I don't always need to be calm but when I do, I kick over some televisions at a Walmart 🤣

Another one of MarcATL's brothers proving once again why they will never see "reparations."

Meantime, the patients have taken over the insane asylum now as the girl in yellow security vest stands there not knowing what to do--- meantime, right over in the next aisle are 50 baseball bats sitting waiting to take out this dude's knees.

You watch, after this, this piece of dirt will end up suing Walmart!

Looks special needs to me, possibly autistic. Note the arm flapping and the people who probably know him asking him to keep calm.

BTW I'm not excusing this, and we see it in school all the time. When this happens in school it prompts a "room clear". So the kid destroying stuff is left to it while everyone else must leave.

I wondered how long it would take for this to spiral up to the general public. Here we are.


Actually, philosophically, I agree with him.

It's what we all need to do with all of our TV's.

And the sooner that WalMart gets a clue and closes stores in "those neighborhoods", the better off they'll be. Maybe when the folks in those neighborhoods no longer have access to their cheap Chinese bling fix, they'll ALL calm down a little bit.

I certainly did. Every one of the goons inside that building deserved a bullet.

There, there. We understand you're really scared about what's happening in NYC right now. :itsok:

It'll all be okay. Just ask the nice nursie to up your meds a little bit.

Thanks for your thought provoking post.

I certainly did. Every one of the goons inside that building deserved a bullet.
In all of this, someone has to clean up the mess and makes things look good again. The inconvenience to employees is never questioned. With government damage though, the contractors are making great money.

Could be vax psychosis.

Doubtless , but just part of the larger picture , imho . Albeit a huge part .

And we have yet to fully reach that stage when we Pure Ones want to vent our fury on those that could not , would not and did not see beyond their noses .

It sometimes feels -- certanly true for me ---as though I need to dole out retribution just to get back my normally own inner calm , following the realisation how insanely stupid and dangerous so many of our so called neighbours are .
Not a good recipe for love and real prosperity , but I am trying to be honest .
Probably just chatting to myself
Looks special needs to me, possibly autistic. Note the arm flapping and the people who probably know him asking him to keep calm.

BTW I'm not excusing this, and we see it in school all the time. When this happens in school it prompts a "room clear". So the kid destroying stuff is left to it while everyone else must leave.

I wondered how long it would take for this to spiral up to the general public. Here we are.

When I was in school the crazy kids went to school at one end of the school, got out earlier than the rest of the kids and had their own special bus.

Nothing wrong with special needs people, but they need to be separated by a certain degree for their own good and the good of everyone else.

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