I don't know what is more heartbreaking...........

Is it hearing of continued stories of children dying at the border, or more pictures of Chairman Xiden?

View attachment 473497

Soon he may not recognize anyone anymore

Then what?

You must have missed his first presser.
It was flawless.
He didn't make any racial slurs.
He answered everyone's questions and didn't call any of them "nasty".
Dignity has returned to the White House while you still suck this guy's cock.

View attachment 473511

Flawless? Surely, you can't be serious!

Animals that we dont want in the US.
Oh...and it should be open season,like feral hogs.

There's no season on feral hogs. You can hunt them all year long, without a government issued permit.

Every state has their regs to be followed.

Cant say I've ever heard of a season for feral hogs.

There isn't a season here. You can't hunt them on conservation and some other type lands. Prohibited.

They discourage shooting them, say it messes up their efforts blahblahblah...

I don't know why they are handling this problem with such a lack of aggression.
more pictures of Chairman Xiden?

Aaawww you poor BDS riddled snowflake can't handle seeing photos of Biden? Buckle up then, these 4 years are going to be a rough ride for you.

They'll be rough on everyone, including idiots that voted for that mushroom in a suit.

But at least that asshole Biden will provide endless chuckles for the masses.
Animals that we dont want in the US.
Oh...and it should be open season,like feral hogs.

There's no season on feral hogs. You can hunt them all year long, without a government issued permit.

Every state has their regs to be followed.

Cant say I've ever heard of a season for feral hogs.

There isn't a season here. You can't hunt them on conservation and some other type lands. Prohibited.

They discourage shooting them, say it messes up their efforts blahblahblah...

I don't know why they are handling this problem with such a lack of aggression.

Here in Texas you're encouraged to shoot them as long as you're on private property or the property owner wants you to kill them.
Which is why helicopter hunting is so big here.
Mod - Move this stupid thread to the basement please. Doesn't qualify as a legit OP for Politics.
Sticks and stones baby!

And guess what.....................................we still be in the politics forums.

Mod - Move this stupid thread to the basement please. Doesn't qualify as a legit OP for Politics.
Sticks and stones baby!

And guess what.....................................we still be in the politics forums.

View attachment 473694
Yeah because we didn't report the topic. I could, if you want.
Ok, but what do you reckon the FBI will do to me when you do?

Send Child Protection Services with a coloring book for you, until your parents get home.
Mod - Move this stupid thread to the basement please. Doesn't qualify as a legit OP for Politics.
Sticks and stones baby!

And guess what.....................................we still be in the politics forums.

View attachment 473694
Yeah because we didn't report the topic. I could, if you want.
Ok, but what do you reckon the FBI will do to me when you do?

Send Child Protection Services with a coloring book for you, until your parents get home.
God help me!

Chairman XIden will put me in a cage!!

Then again, I'm not Hispanic so maybe he will treat me half way decent.
You obviously dont hunt.

Nope. I'm that pro life.

So you're all for an invassive species that does millions of dollars in damages to crops not to mention native wild life.
And you must love to see deer over populate to the point they're dying of starvation and disease.
I bet you're for late term abortion as well.
So you're all for an invassive species that does millions of dollars in damages to crops not to mention native wild life.
And you must love to see deer over populate to the point they're dying of starvation and disease.
I bet you're for late term abortion as well.

LMAO... Funny, I didn't post any of that. But somehow that's what you read?

Your psychic abilities suck.

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