"""I Can Smell It"""


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, the end of Crooked, Liar, Hillary Clinton, and her Party, which includes Mini Puppets!!!

A Significant Number of Bernie Sanders Supporters Still Won’t Back Hillary :evil:

Even though Socialist Bernie Sanders has endorsed Socialist Hillary, many of his supporters are still refusing to support her. This could spell big trouble for Socialist Hillary in November.:evil:

The Washington Examiner reports:

More Sanders voters say they will choose ‘other,’ or not vote, than back Clinton:evil:

Supporters of Socialist Democrat Sen. Bernie Sanders are not following his lead in backing Socialist Hillary Rodham Clinton, detouring away from the establishment Socialist Democrat to other candidates including ""Donald Trump."":happy-1:

A new Economist/YouGov poll showed that the crooked email scandal and lying about it, and FBI Director James Comey’s charge that Clinton’s behavior was “extremely careless,” has led Sanders backers to abandon the former secretary of State, she should be in jail.:funnyface:

Since Comey’s House testimony, support for Clinton has dropped "12 points, to 41 percent." For the first time, Sanders supporters now prefer either someone else or they won’t vote for the crook.:laugh:

It is the latest evidence that Clinton suffers from a trust and honesty deficit, my, my, my.:iagree:

And some "14 percent support Trump," a number that has increased in the last month as the Sanders campaign died.:happy-1::happy-1:

"Trump has wisely reached out to these voters.":party:

Hopefully, some of them will vote for him!:udaman:

A Significant Number of Bernie Sanders Supporters Still Won’t Back Hillary

It`s A Real Pisser:

100% wrong, dark. Trump will get less than 40% of the total vote and may lose all but three of CrusaderFrank's 57 states.
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/2 - 7/16 -- -- 43.8 40.6 Clinton +3.2
CNN/ORC 7/13 - 7/16 872 RV 3.5 49 42 Clinton +7
ABC News/Wash Post 7/11 - 7/14 816 RV 4.0 47 43 Clinton +4
Rasmussen Reports 7/12 - 7/13 1000 LV 3.0 37 44 Trump +7
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 7/9 - 7/13 1000 RV 3.1 46 41 Clinton +5
CBS News/NY Times 7/8 - 7/12 1358 RV 3.0 40 40 Tie
Economist/YouGov 7/9 - 7/11 932 RV 4.5 45 43 Clinton +2
McClatchy/Marist 7/5 - 7/9 1053 RV 3.0 42 39 Clinton +3
Reuters/Ipsos 7/2 - 7/6 1345 RV 2.8 44 33 Clinton +11
All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Polling Data

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

There is usually a convention bounce for each of the candidates. Don't see it yet for Trump.

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