I Don't Give A Darn If It Is An Accepted Fact.....It's Not Okay For The Democrat's Media To Moderate Debates Or Set The Rules And The Location...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This crap has to stop. We all know that all members of the media are in the tank for Socialist Democrats.
The media should not be allowed to be involved in the debates.

This is fraud people......this is a crime. Even Fox News is guilty of fraud. Chris Wallace illustrated it in living color.

The latest fraud is the claim that doctors have been hiding Trump's true condition.
Anyone can say this if they want to advocate for the Democrats....because as doctors know....the first 48 hours after contracting the virus can have dramatic swings in his condition. Democrats in the media are claiming we're being lied to. No dumbass....his condition is changing as the virus runs it's course. But that fact never stops the overzealous media from speculating the worst.

Frankly I question letting the media claim they are news organizations anymore, because they aren't.
Never mind the fact that they're just a massive campaign ad for the Democrat Party.
Their FCC licenses should be revoked until they start showing some unbiased reporting practices.

The president should be able to put a stay on all media operations, lock them down completely, until they can prove that they have changed their ways and stop being advocates for the DNC. I would send the AG after them and investigate them for criminal felonious fraud and suspend operations until they get their day in court.

Some will say this is freedom of speech.
This is not....this is lying to the public which is fraud.

Jake Tapper is guilty of this daily.....and he's not alone.
The crap these jerks pump out daily should result in them being taken off the air because it's a danger to the public.
They don't care about people in this country. They only care about helping the Democrats taking power and causing another depression.

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This crap has to stop. We all know that all members of the media are in the tank for Socialist Democrats.
The media should not be allowed to be involved in the debates.

This is fraud people......this is a crime. Even Fox News is guilty of fraud. Chris Wallace illustrated it in living color.

The latest fraud is the claim that doctors have been hiding Trump's true condition.
Anyone can say this if they want to advocate for the Democrats....because as doctors know....the first 48 hours after contracting the virus can have dramatic swings in his condition. Democrats in the media are claiming we're being lied to. No dumbass....his condition is changing as virus runs it's course.

Frankly I question letting the media claim they are news organizations anymore, because they aren't.
Never mind the fact that they're just a massive campaign ad for the Democrat Party.
Their FCC licenses should be revoked until they start showing some unbiased reporting practices.

The president should be able to put a stay on all media operations, lock them down completely, until they can prove that they have changed their ways and stop being advocates for the DNC. I would send the AG after them and investigate them for criminal felonious fraud and suspend operations until they get their day in court.

Some will say this is freedom of speech.
This is not....this is lying to the public which is fraud.

Jake Tapper is guilty of this daily.....and he's not alone.
The crap these jerks pump out daily should result in them being taken off the air because it's a danger the public.
They don't care about people in this country. They only care about helping the Democrats taking power and causing another depression.

They don't. It's not the public's fault that the Republican candidate is outmatched in a policy debate and he has to resort to blowing up the proceedings. When was the last time you saw something like last Tuesday night?
Don't blame that on Chris Wallace. He was just dealing with the abortion that unfolded in front of him.

Your man is incompetent. He shouldn't be sitting in that chair. And he alone is the reason Republicans may find themselves out of power shortly. But your devotion blinds you to that fact. So you want to resort to dictator tactics.
So who do you propose to be in charge of the debates?
I dunno.....anyone but a Democrat.

No......I know it's difficult to find someone the Democrats can't buy....but I'm sure they can find someone.
If not...then just let Rush Limbaugh moderate one. Even it out.
You have to admit....every journalist in New York is a liberal Rush Limbaugh.
So who do you propose to be in charge of the debates?
I dunno.....anyone but a Democrat.

No......I know it's difficult to find someone the Democrats can't buy....but I'm sure they can find someone.
If not...then just let Rush Limbaugh moderate one. Even it out.
You have to admit....every journalist in New York is a liberal Rush Limbaugh.

No sane person would ever think limbaugh was anything like a legitimate news person.
So who do you propose to be in charge of the debates?
I dunno.....anyone but a Democrat.

No......I know it's difficult to find someone the Democrats can't buy....but I'm sure they can find someone.
If not...then just let Rush Limbaugh moderate one. Even it out.
You have to admit....every journalist in New York is a liberal Rush Limbaugh.

No sane person would ever think limbaugh was anything like a legitimate news person.
Neither Limbaugh or Hannity pretend to be anything except commentators. Neither claims to be a news person. Neither claims to be objective. But most of the "reporters" and "anchors" claim to be objective reporters of facts, but instead are biased towards liberalism. That's not news, that's propaganda.
So who do you propose to be in charge of the debates?
I dunno.....anyone but a Democrat.

No......I know it's difficult to find someone the Democrats can't buy....but I'm sure they can find someone.
If not...then just let Rush Limbaugh moderate one. Even it out.
You have to admit....every journalist in New York is a liberal Rush Limbaugh.

No sane person would ever think limbaugh was anything like a legitimate news person.
Neither Limbaugh or Hannity pretend to be anything except commentators. Neither claims to be a news person. Neither claims to be objective. But most of the "reporters" and "anchors" claim to be objective reporters of facts, but instead are biased towards liberalism. That's not news, that's propaganda.
In other words.....Democrats lie their asses off and Republicans aren't allowed to.
So who do you propose to be in charge of the debates?
I dunno.....anyone but a Democrat.

No......I know it's difficult to find someone the Democrats can't buy....but I'm sure they can find someone.
If not...then just let Rush Limbaugh moderate one. Even it out.
You have to admit....every journalist in New York is a liberal Rush Limbaugh.
No one is going to admit any such nonsense.
This crap has to stop. We all know that all members of the media are in the tank for Socialist Democrats.
The media should not be allowed to be involved in the debates.

ABSOLUTELY. You wouldn't give a criminal a say in whether he is convicted or not, you wouldn't ask a fox what he thinks should be done with the chicken coop, but the media who are clearly, undoubtedly PART OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY (they literally won't hire you or fire you if you support the GOP or especially Trump) have control over the debates?

We might as well ask Nancy Pelosi to pick the next president of the United States.

I hope/think the 2nd debate will go a bit better because Brett Baier is a lot better moderator than that suckhead Chris Wallace.
They don't. It's not the public's fault that the Republican candidate is outmatched in a policy debate and he has to resort to blowing up the proceedings. When was the last time you saw something like last Tuesday night?
Don't blame that on Chris Wallace. He was just dealing with the abortion that unfolded in front of him.

Your man is incompetent. He shouldn't be sitting in that chair. And he alone is the reason Republicans may find themselves out of power shortly. But your devotion blinds you to that fact. So you want to resort to dictator tactics.


Biden interrupted President Trump three times prior to Trump ever interrupting him. Then the rat Wallace inserted himself into the debate to rescue Biden.

Go watch the VPOTUS debate of 2012, you will see the nasty piece of work that is Joe Biden.

You regressives hooted when Biden pulled that crap on Ryan in 2012, you all thought it was so great.
Lose the argument blame the rules or ref. My kids do the same thing with monopoly.

Except Trump won the debate, as even a CNN panel of voters said.

The post-debate spin by the MSM is the turd that won't flush as they try and spin, spin, and spin their shit.

If it was so great for Biden why have so many regressives said maybe Biden shouldn't do any more debates? :muahaha:
This crap has to stop. We all know that all members of the media are in the tank for Socialist Democrats.
It's not the public's fault that the Republican candidate is outmatched in a policy debate and he has to resort to blowing up the proceedings. Don't blame that on Chris Wallace. He was just dealing with the abortion that unfolded in front of him.

SHOVE DEEP AND TWIST, Jack. You didn't even watch the debate, you know nothing. Trump tried to talk policy all night long while Biden made faces and noises and childish insults and name calling. Joe Biden has many years practice as an accomplished performer. When did Biden ever even discuss "policy" at all? Biden HAS no policy, no plan, the a-hole was just nominated for a Nobel for his "calming influence" then admitted he wasn't even willing to call the mayor of Portland and offer help or suggestions! :auiqs.jpg:

Wallace was the chief antagonizer last Tuesday by first letting the debate start with SEVENTEEN MINUTES of constant interruptions, insults and barbs from Biden as Wallace stood by and said nothing, then actively got involved in running interference actually PROTECTING Joe Biden as he tried to quash Trump from talking!

And you can't prove a word I said wrong, I dare you! I rewatched the debate carefully taking detailed notes of everything that happened. The whole thing was a carefully designed hit job on Trump.
So who do you propose to be in charge of the debates?

The candidates' campaigns - let them decide on the topics for a set of debates in the Lincoln-Douglas format. Leave the news media to report, not make, the news.
So who do you propose to be in charge of the debates?
I dunno.....anyone but a Democrat.

No......I know it's difficult to find someone the Democrats can't buy....but I'm sure they can find someone.
If not...then just let Rush Limbaugh moderate one. Even it out.
You have to admit....every journalist in New York is a liberal Rush Limbaugh.
No one is going to admit any such nonsense.
Especially Democrats.
That I can agree with.
So who do you propose to be in charge of the debates?
I dunno.....anyone but a Democrat.

No......I know it's difficult to find someone the Democrats can't buy....but I'm sure they can find someone.
If not...then just let Rush Limbaugh moderate one. Even it out.
You have to admit....every journalist in New York is a liberal Rush Limbaugh.
No one is going to admit any such nonsense.
Especially Democrats.
That I can agree with.
You agree that it is nonsense. Thank you for your honesty.

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