I Do Not Believe in Black Racism

This is the kind of disgusting behavior I'm talking about.

The book The New Jim Crow suggests questions we should consider: “Economist Glenn Loury once posed the question: are we willing to cast ourselves as a society that creates crimogenic conditions for some of its members, and then act out rituals of punishment against them?” A similar question can be posed with respect to shaming those trapped in ghettos:”are we willing to demonize a population, declare a war against them, and then stand back and heap shame and contempt upon them for failing to behave like model citizens while under attack?”

It is helpful to put the behavior of young black men who appear to embrace “gangsta culture” in the proper perspective. There is absolutely nothing abnormal about a severely stigmatized group embracing their stigma. Psychologists have long observed that when people feel hopelessly stigmatized, a powerful coping strategy is embracing one’s stigmatized identity.

For those black youth who are constantly followed by police and shamed by teachers, relatives and strangers, (and I’ll add being called the n-word) embracing the stigma of criminality is an act of rebellion – an attempt to carve out an identity in a society that offers them little more than scorn, contempt, and constant surveillance.”

I offer this, not as an excuse, but as an explanation.I believe that many of us white folks, if we were constantly, day after day, year after year, put down, called names, oppressed, pushed to the brink, unaccepted, feared, hated and demonized, would also blow-up and lash out in some form. We are not always the blameless saints we make ourselves out to be.

We are always offering psychological explanations when white people behave badly: "oh, he was drunk," "Oh, he was just under a lot of stress." "Oh, his dad beat him when he was a child," "Oh, he didn't start it, the other guy did.", "oh, he was high," etc., etc. But, when it comes to offering the same psychological explanations for black people behaving badly, we do not.

Ain't no explanation being offered from me for that type of crap except they need put down like the rabid dogs they are.

PS: All those paragraphs were an elaborate excuse. It was you trying to justify it in your own mind somehow and coming up short.

Not really. I just recalled an incident. When I was single and living in Germantown I used to take walks after work. On one of these walks I was surrounded by 5 or 6 young black men. I said hello and kept walking. They kept walking with me and then one of them touched my arm. I kept walking. One of them finally said, "She's O.K., man, let's go," and they all left.

I did not have anything negative in my mind about them. I did not fear them. I did not hate them. I did not call them n******. If I'd had anything negative in me for them to pick up on, things might have gone differently. Negative vibes when picked up, will produce negative reactions. Not justifying, just trying to understand what sometimes happens in human interactions.
Who have I mistreated for years?

Really? Are we going tp ;play stupid?

Don't answer a question with a question.

Is that against the rules?

You ask a dumb ass question because you know exactly what I am talking about,

And until people like you stop paying these childish games, things will mot change.

There can't be a decent conversation when whites think they get to male up all he rules of hat conversation. We can't tall decently about r ace web whites thimk that the only way to see it is the way they see it. That's an example of white racism. That the way you see this issue is superior to everybody elses no mater how false it is.

This is what's going on here right now.

Foe someone to be so stupid as to actually believe my talking about racism that exists right here in this forum in front of everyone's faces faces is doing so to inflame while all the cracks about blacks, welfare, food stamps etc, is a show of just how ignorant and obtuse some of you whites here are.

And even worse when we try talking to you then you go to the default position. Such as "Who have I mistreated?". Well this is not just about you dumb ass. This is about the white race. The white race has mistreated other faces terribly and continues to do so. This is documented fact. But instead of trying to be honest, you fall back into disingenuous mod. " I didn't own anybody." What did I do?" " Who did mistreat?, "Show me this, show me that." All of this is dishonest bullshit that certain whites use to deflect from the issue and to derail the conversation.

We are going to have this conversation folks. We can have it now and whites can work to change or whites can face the same thing they have put on us in about 15-20 years when whites become a minority in America, You can continue being arrogant ad end up being slaughtered by the young blacks and Hispanics who are already out of patience with how certain whites act and see things or you can begin the press of reconciliation and making amends.

I'm 56 and may not be around in 20 years, but to had better start thinking about your children or grandchildren and the America you want them to live in. Because at the time whites become the minority those out of patience young blacks and Hispanics will be grown men and women some in positions of power and authority. At that time, your threats of terror because you out number people as you do now will fall upon the words bring it.

The choice is yours. America is getting browner, not whiter.

If anyone is still confused about what racism looks like - ^^^^^^^^^ - there it is.
Dumb ass whites wanting to be victims of racism will try to male anything out to be racist.

What prejudices have you experienced in person for being Black, though?

I certainly have experienced prejudices in person for being of Polish heritage.
This is the kind of disgusting behavior I'm talking about.

The book The New Jim Crow suggests questions we should consider: “Economist Glenn Loury once posed the question: are we willing to cast ourselves as a society that creates crimogenic conditions for some of its members, and then act out rituals of punishment against them?” A similar question can be posed with respect to shaming those trapped in ghettos:”are we willing to demonize a population, declare a war against them, and then stand back and heap shame and contempt upon them for failing to behave like model citizens while under attack?”

It is helpful to put the behavior of young black men who appear to embrace “gangsta culture” in the proper perspective. There is absolutely nothing abnormal about a severely stigmatized group embracing their stigma. Psychologists have long observed that when people feel hopelessly stigmatized, a powerful coping strategy is embracing one’s stigmatized identity.

For those black youth who are constantly followed by police and shamed by teachers, relatives and strangers, (and I’ll add being called the n-word) embracing the stigma of criminality is an act of rebellion – an attempt to carve out an identity in a society that offers them little more than scorn, contempt, and constant surveillance.”

I offer this, not as an excuse, but as an explanation.I believe that many of us white folks, if we were constantly, day after day, year after year, put down, called names, oppressed, pushed to the brink, unaccepted, feared, hated and demonized, would also blow-up and lash out in some form. We are not always the blameless saints we make ourselves out to be.

We are always offering psychological explanations when white people behave badly: "oh, he was drunk," "Oh, he was just under a lot of stress." "Oh, his dad beat him when he was a child," "Oh, he didn't start it, the other guy did.", "oh, he was high," etc., etc. But, when it comes to offering the same psychological explanations for black people behaving badly, we do not.

Ain't no explanation being offered from me for that type of crap except they need put down like the rabid dogs they are.

PS: All those paragraphs were an elaborate excuse. It was you trying to justify it in your own mind somehow and coming up short.

Not really. I just recalled an incident. When I was single and living in Germantown I used to take walks after work. On one of these walks I was surrounded by 5 or 6 young black men. I said hello and kept walking. They kept walking with me and then one of them touched my arm. I kept walking. One of them finally said, "She's O.K., man, let's go," and they all left.

I did not have anything negative in my mind about them. I did not fear them. I did not hate them. I did not call them n******. If I'd had anything negative in me for them to pick up on, things might have gone differently. Negative vibes when picked up, will produce negative reactions. Not justifying, just trying to understand what sometimes happens in human interactions.

Holy hiptard horseshit. There's a Darwin in your future...
If only blacks were chattel slaves in the history of humans I could agree, yet they were not, and the people that enslaved them were fellow black Africans, which sold them to the Arabs or Europeans....
From a book titled "Slaves in the Family", In 1556, Sir John Hawkins sailed from London to some landing point on the West African coast, and sent 80 men on shore to trap people. Villagers fought back and the poachers took just ten captives. Sailing farther south, Hawkins tried again, succeeded in filling his ship, and headed for the Caribbean. Eventually Europeans found an easier way of procuring workers, namely, encouraging black clans to fight one another and to sell their prisoners of war.
I am well aware of what my relatives did, yet, Western Europe would also sail to Eastern Europe and get white slaves in the same manner..Is it worse for white people to obtain slaves or black, Chinese, Native American Indians, etc,etc.?
One is no worse than the other. It's just that living here in the U.S. we are still suffering the consequences of actions that subjugated certain people and I think we should find ways of righting those wrongs.

Such as?
Creating equal opportunities, equal education, equal housing, acceptance of folks instead of tolerance of folks. Removing the 3/5 human law from the books. Instituting laws that end mass incarceration. Rebuilding inner cities that have been virtually abandoned. Insisting that large corporations like Walmart and McDonalds pay higher wages so that people who work there make a decent living. Stopping corporate welfare. Ending lobbying in Washington. Ending campaigns that make it possible for only the rich folks to be represented in Washington.

Are you advocating for Communism?
I have read many posts about what people are calling Black racism. I found this definition of racism: “a belief that race is the primary determinate of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.”

I realize that pointing out the existence of racism and the need to discuss it stirs up sensitivities on both sides. I also realize the need to admit that the white race in this country has historically seen itself as superior to other races, particularly the black race. If you watch the documentary, “Race, the Power of an Illusion,” you will learn that our “founding fathers” intentionally created the myth of white superiority to gain and keep control of property and lands.

While I as a white person have experienced the ugliness of being hated and mistreated for who I am, I do not consider that experiencing racism. When a black person is hostile towards me, I do not view it as racism against me. I do not like it. I do not run from it. I deal with it as best I can. But I do not consider it racism.

I do consider this. African Americans who are descendants of slaves, cross paths with descendants of slave owners every day. Descendants of the people who bought and sold their ancestors. Descendants of the people who raped, whipped and murdered their ancestors. Descendants of the very ones who owned their ancestors, and treated them like animals, considering them 3/5 human. And now these descendants are their teachers, their employers, their merchants, their neighbors and their co-workers.

And many still carry ingrained attitudes of superiority with them, consciously or unconsciously. And these attitudes are conveyed in many subtle, unspoken terms.

I believe that the biggest difficulty in race relations lies in the inability of white people to listen to black people. I mean really listen. Without criticizing. Without defending. Without interfering. Without interjecting our values, our opinions, and our view point. I believe that most of us white people still see life from the view of the oppressor. And from that standpoint, we will never fully understand the views, actions and reactions of the oppressed.
How old are you? Which university do you attend, if you are old enough?
I am 66 and I did not attend any university.
I will give you credit, at least you cite your references and have not resorted to name-calling.
I think that your observation about fear and understanding previously is quite accurate. I do not agree that only white people fail to listen the way you describe above. Unfortunately, blacks and whites have allowed themselves to be manipulated and polarized in order to continue a false narrative. The biggest problem I see is the inability of so many to see just how they are used by politicians and to step across that line and join forces against these manipulative predators.
That is illogical. Sorry, but it is.

No actually its not. I don't expect some of you to understand what being said I do expect the sane old dumb crap that I am about to respond to from gallantwarrior who uses the hundreds of years ago excuse when racism , the same white racism, is going on right now, Hell it's being posted in here even.

You're entitled to your emotions, but logic is logic.

If you actually believe that you have the righto mistreat someone for years and they are not to be angry about it, ....

Who have I mistreated for years?
but we live in a country of institutional racism.

1.) So, how come Obama was voted in?

2.) What about Affirmative Action?

3.) What about the fact that Blacks with lower test scores have a higher acceptance rate into Med school?

4.) What about that Blacks have the only widely publicized Ethnic History Month, of Black History Month?

5.) What about the Minority Business Development Agency?

6.) How come White racism is taken more seriously?

7.) How come when I look at media, or Hollywood prejudices it's usually directed at Poles, Italians, or Southern Whites?
As a black person I will say Delores has got it spot on. This isn't just about slavery. What happened when slavery ended? Up until 52 years ago we were not afforded equal constitutional rights and protections because of laws made by whites. When I was born I did not have equal projection by law. And even though the law forbids overt racism now whites still practice it while enacting policies they know are targeted for people of color. Such as gutting voting rights, the attack on Affirmative action, the lies abut what affirmative action actually is, the attack on welfare and similar programs targeting poverty So I do think that when whites start whining about blacks one anyone else f color being racists they need to consider exactly what white racism has entailed first. Because it hasn't stopped and that's why Donald Trump is the president of the United States right now.
So, your answer to perceived "white racism" is to give blacks carte blanche when they practice "black racism"? Boy, yo' mamma did a poor job raisin' you if she never taught you that two wrongs don't make it right. Where's all that turn the other cheek, practice tolerance demanded of "white" people?
From the movie, The Great Debaters: James Farmer Jr.: In Texas they lynch Negroes. My teammates and I saw a man strung up by his neck and set on fire. We drove through a lynch mob, pressed our faces against the floorboard. I looked at my teammates. I saw the fear in their eyes and, worse, the shame. What was this Negro's crime that he should be hung without trial in a dark forest filled with fog. Was he a thief? Was he a killer? Or just a Negro? Was he a sharecropper? A preacher? Were his children waiting up for him? And who are we to just lie there and do nothing. No matter what he did, the mob was the criminal. But the law did nothing. Just left us wondering, "Why?" My opponent says nothing that erodes the rule of law can be moral. But there is no rule of law in the Jim Crow south. Not when Negroes are denied housing. Turned away from schools, hospitals. And not when we are lynched. St Augustine said, "An unjust law in no law at all.' Which means I have a right, even a duty to resist. With violence or civil disobedience. You should pray I choose the latter.

Yes, Jesus taught turning the other cheek, but he also threw the money changers out of the temple and always sided with the poor and oppressed while condemning the hypocrisy of the religious elite.
That still does not justify blacks conducting themselves in similar ways. How is sucker-punching an elderly white man walking down the street justified by lynchings conducted years ago? How does the poor treatment of blacks before the 60's and 70's brought some enlightenment justify them rioting in the streets, burning small business, looting, or conducting flash mobs raids?
At 66, you very well understand what I meant by "two wrongs don't make it right".
If only blacks were chattel slaves in the history of humans I could agree, yet they were not, and the people that enslaved them were fellow black Africans, which sold them to the Arabs or Europeans....
From a book titled "Slaves in the Family", In 1556, Sir John Hawkins sailed from London to some landing point on the West African coast, and sent 80 men on shore to trap people. Villagers fought back and the poachers took just ten captives. Sailing farther south, Hawkins tried again, succeeded in filling his ship, and headed for the Caribbean. Eventually Europeans found an easier way of procuring workers, namely, encouraging black clans to fight one another and to sell their prisoners of war.
I am well aware of what my relatives did, yet, Western Europe would also sail to Eastern Europe and get white slaves in the same manner..Is it worse for white people to obtain slaves or black, Chinese, Native American Indians, etc,etc.?
One is no worse than the other. It's just that living here in the U.S. we are still suffering the consequences of actions that subjugated certain people and I think we should find ways of righting those wrongs.
Have you looked outside your own walls? The US is a veritable paradise, friend. Wrongs? Most Americans haven't a clue what "wrongs" are, as they are ignorant of "poverty".
I have read many posts about what people are calling Black racism. I found this definition of racism: “a belief that race is the primary determinate of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.”

I realize that pointing out the existence of racism and the need to discuss it stirs up sensitivities on both sides. I also realize the need to admit that the white race in this country has historically seen itself as superior to other races, particularly the black race. If you watch the documentary, “Race, the Power of an Illusion,” you will learn that our “founding fathers” intentionally created the myth of white superiority to gain and keep control of property and lands.

While I as a white person have experienced the ugliness of being hated and mistreated for who I am, I do not consider that experiencing racism. When a black person is hostile towards me, I do not view it as racism against me. I do not like it. I do not run from it. I deal with it as best I can. But I do not consider it racism.

I do consider this. African Americans who are descendants of slaves, cross paths with descendants of slave owners every day. Descendants of the people who bought and sold their ancestors. Descendants of the people who raped, whipped and murdered their ancestors. Descendants of the very ones who owned their ancestors, and treated them like animals, considering them 3/5 human. And now these descendants are their teachers, their employers, their merchants, their neighbors and their co-workers.

And many still carry ingrained attitudes of superiority with them, consciously or unconsciously. And these attitudes are conveyed in many subtle, unspoken terms.

I believe that the biggest difficulty in race relations lies in the inability of white people to listen to black people. I mean really listen. Without criticizing. Without defending. Without interfering. Without interjecting our values, our opinions, and our view point. I believe that most of us white people still see life from the view of the oppressor. And from that standpoint, we will never fully understand the views, actions and reactions of the oppressed.
We told the indians what it would take to fit in. Most stayed on the reservation but some assimilated and flourished. Blacks have the opportunity to assimilate but instead they choose pants down and eubonics. I see blacks points but enough listening to blacks complain.

Step one. Don't have kids you can't afford and won't raise right.

Step two. Raise your kids right. They will do well. They live in the greatest country on the planet.
As a black person I will say Delores has got it spot on. This isn't just about slavery. What happened when slavery ended? Up until 52 years ago we were not afforded equal constitutional rights and protections because of laws made by whites. When I was born I did not have equal projection by law. And even though the law forbids overt racism now whites still practice it while enacting policies they know are targeted for people of color. Such as gutting voting rights, the attack on Affirmative action, the lies abut what affirmative action actually is, the attack on welfare and similar programs targeting poverty So I do think that when whites start whining about blacks one anyone else f color being racists they need to consider exactly what white racism has entailed first. Because it hasn't stopped and that's why Donald Trump is the president of the United States right now.

If you hate it so much, and feel so oppressed, you can feel free to move to Africa.
Any person, no matter what race they may be, may be a racist. No one group has that market cornered.

No this is not so. .....

Sure it is. This is where the discussion often slides into semantics.
I could use the same examples for Native American nations, Hispanics, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, and other Asian populations, populations from the pacific islands and people from the middle east. Until whites can understand what they have done to these groups and fix the damage that was created, there is no right to judgment from them about racism.

As a Polish American, I owe who what?

Funny, how you left out that White Catholics, and Jews haven't been treated very well, either.

Maybe that's by intention, or is it by ignorance?
Who have I mistreated for years?

Really? Are we going tp ;play stupid?

Don't answer a question with a question.

Is that against the rules?

You ask a dumb ass question because you know exactly what I am talking about,

And until people like you stop paying these childish games, things will mot change.

There can't be a decent conversation when whites think they get to male up all he rules of hat conversation. We can't tall decently about r ace web whites thimk that the only way to see it is the way they see it. That's an example of white racism. That the way you see this issue is superior to everybody elses no mater how false it is.

This is what's going on here right now.

Foe someone to be so stupid as to actually believe my talking about racism that exists right here in this forum in front of everyone's faces faces is doing so to inflame while all the cracks about blacks, welfare, food stamps etc, is a show of just how ignorant and obtuse some of you whites here are.

And even worse when we try talking to you then you go to the default position. Such as "Who have I mistreated?". Well this is not just about you dumb ass. This is about the white race. The white race has mistreated other faces terribly and continues to do so. This is documented fact. But instead of trying to be honest, you fall back into disingenuous mod. " I didn't own anybody." What did I do?" " Who did mistreat?, "Show me this, show me that." All of this is dishonest bullshit that certain whites use to deflect from the issue and to derail the conversation.

We are going to have this conversation folks. We can have it now and whites can work to change or whites can face the same thing they have put on us in about 15-20 years when whites become a minority in America, You can continue being arrogant ad end up being slaughtered by the young blacks and Hispanics who are already out of patience with how certain whites act and see things or you can begin the press of reconciliation and making amends.

I'm 56 and may not be around in 20 years, but to had better start thinking about your children or grandchildren and the America you want them to live in. Because at the time whites become the minority those out of patience young blacks and Hispanics will be grown men and women some in positions of power and authority. At that time, your threats of terror because you out number people as you do now will fall upon the words bring it.

The choice is yours. America is getting browner, not whiter.

If anyone is still confused about what racism looks like - ^^^^^^^^^ - there it is.
You must remember that racism means having the power to put that hatred into law and mandating the treatment of people according to their skin color. Black folks do not currently have the power to run the country. If they did, I believe they would mostly feel like Frederick Douglass who said,"No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck.”
Think again, sister. You don't see the pendulum swinging?
If only blacks were chattel slaves in the history of humans I could agree, yet they were not, and the people that enslaved them were fellow black Africans, which sold them to the Arabs or Europeans....
From a book titled "Slaves in the Family", In 1556, Sir John Hawkins sailed from London to some landing point on the West African coast, and sent 80 men on shore to trap people. Villagers fought back and the poachers took just ten captives. Sailing farther south, Hawkins tried again, succeeded in filling his ship, and headed for the Caribbean. Eventually Europeans found an easier way of procuring workers, namely, encouraging black clans to fight one another and to sell their prisoners of war.
I am well aware of what my relatives did, yet, Western Europe would also sail to Eastern Europe and get white slaves in the same manner..Is it worse for white people to obtain slaves or black, Chinese, Native American Indians, etc,etc.?
One is no worse than the other. It's just that living here in the U.S. we are still suffering the consequences of actions that subjugated certain people and I think we should find ways of righting those wrongs.

Such as?
Creating equal opportunities, equal education, equal housing, acceptance of folks instead of tolerance of folks. Removing the 3/5 human law from the books. Instituting laws that end mass incarceration. Rebuilding inner cities that have been virtually abandoned. Insisting that large corporations like Walmart and McDonalds pay higher wages so that people who work there make a decent living. Stopping corporate welfare. Ending lobbying in Washington. Ending campaigns that make it possible for only the rich folks to be represented in Washington.
Equal opportunities, education, housing...Forcing businesses to pay "living wages", rebuilding inner cities...Nothing stops anyone from achieving a decent living except they, themselves. It is grievously unfortunate that people, particularly blacks, have bought into that victim mythology. Just like there are plenty of good black families around, there are many great examples of how black people strove for and achieved great things. Those people are not used as examples for others striving to become more than they are told they can ever be.
I do agree, we need to change Washington. We need to change government. We will never do that until enough of us decide to cross the line and fire the entrenched wealthy politicians. But that would require a lot of people entrenched in the narrative to defy those who write the narrative.
Well maybe you need to go look at the recent decisions made relative to those bogus voter ID laws before you run your mouth.
There are no voter ID laws stopping colored people from voting anywhere they please. .... :cool:


Federal Judge Says Texas Voter ID Law Intentionally Discriminates

A federal judge ruled on Monday that the voter identification law the Texas Legislature passed in 2011 was enacted with the intent to discriminate against black and Hispanic voters, raising the possibility that the state’s election procedures could be put back under federal oversight.

In a long-running case over the legality of one of the toughest voter ID laws in the country, the judge found that the law violated the federal Voting Rights Act.


Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down North Carolina Voter ID Requirement

A federal appeals court decisively struck down North Carolina’s voter identification law on Friday, saying its provisions deliberately “target African-Americans with almost surgical precision” in an effort to depress black turnout at the polls.


Whitey gets blamed for what whitey does. Learn that.

Are you implying that brown people are too stupid to get an ID?
Obviously he/she/it is too stoopid.
You're entitled to your emotions, but logic is logic.

If you actually believe that you have the righto mistreat someone for years and they are not to be angry about it, ....

Who have I mistreated for years?

Really? Are we going tp ;play stupid?

Don't answer a question with a question.

We are going to have this conversation folks. We can have it now and whites can work to change or whites can face the same thing they have put on us in about 15-20 years when whites become a minority in America, You can continue being arrogant ad end up being slaughtered by the young blacks and Hispanics who are already out of patience with how certain whites act and see things or you can begin the press of reconciliation and making amends.

I have little doubt that enough non-Whites feel this way, that they want to seek revenge on Whites.

It truly exposes just how retarded anti-Racist Whites like Unkotare truly are.
Any person, no matter what race they may be, may be a racist. No one group has that market cornered.

No this is not so. .....

Sure it is. This is where the discussion often slides into semantics.
I could use the same examples for Native American nations, Hispanics, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, and other Asian populations, populations from the pacific islands and people from the middle east. Until whites can understand what they have done to these groups and fix the damage that was created, there is no right to judgment from them about racism.

As a Polish American, I owe who what?

Funny, how you left out that White Catholics, and Jews haven't been treated very well, either.

Maybe that's by intention, or is it by ignorance?
But many Catholics and Jews are white, therefore they are racist and deserve what they get!
There is a logic here somewhere: white people are racist, some catholics and jews are white, therefore all catholics and jews are racist.
Don't focus on race, focus on what you can do to better your life..

Don't tell me what not to focus on. You're white. Live black hen come talk. I have done pretty good. But that doesn't mean I oard my blessing and forget those in the trenches because a bunch of nobody accomplishing nothing white people at an internet site don't like the truth.

You and whoever else has a problem with what I posted about voter id laws, then take your asses to those judges and talk shit.

Again I believe that racism has been explained. Now if you cannot understand that what you call black racism does not meet those terms, that's your problem.

This nation had focused on race from day one and has not stopped doing it. Whites are the main ones doing it. Go learn the damage that was created thn help fix it.
Boy, you really should stop posting when you've had a few. That was practically incoherent, even given your typical scribbling.
So that excuses a young, able-bodied boy beating up on the elderly man who is clearly unable to defend himself, correct?

No, and the bad lil mofo's friend was egging him on.

That old man would have been well within his rights to pull out a gun and blow the punk

Seems that you want to excuse the racial slur that old man made. That old racist should not have made the racial slur if he was unable to defend himself..

Seems you think 2 wrongs make a right. :cuckoo:

So if some 87-year old man with dementia called you a nigga, you'd beat him silly, huh?

You're the sorriest excuse for a human being currently on this board, IMO.

Why is it that whites like you always try finding a way to excuse whites for wrongs while holding others to separate standards you don't follow yourselves?

So stop making assumptions.

But, the big question is it Mediterranean's, or Whites who are the "Issue"

Keep in mind Mediterranean Arabs enslaved more than Europeans, and the Europeans who started the Atlantic Slave Trade, and who took the most Black slaves were Mediterranean Portuguese, and Spaniards?
And Portuguese and Spaniards of the time period in question already had a large dose of Moorish blood in their veins.

According to this genetic PCA plot Spaniards are about half way between an Estonian, and an Algerian.


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