"I can’t use it?" White South Carolina cop suspended for repeating the n-word on camera

I referred to Obama as mulatto on FB and at least 150 FB ‘friends’ (mostly white) descended upon me with insults, disparagement and castigation.

Good for you. Who cares what they think, right? Don't submit to them.

If you think he's a mulatto, then say it out loud. If you don't see anything wrong with using the n-word, then say that too. Don't just hide behind a screen name on an anonymous message board. Say all of those things in public.
Problem is, I have to work to make a living and I’ve been blackballed by this lefty lynch mob.

Yup it’s a real dilemma. You can either be a patriot and speak your mind. Or you can be a coward and refuse to offend the libtards.
Or you can be a conscientious pragmatist who holds onto his beliefs while not creating hardships for his family.

Youre censoring yourself. I don’t blame you for wanting to protect your family from embarrassment over your terrible beliefs.

I suspect a lot of people here do that. They come here to let it all out anonymously because they’re afraid to say it in public.

My point is, if any of you feel so adamant about using the n word in public, then do it and deal with the consequences. Otherwise it just looks like an impotent rage - incessant whining about how the world is unfair to you. Deal with it. Make your choice and shut the fuck up.
So you’d yell ‘fire!’ in a crowded theater?

No. I wouldn’t.

Not unless there was one.
So why should I say ****** around a bunch of democrat bigots who say ****** incessantly?

Say what you believe. Or hide your embarrassing beliefs in public. Up to you.
None of my beliefs are embarrassing. What made you think that? The problem is with bigots using threats to deny speech.
You’re another phony.
Funny how you won't call someone that while you are by yourself, but when you have 3 or 4 buddies with you a lot of courage comes to the forefront.
Call someone what? What did I say I'd call someone when I have 3-4 of my "buddies" with me? Please link the post where I said that. Didn't I just say that names are just words and only hurt those with thin skins when the name gets too close to the truth? So, are you confirming that you are another thin-skinned pussy?
babble shit from you---WE KNOW blacks are violent idiots !!
Say that in public. Go for it.
Ah...what? What are you gambling, that he'll get beat up to a pulp for saying that to prove they AREN'T violent? :smoke:
Thanks for proving his point.

So he's afraid of saying it in real life. Got it.
Got what? Are you confirming that he WOULD get beat up badly for calling another group violent? Doesn't that prove he's right? Intelligent people do not fear much less fight over words. Intelligent societies do not "ban" some words for their alleged vulgarity or ugliness yet allow others blindly. Intelligent people are perfectly capable of policing themselves. Reasonable people are perfectly capable of tolerating words, even offensive ones.

What a sadly hypocritical state for America that it finds itself more offended and concerned by the simple utterance of vowels and syllables than it does the murdering of countless thousands of innocent babies every year.
Got what?

That's he afraid of saying it in real life.

I thought I made that clear.

The only thing you've made clear is that some people fear and are triggered by mere words more badly than they are actual important things.

I'm saying that he's afraid of saying things in real life that he says on here.

If you're still unclear on that, then there's nothing I can do for you. Sorry.

Isn't the real point that we as a society have MADE people afraid for their lives to say certain mere words in public that are routinely said by others casually?

America is now at the point where no one is even thinking any longer. Merely REACTING. That's what animals do.

AMAZING the many important things we Americans will tolerate and accept like war, murder, government theft and corruption, while becoming absolutely filled with murderous rage over mere simple, harmless words.

The social organizers are laughing and have won. We've become idiots on puppet strings.
Isn't the real point ...

My point is that he's afraid of saying things in real life that he says on here.

A point that you apparently find unclear. Sorry.
Why do you repeat that? No one cares about your point. Everyone already knows that. Apparently you don't see what "your point" says about us as a society even though I've spelled it out for you. Maybe you just don't WANT to see what it says, don't care, or maybe it is just to far over your head.
Why do you repeat that? No one cares about your point.

Because that's what you were unclear about.

And I'm not interested in what you think the real point is.
I'm never unclear. But you are always uninterested in what the other person has to say, which is why dialog with you is impossible. All you care about is YOUR point, which is really no point at all.
Why do you repeat that? No one cares about your point.

Because that's what you were unclear about.

And I'm not interested in what you think the real point is.
I'm never unclear. But you are always uninterested in what the other person has to say, which is why dialog with you is impossible. All you care about is YOUR point, which is really no point at all.

You're right. I'm not interested in what you think the real point is.

You just kind of intruded into a conversation and decided that the real point was something we weren't discussing. Not interested, sorry.

See ya.
Why do you repeat that? No one cares about your point.

Because that's what you were unclear about.

And I'm not interested in what you think the real point is.
I'm never unclear. But you are always uninterested in what the other person has to say, which is why dialog with you is impossible. All you care about is YOUR point, which is really no point at all.

You're right. I'm not interested in what you think the real point is.

You just kind of intruded into a different conversation and decided that the real point was something we weren't discussing. Not interested, sorry.

See ya.
You just had to get the last word in. You're not the least bit interested in understanding your own topic any deeper than what it was you intended. Just because you didn't realize the full import of what you were saying doesn't mean the the meaning wasn't there.
Funny how you won't call someone that while you are by yourself, but when you have 3 or 4 buddies with you a lot of courage comes to the forefront.
Call someone what? What did I say I'd call someone when I have 3-4 of my "buddies" with me? Please link the post where I said that. Didn't I just say that names are just words and only hurt those with thin skins when the name gets too close to the truth? So, are you confirming that you are another thin-skinned pussy?

Funny listening to internet tough guys, again most of you are tough when you have 3 or 4 of your buddies with you against ONE man.
Funny how you won't call someone that while you are by yourself, but when you have 3 or 4 buddies with you a lot of courage comes to the forefront.
Call someone what? What did I say I'd call someone when I have 3-4 of my "buddies" with me? Please link the post where I said that. Didn't I just say that names are just words and only hurt those with thin skins when the name gets too close to the truth? So, are you confirming that you are another thin-skinned pussy?

Funny listening to internet tough guys, again most of you are tough when you have 3 or 4 of your buddies with you against ONE man.
Like a BLM mob.
Funny how you won't call someone that while you are by yourself, but when you have 3 or 4 buddies with you a lot of courage comes to the forefront.
Call someone what? What did I say I'd call someone when I have 3-4 of my "buddies" with me? Please link the post where I said that. Didn't I just say that names are just words and only hurt those with thin skins when the name gets too close to the truth? So, are you confirming that you are another thin-skinned pussy?

Funny listening to internet tough guys, again most of you are tough when you have 3 or 4 of your buddies with you against ONE man.
Like a BLM mob.

I haven't seen any BLM mobs going out and beating, torturing and lynching folks.
Funny how you won't call someone that while you are by yourself, but when you have 3 or 4 buddies with you a lot of courage comes to the forefront.
Call someone what? What did I say I'd call someone when I have 3-4 of my "buddies" with me? Please link the post where I said that. Didn't I just say that names are just words and only hurt those with thin skins when the name gets too close to the truth? So, are you confirming that you are another thin-skinned pussy?

Funny listening to internet tough guys, again most of you are tough when you have 3 or 4 of your buddies with you against ONE man.
Like a BLM mob.

I haven't seen any BLM mobs going out and beating, torturing and lynching folks.
Change the channel.
They’ve burned cities. They targeted and assassinated police.
You’re another phony.
Funny how you won't call someone that while you are by yourself, but when you have 3 or 4 buddies with you a lot of courage comes to the forefront.
Call someone what? What did I say I'd call someone when I have 3-4 of my "buddies" with me? Please link the post where I said that. Didn't I just say that names are just words and only hurt those with thin skins when the name gets too close to the truth? So, are you confirming that you are another thin-skinned pussy?

Funny listening to internet tough guys, again most of you are tough when you have 3 or 4 of your buddies with you against ONE man.
Like a BLM mob.

I haven't seen any BLM mobs going out and beating, torturing and lynching folks.
Change the channel.
They’ve burned cities. They targeted and assassinated police.
You’re another phony.

The phony is clowns like you. What cities have they burned down? They haven't targeted and assassinated police. Just more right wing propaganda as usual.

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