I finally watched episode 1 of Stranger Things

The whole series is done pretty well.
You are patient to follow one show at a time.
I had to watch the whole thing in 2 sittings
because I hate things dragging out in suspense.

(I want to know where it's going, and don't like getting strung along.)

This series was pretty good, and so is the ORIGINAL Revenants/the Returned.
(not the endless cheap spins on the same concept).
The whole series is done pretty well.
You are patient to follow one show at a time.
I had to watch the whole thing in 2 sittings
because I hate things dragging out in suspense.

(I want to know where it's going, and don't like getting strung along.)

This series was pretty good, and so is the ORIGINAL Revenants/the Returned.
(not the endless cheap spins on the same concept).

I'm very far behind on most shows. I've only watched the first few seasons of Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. It's rare that I will watch a show "live" or follow it weekly. I usually like at least a few episodes or even a season or two to be out before I check out a show with some exceptions. Well, on to episode 2!
The whole series is done pretty well.
You are patient to follow one show at a time.
I had to watch the whole thing in 2 sittings
because I hate things dragging out in suspense.

(I want to know where it's going, and don't like getting strung along.)

This series was pretty good, and so is the ORIGINAL Revenants/the Returned.
(not the endless cheap spins on the same concept).

I'm very far behind on most shows. I've only watched the first few seasons of Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. It's rare that I will watch a show "live" or follow it weekly. I usually like at least a few episodes or even a season or two to be out before I check out a show with some exceptions. Well, on to episode 2!

Yes, I was into Walking Dead until it got into "contrived relationships". Now I only watch to keep up with where it's going and try to catch the good episodes in between the fillers.

For Game of Thrones, sorry I did not get into this like everyone else seemed to. I know someone who only started watching it after getting fired by someone who watched this show and decided everyone was "out to get him" so he decided to get rid of everyone first. (so my friend finally watched the series to find out what the conspiracy drama was about...)
The whole series is done pretty well.
You are patient to follow one show at a time.
I had to watch the whole thing in 2 sittings
because I hate things dragging out in suspense.

(I want to know where it's going, and don't like getting strung along.)

This series was pretty good, and so is the ORIGINAL Revenants/the Returned.
(not the endless cheap spins on the same concept).

I'm very far behind on most shows. I've only watched the first few seasons of Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. It's rare that I will watch a show "live" or follow it weekly. I usually like at least a few episodes or even a season or two to be out before I check out a show with some exceptions. Well, on to episode 2!

Yes, I was into Walking Dead until it got into "contrived relationships". Now I only watch to keep up with where it's going and try to catch the good episodes in between the fillers.

For Game of Thrones, sorry I did not get into this like everyone else seemed to. I know someone who only started watching it after getting fired by someone who watched this show and decided everyone was "out to get him" so he decided to get rid of everyone first. (so my friend finally watched the series to find out what the conspiracy drama was about...)

Yeah, I liked Walking Dead through the end of the season with the Governor, but I just got bored of zombies. I feel like the show has gone on way too long to keep my interest.

I liked Game of Thrones through the end of the season with the Red Viper and the Mountain, but I started getting bored of that show too. I probably will watch the rest of Game of Thrones eventually, but it's never been one of my top favorite shows.

I just finished episode 2 of Stranger Things. I do like the creepy parts of the show, so the ending of this episode was pretty good.
I'm almost done with episode 4. Some of my theories so far:


I think 11 is the cop's daughter who died. The CIA/NSA/whatever faked his daughter's death just like they faked Will's death. Those weird walls are some kind of worm holes that the CIA/NSA/whatever can open to another dimension (or somewhere out in space) where they made contact with aliens. The aliens can open the worm holes as well. Maybe those faceless things are aliens who escaped into our dimension/world, or maybe they're just CIA lab experiments gone wrong. The CIA has been learning from the aliens, and they can genetically alter/enhance people like 11 to give them powers, which the CIA wants to weaponize to fight the Russians. That's all I got so far.
Great show. I hope the second season is as strong as the first.
I finished season 1. I was kind of disappointed by the look of the monster, but I like the whole.... *SPOILERS*

CIA/NSA subplot. If it weren't for that, I probably wouldn't have liked the show as much. I wouldn't say it's the best show ever, but it was entertaining. The kid actors did a good job. The Sheriff character was my favorite character in the show.

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