take a picture of your face, they silk-screen it onto the mask so that wearing it, you look just like you!

ALT. IDEA: The better you. Surgical masks with the nose and mouth of famous, better looking people to make you look more handsome than you really are, to give people an incentive to wearing them all the time.
I have tested positive for Ed Zachary disease.

Your face looks Ed Zachary like...
the the you know the thing...

Your face rooks Ed Zachary rike a cactus.

All silliness aside...sounds like a good idea. Have you built one?
No I just thought of it.

Ok, this could work. I can send in a picture of my dog, and they can print it on a t-shirt. No reason why I can’t take a picture of the lower half of my face and have it printed on a surgical mask.
All silliness aside...sounds like a good idea. Have you built one?
No I just thought of it.

Ok, this could work. I can send in a picture of my dog, and they can print it on a t-shirt. No reason why I can’t take a picture of the lower half of my face and have it printed on a surgical mask.
I think so, it isn't hard to transfer your image to fabric. Matching skin tone would be harder. Probably mixing a few dye colors together just to get it close.

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