"I don't want to assume the worse"


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
- but, I suspect, based on recent history and current events, the worse is yet to come as anything can always get worse.

FBI Tormenting His Family Members

Ever since Pistolis was discharged from the Marines, he has focused on work. Aside from almost regular death threats, things have been quiet. He briefly attempted to retrieve his confiscated laptop and phone from NCIS, who told him they gave it to a detective in his county, who told him he gave it to the FBI, who told him they gave it to NCIS. He doesn’t expect to ever see his property again.

More than three years after the Charlottesville rally, Pistolis has yet to be charged for any criminal activity associated with it or in general, either locally or federally. Yet in recent months, the FBI has been engaging in aggravated harassment and stalking.

“My home was first visited by them in August. The FBI agents dropped in when I wasn’t home and tried to scare my parents, who are older, into getting me to talk to them. I know my rights and I know how the FBI has been pursuing political dissidents on the right lately, so obviously that is off the table” he told National Justice.


“I’m being hounded just because some left wing extremists have friends in the government and they don’t like what they think my political beliefs are. While our civil rights have been eroded across the board, I didn’t think the right to just live my life as a law abiding citizen would be one of them.”
Nice guy....

Nice guy....

Did he do anything illegal ?
- but, I suspect, based on recent history and current events, the worse is yet to come as anything can always get worse.

FBI Tormenting His Family Members

Ever since Pistolis was discharged from the Marines, he has focused on work. Aside from almost regular death threats, things have been quiet. He briefly attempted to retrieve his confiscated laptop and phone from NCIS, who told him they gave it to a detective in his county, who told him he gave it to the FBI, who told him they gave it to NCIS. He doesn’t expect to ever see his property again.

More than three years after the Charlottesville rally, Pistolis has yet to be charged for any criminal activity associated with it or in general, either locally or federally. Yet in recent months, the FBI has been engaging in aggravated harassment and stalking.

“My home was first visited by them in August. The FBI agents dropped in when I wasn’t home and tried to scare my parents, who are older, into getting me to talk to them. I know my rights and I know how the FBI has been pursuing political dissidents on the right lately, so obviously that is off the table” he told National Justice.


“I’m being hounded just because some left wing extremists have friends in the government and they don’t like what they think my political beliefs are. While our civil rights have been eroded across the board, I didn’t think the right to just live my life as a law abiding citizen would be one of them.”
I will bet this guy ain't even the tip of the ice berg. Does anyone believe this is isolated to a few? WHEN IT GOES DOWN WE WILL ALL SEE JUST HOW MANY ARE READY TO STAND AGAINST THESE SOCIALIST DEMOC RATS and while I'm here has anyone seen the ad with cindy mccain for biden? Let remind you John McCain promised the people of Arizona he would end the 'Affordable' Care Act for 5 years but just to get one over on Trump and since he was dying screw every Arizonan supporting the act. McCain knew the act had over doubled our health insurance with half the coverage and a deductible that could never be reached. Now his wife selling out. as two pees in a pod or pants. Bet Satan moved John to a hotter place in Hell when she did that if he wasn't already there. With stupid no longer being an excuse . Next month biden has a reserve spot next to the welding ware house and flame factory.. democRats won't waste their time declaring him brain dead they will just kill him of a massive heart attack.

When you idiot democRats took it to far using false evidence , lies, and a plot by Clinton to over throw the government you took it too far. That's the day you started the Second Civil War. You idiots think you can get away with your treasonous crimes. You'll be lucky if they don't hang the lot of you, twice, democrats being told what to here.jpg8d97683a63d159f6107749dd120d9982--conservative-republican-conservative-politics.jpggun grabbers.jpgdemocRat squar pants.jpgOnce for Truth, once for Justice, and a third time for shits and giggles.
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Nice guy....

A former servicemen who has been subjected to years of death threats from Antifa groups and aggressive harassment from the FBI has decided to speak out about the terror and mental anguish he and his family have been forced to endure for two and a half years.

North Carolina based Vasillios Pistolis first made headlines in 2018, when far left activists “doxed” (revealing a private citizen’s personal information to hurt them) him as an active-duty Marine who protested in defense of the Robert E. Lee Statue at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville on August 12th, 2017.

Aside from being discharged from the Marines Corps for engaging in political advocacy, Pistolis has not been charged with any crimes.

When It Began

Shortly after a deceptively edited hit piece by left-wing NGO Pro Publica that featured Pistolis aired during the summer of 2018, he was plucked out in the middle of a training exercise by his superiors.

Then the nightmare began. “My superior officers were all in the dark about what was going on. They took me to a special office, where NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service) agents were waiting. I was grilled for hours about my political beliefs and whether I had attended the rally in Charlottesville. My laptop and phone were confiscated pending the investigation.”

Under intense pressure from politicians and far left journalists, the Marine Corps moved quickly to get Pistolis out and turn him into a scapegoat. Pistolis was subsequently dragged before a military court for violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. He was charged with disobeying a lawful order by participating in an “extremist rally.”

The rule is loosely defined and the punishment is steep if you lose at trial, so Pistolis decided to take a plea bargain that gave him 28 days in the Brig (military jail), which he served before being discharged.

Anarchist Death Threats and Losing His Gun Rights With No Due Process

After leaving the Marines and finishing his punishment, Pistolis believed the ordeal was over. Then he and his family began receiving a barrage of threats.

“After I was doxed by Pro Publica, I began keeping tabs on various antifa and communist paramilitary groups in my state. I was shocked to see how openly and brazenly they would conduct “intelligence” on my whereabouts, my family members, where I worked, and they would publicly express intent to assault and kill me.”


speaking of nice guys

The conditions of Pistolis’ discharge do not ban him from owning a firearm. When the threats refused to die down, Pistolis sought a permit for a handgun for personal defense.

The county Sheriff turned him down, citing his political beliefs twice, once in 2018 and again in 2020, as the sole reason under a rarely used and likely unconstitutional North Carolina statute.


Notice the picture and what I hi-lited- I'm pretty sure the 2amendment says nothing about, except- in fact I know it doesn't and in fact says; the right of the people to keep an bear arms, shall not be infringed-

I suppose the sheriff hasn't had that ciphered for him- his Public Education is hanging out all over his stupid.

“I couldn’t believe it. The people claiming my presence at the Lee statue protest made me a terrorist threat were actively making terrorist threats against me. The police were completely uninterested in my well-being and I felt I had no choice but to buy a gun to protect myself and my family.”

Pistolis provided an email dated May 2020 from his Sheriff’s office, which oversees handgun permit requests, showing that he was denied the right to self-defense based solely on the fact that he had “participated in white supremacy rallies in Virginia and Tennessee, with reports indicating that Applicant participated in an assaulting individuals at said rallies.”

Pistolis has not been criminally charged or credibly accused of any unlawful assaults, and both rallies in question were legally permitted and First Amendment protected. The decision was made arbitrarily by the Sheriff based on his perception of the applicant’s beliefs and slanted media lies.

“I thought about fighting this attack on my rights in court, but the legal expenses and the fact that it expires in 5 years both deterred me. I don’t want to assume the worst, but in the context of this application, it’s likely the Sheriff’s office doesn’t like my political beliefs and is fine with antifa members hurting me or my loved ones.”

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