‘I don’t bluff’


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2011
Michael Mann’s lawyer says National Review must retract and apologize
By Curtis Brainard


Penn State climate scientist Michael Mann is demanding that National Review retract and apologize for a July 15 post that compared him to Jerry Sandusky, the convicted child molester and former Penn State assistant football coach.

The post in question, by Mark Steyn, accused Mann of academic fraud, dredging up a discredited charge that emerged in 2009 following the leak of emails between Mann and other scientists, which critics claimed were evidence of data manipulation. Despite the fact that almost half a dozen investigations affirmed the integrity of Mann’s research, Steyn quoted a post from the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) that referred to Mann’s work as Penn State’s “other scandal,”...

...In a letter sent Friday to Scott Budd, National Review’s executive publisher, Mann’s attorney, John B. Williams, called Steyn’s allegations defamatory:

“Your allegation of academic fraud is false, and was clearly made with the knowledge that it was false….” Williams wrote. “And further, you draw the insidious comparison between Dr. Mann and Jerry Sandusky, who as you point out, was recently convicted of child molestation. This reference is simply outrageous and clearly subjects your publication to a claim of intentional infliction of emotional distress...

“Needless to say, we intend to pursue all appropriate legal remedies on behalf of Dr. Mann.”...

“This is not a bluff,” Williams said when asked about Simberg’s comment. “This is a very strong case. I’ve done a fair amount of libel and defamation work. I vet the cases pretty thoroughly before I take them, and I don’t bluff. We’re going to bring it unless they retract and apologize.”...

Rand has always been a fringe conspiracy extremist. He used to be a big Hoagland "Face on Mars," Martian temples and pyramids guy, big time into UFOs and Bigfoot as well. This isn't terribly surprising.
Cmon Frank -- IT's a LITTLE harsh.. I wouldn't have gone there. But it did cross my mind when the Sandusky thing broke.

"half a dozen investigations affirmed the integrity of Mann's research".. Tee Hee Hee.

Must have been the same folks who handled the tips about Sandusky.
Why are people still referring to Mann as a "Scientist"?

Because he is a world class scientist, greatly honored by his peers in the scientific community.

You, on the other hand, are a brainwashed retard, clueless, uneducated in science, and filled with a big steaming pile of BS, misinformation, smears, propaganda and outright lies that you swallowed unquestioningly because your ideological puppet-masters told you to.
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Why are people still referring to Mann as a "Scientist"?

Because he is a world class scientist, greatly honored by his peers in the scientific community.

You, on the other hand, are a brainwashed retard, clueless, uneducated in science, and filled with a big steaming pile of BS, misinformation, smears, propaganda and outright lies that you swallowed unquestioningly because your ideological puppet-masters told you to.


Im laughing..........the guy Mann is a retread. The k00ks should be falling all over themselves to make this guy go away. Just his name showing up in any article is a PR disaster for the true believers.

The k00ks just dont get it in terms of the politics of this stuff.............which is fine with me by the way!!!:rock::rock::rock:
Why are people still referring to Mann as a "Scientist"?

Because he is a world class scientist, greatly honored by his peers in the scientific community.

You, on the other hand, are a brainwashed retard, clueless, uneducated in science, and filled with a big steaming pile of BS, misinformation, smears, propaganda and outright lies that you swallowed unquestioningly because your ideological puppet-masters told you to.

He's a total absolute fraud
Why are people still referring to Mann as a "Scientist"?

Because he is a world class scientist, greatly honored by his peers in the scientific community.

You, on the other hand, are a brainwashed retard, clueless, uneducated in science, and filled with a big steaming pile of BS, misinformation, smears, propaganda and outright lies that you swallowed unquestioningly because your ideological puppet-masters told you to.

You're projecting. That's natural. Your entire worldview has been exposed as fraudulent so you blame it on me

the republican party really created themselves a stupid label and have no way out of it now.
this is what happens when you court the idiot vote.

denying global warming is just another anti science stance that will haunt them until they can extracate themselves from it

See the manmade global warming? Right there, under my pinkie. No, really. I'm not making it up. I swear. Under the pinkie. See the pinkie. See manmade global warming
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Dr. Mann is a world class scientist honored around the world. He will retain the respect and admiration of the scientific community, while the retards on this board will continue to be flap yap idiots.

the republican party really created themselves a stupid label and have no way out of it now.
this is what happens when you court the idiot vote.

denying global warming is just another anti science stance that will haunt them until they can extracate themselves from it

Those who are winning dont have to extricate themselves from anything. The deniers are winning sweets........Cap and Trade is in the crapper. Everything else is just hobby talk when it comes down to it. It isnt even debatable that the term green has become nothing more than a billboard sign...........shit that businesses put on the side of their trucks..........bs that goes out in e-mails all across America. But in the bigger picture, the impact of the Gore contingent is dick. When will it change? If Alaska goes to 70 degrees for 3 weeks straight in mid-January and not a moment sooner.
Dr. Mann is a world class scientist honored around the world. He will retain the respect and admiration of the scientific community, while the retards on this board will continue to be flap yap idiots.

Mann is a punchline.

Warmers and Decline Hiders love him.
Dr. Mann is a world class scientist honored around the world. He will retain the respect and admiration of the scientific community, while the retards on this board will continue to be flap yap idiots.

It's not too surprising that all of the denier cult retards would swallow the smear campaign. They are inherently anti-science and distrustful of everyone who is smarter than they are - which, of course, includes just about everybody.

Climate scientists and smear campaigns
By Michael Man,
Special to CNN
Wed March 28, 2012

What was my offense? I worked on climate change research that indicated the world is a lot warmer today than it was in the past. Because that research caught the public's attention when it was released in 1998, I became one of dozens of climate researchers who have been systematically targeted by a well-funded anti-science campaign.

Ironically, as these attacks have grown, the scientific facts have become ever clearer. Climate scientists know the world is warming and human activity -- particularly burning coal and oil -- is the primary driver. The idea of addressing climate change threatens some people in the fossil fuel industry. And a vocal minority of corporate interests and their ideological allies are spending a lot of money to hijack the public debate about climate change.

I call all this the "scientization" of politics. Attacks on science and scientists are an effort to advance a political agenda, not an effort to better understand science or the risks it uncovers. The tobacco industry did it when scientists linked cigarettes to cancer. The lead industry tried to discredit a scientist who found that lead exposure hurt children's cognitive abilities. Now, it's climate scientists' turn.
Mann-made Warming Confirmed - By Chris Horner - Planet Gore - National Review Online

Steve McIntyre, a Canadian mathematician in Toronto, suspects tree rings aren’t telling a valid story with that giant uptick at the right side of the graph, implicating the 20th century as the “hottest period in 1000 years,” which alarmists latch onto as proof of AGW. The graph is dubbed the “Hockey Stick” and becomes famous worldwide. Al Gore uses it in his movie An Inconvenient Truth in the famous “elevator scene.”

2: Steve attempts to replicate Michael Mann’s tree ring work in the paper MBH98, but is stymied by lack of data archiving. He sends dozens of letters over the years trying to get access to data but access is denied. McIntyre and Ross McKitrick, of the University of Guelph publish a paper in 2004 criticizing the work. A new website is formed in 2004 called Real Climate, by the people who put together the tree ring data and they denounce the scientific criticism:

RealClimate: False Claims by McIntyre and McKitrick regarding the Mann et al. (1998) reconstruction

3: Years go by.McIntyre is still stymied trying to get access to the original source data so that he can replicate the Mann 1998 conclusion. In 2008 Mann publishes another paper in bolstering his tree ring claim due to all of the controversy surrounding it. A Mann co-author and source of tree ring data (Professor Keith Briffa of the Hadley UK Climate Research Unit) used one of the tree ring data series (Yamal in Russia) in a paper published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society in 2008, which has a strict data archiving policy. Thanks to that policy, Steve McIntyre fought and won access to that data just last week.

4: Having the Yamal data in complete form, McIntyre replicates it, and discovers that one of Mann’s co-authors, Briffa, had cherry picked 10 tree data sets out of a much larger set of trees sampled in Yamal.

5: When all of the tree ring data from Yamal is plotted, the famous hockey stick disappears. Not only does it disappear, but goes negative. The conclusion is inescapable. The tree ring data was hand-picked to get the desired result.​

Note to AGW cultists:

If you have to lie to make your point, it ain't science. It's bullshit.
Now Daveboy, why don't you just shove both those barrels of tools which you don't know how to use up your ass. The present hockey stick graph, or present dozen or more, to be more accurate, does not depend on just tree rings, they have proxy data from seafloor sediments, coral, bore holes, ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica.

The unalterable fact remains for you poor simpletons, the Scientific Societies, Academies of Science, and major Universities all state the same thing. AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Soon that message is coming to the grocery store nearest you. A percentage of the Russian grain crop is at risk now from drought, even as we have lost a significant percentage of our corn and soybean crop.
Mann-made Warming Confirmed - By Chris Horner - Planet Gore - National Review Online
Steve McIntyre, a Canadian mathematician in Toronto, suspects tree rings aren’t telling a valid story with that giant uptick at the right side of the graph, implicating the 20th century as the “hottest period in 1000 years,” which alarmists latch onto as proof of AGW. The graph is dubbed the “Hockey Stick” and becomes famous worldwide. Al Gore uses it in his movie An Inconvenient Truth in the famous “elevator scene.”

2: Steve attempts to replicate Michael Mann’s tree ring work in the paper MBH98, but is stymied by lack of data archiving. He sends dozens of letters over the years trying to get access to data but access is denied. McIntyre and Ross McKitrick, of the University of Guelph publish a paper in 2004 criticizing the work. A new website is formed in 2004 called Real Climate, by the people who put together the tree ring data and they denounce the scientific criticism:

RealClimate: False Claims by McIntyre and McKitrick regarding the Mann et al. (1998) reconstruction

3: Years go by.McIntyre is still stymied trying to get access to the original source data so that he can replicate the Mann 1998 conclusion. In 2008 Mann publishes another paper in bolstering his tree ring claim due to all of the controversy surrounding it. A Mann co-author and source of tree ring data (Professor Keith Briffa of the Hadley UK Climate Research Unit) used one of the tree ring data series (Yamal in Russia) in a paper published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society in 2008, which has a strict data archiving policy. Thanks to that policy, Steve McIntyre fought and won access to that data just last week.

4: Having the Yamal data in complete form, McIntyre replicates it, and discovers that one of Mann’s co-authors, Briffa, had cherry picked 10 tree data sets out of a much larger set of trees sampled in Yamal.

5: When all of the tree ring data from Yamal is plotted, the famous hockey stick disappears. Not only does it disappear, but goes negative. The conclusion is inescapable. The tree ring data was hand-picked to get the desired result.
Note to AGW cultists:

If you have to lie to make your point, it ain't science. It's bullshit.

So what does that say about you using the lies of the hyperpartisan national review fishwrap to support delusional confusions?
Now Daveboy, why don't you just shove both those barrels of tools which you don't know how to use up your ass. The present hockey stick graph, or present dozen or more, to be more accurate, does not depend on just tree rings, they have proxy data from seafloor sediments, coral, bore holes, ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica.
And what reassurance do we have that the data from those sources was not cherry-picked as well?

The unalterable fact remains for you poor simpletons, the Scientific Societies, Academies of Science, and major Universities all state the same thing. AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Soon that message is coming to the grocery store nearest you. A percentage of the Russian grain crop is at risk now from drought, even as we have lost a significant percentage of our corn and soybean crop.
Fear-mongering and emotionalism. That's all you've got.

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