I Beat Covid

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I am just now starting to feel better after fighting a “cold” over the past 10-12 days. While I did not go to the doctor (why would I? It was a cold) or take any diagnostic test, I believe that I had the Covid virus. Let me explain.

It came on suddenly one evening. It started with a tickle in my throat and a dry cough. The next day I was experiencing congestion in both my head and chest along with a sore throat and cough. That night I suffered fever and chilled. The next week plus found me fatigued and coughing.

I had fever and chills the first 3 nights in a row, along with muscle aches. Serious head and sinus congestion resulted in headaches and coughing, and a lot of pressure. Eventually, the night fever stopped, but the fatigue lingered.

At the end of one week, I started losing taste and smell. Eating without being able to taste your food is kind of a gross experience. Fortunately, I had no appetite. I tried to eat my favorite strawberry yogurt but could not because the once sweet strawberry was now bitter and unpleasant.

Over a week later and I am starting to feel better. My ear popped last night, suggesting that the pressure in my head is subsiding, and allow me to hear better. I feel like my taste, while still messed up, is starting to come back. I woke up hungry this morning, which has not been the case for a week and a half. There is a cough remaining, but it is no biggie.

Given that it came on so quickly and intensely, I am convinced that I had a viral infection. I have not had something like this in decades. The last time I had something on this level was the flu, which was like 30 years ago. I do not get sick often.

It is not flu season yet. However, Covid cases are reportedly surging again. I have never had the Wu-Tang flu, nor have I taken the “vaccines”.

Could I had had something other than Covid? Yes. Could I have had Covid? Yes. Given the symptoms and the backdrop of the Covid-Wu, I think it is quite likely that I just had a bought with the China flu.

Here is how this shit differed from other shit I have had. First, having my taste and smell fucked with is new to me. It is also rather unsettling. Second, it seems like it lasts forever. As soon as you think you are getting a tiny bit better, you get hid with fatigue and have to go sleep for 12 hours. Lots of naps are needed. It’s like the flu on steroids.

So there you have it. I, a 52 yr old male, finally contracted the Covid and survived it without the assistance of any of those fake vaccines. I did not go to the doctor. I did not quarantine. I did not wear a mask. Nobody around me got sick. I took Mucinex, Aleve, and drank a lot of water. I note that I am still not completely well. But I am on a uptick and improving.

Fuck this whole public health approach bullshit. Just man up, get it, and get over it. It is not as deadly as it was at first, and the natural immunity you get is far better than any protection you think you are getting from the fake vaccines. Unless you are elderly or have cancer, for example, you should not be taking those vaccines. You should not be wearing those stupid masks either. You are fucking with nature and making things worse for everyone.
I am just now starting to feel better after fighting a “cold” over the past 10-12 days. While I did not go to the doctor (why would I? It was a cold) or take any diagnostic test, I believe that I had the Covid virus. Let me explain.

It came on suddenly one evening. It started with a tickle in my throat and a dry cough. The next day I was experiencing congestion in both my head and chest along with a sore throat and cough. That night I suffered fever and chilled. The next week plus found me fatigued and coughing.

I had fever and chills the first 3 nights in a row, along with muscle aches. Serious head and sinus congestion resulted in headaches and coughing, and a lot of pressure. Eventually, the night fever stopped, but the fatigue lingered.

At the end of one week, I started losing taste and smell. Eating without being able to taste your food is kind of a gross experience. Fortunately, I had no appetite. I tried to eat my favorite strawberry yogurt but could not because the once sweet strawberry was now bitter and unpleasant.

Over a week later and I am starting to feel better. My ear popped last night, suggesting that the pressure in my head is subsiding, and allow me to hear better. I feel like my taste, while still messed up, is starting to come back. I woke up hungry this morning, which has not been the case for a week and a half. There is a cough remaining, but it is no biggie.

Given that it came on so quickly and intensely, I am convinced that I had a viral infection. I have not had something like this in decades. The last time I had something on this level was the flu, which was like 30 years ago. I do not get sick often.

It is not flu season yet. However, Covid cases are reportedly surging again. I have never had the Wu-Tang flu, nor have I taken the “vaccines”.

Could I had had something other than Covid? Yes. Could I have had Covid? Yes. Given the symptoms and the backdrop of the Covid-Wu, I think it is quite likely that I just had a bought with the China flu.

Here is how this shit differed from other shit I have had. First, having my taste and smell fucked with is new to me. It is also rather unsettling. Second, it seems like it lasts forever. As soon as you think you are getting a tiny bit better, you get hid with fatigue and have to go sleep for 12 hours. Lots of naps are needed. It’s like the flu on steroids.

So there you have it. I, a 52 yr old male, finally contracted the Covid and survived it without the assistance of any of those fake vaccines. I did not go to the doctor. I did not quarantine. I did not wear a mask. Nobody around me got sick. I took Mucinex, Aleve, and drank a lot of water. I note that I am still not completely well. But I am on a uptick and improving.

Fuck this whole public health approach bullshit. Just man up, get it, and get over it. It is not as deadly as it was at first, and the natural immunity you get is far better than any protection you think you are getting from the fake vaccines. Unless you are elderly or have cancer, for example, you should not be taking those vaccines. You should not be wearing those stupid masks either. You are fucking with nature and making things worse for everyone.
Every single person I know who was vaxxed got the Covid, some of them twice. I just returned from a trip with people coughing on every plane I was on. Fingers crossed still haven't gotten it. No vax, no mask.
I got COVID 2 months after I received my second Pfizer shot. My wife got it a few weeks later, not as bad.
I was told my case was worse than average.
My son held out the longest since he was a pre-teen and has autism and allergies.
He never got COVID so far....not that we know of anyway.
I got COVID 2 months after I received my second Pfizer shot. My wife got it a few weeks later, not as bad.
I was told my case was worse than average.
My son held out the longest since he was a pre-teen and has autism and allergies.
He never got COVID so far....not that we know of anyway.
My best friend told me the same thing happened to him. He didn't get vaxxed until late 2021 and 2 months later he got Covid. Pretty cool "vaccine" they got there.
My best friend told me the same thing happened to him. He didn't get vaxxed until late 2021 and 2 months later he got Covid. Pretty cool "vaccine" they got there.

But Mike, the "vaccine" doesn't immunize you against getting Covid! How is it that people still don't understand this! The Covid vax merely reduces the severity of symptoms in an infected person, perhaps worthwhile if you are very old, say, 70-80 years old or very sick, nor does it even prevent spreading it to others.

So everything we were told during the covid outbreak and the need to get vaccinated was a lie. Wearing masks was a lie. Young people getting vaccinated, especially those in their 20s and younger, both a waste of time and even dangerous.

Normal annual sudden death rate in that age group is around 26. Past year, there have been something like 1200-1600 sudden unexplained deaths in young people/athletes.

The current strain of Covid is less severe I am told than the first, and they are working on a new updated vax, but still, WITH NO HUMAN TESTING. So, take it at your own risk.
If the latest iteration of Covid was more deadly than say, Omicron, then it would be an exceedingly rare manifestation of a virus. As a rule, viruses mutate so that they can remain "alive" and keep spreading to new hosts.
This means they change so they can more easily infect a host while at the same time, making that host less likely to die. I'm sure there have been exceptions but as a rule, viruses mutate to ensure their own survival. Pushing a new vaccine for the latest flavor of COVID-19 is just part of the plan to lock people down again at some point.
My best friend told me the same thing happened to him. He didn't get vaxxed until late 2021 and 2 months later he got Covid. Pretty cool "vaccine" they got there
My wife is from Peru and she has had several older family members there who died of covid. It really wasn't a total joke. But the flu and pneumonia can do that to you too. Nevertheless there was an intelligence that ran through the entire thing. Someone knew about it and used it. Yes I believe the vaccine was a total joke but I don't think covid itself was. It was basically as if a new strain of the flu came by in wreaked havoc on the population for a while. What is the truth about covid?. There are a lot of smoke and mirrors. On one side you have the camp that said it was nothing at all and we should all just get back to work don't forget about it.... and on the other side you have the camp that says they prevented a global catastrophe of proportions not seen since medieval times. Both scenarios are not feasible. It was a very real and plausible threat for a while but it was exploited and used for political and economic gain. It's pretty obvious what industries didn't profit from it and it's pretty obvious which ones did. And the Democrat politicians knew all along just exactly the who and the what. It's called taking advantage of a crisis for profit.

My belief is that they knew just how bad covid was and just how bad it was not. I think bioengineering has probably reached about that level, not to say it's not without risks. I truly believe that when people call it the PLANdemic, it is very aptly named. I believe several governments of the world and the pharmaceutical companies of the world have teamed up to make profitable guinea pigs of us all. Is marketing just like we have always dealt with only brought to a very critical and personal and demeaning level. The glitch in marketing isn't just aimed at ant and roach repellent for the household or supplements that make you think you're going to live to 95. They introduced something which is like the flu four times over and they're trying to sell you a bogus vaccine that doesn't work. It's called racketeering.
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I Beat Covid​

I am just now starting to feel better after fighting a “cold” over the past 10-12 days. While I did not go to the doctor (why would I? It was a cold) or take any diagnostic test, I believe that I had the Covid virus. Let me explain.

It came on suddenly one evening. It started with a tickle in my throat and a dry cough. The next day I was experiencing congestion in both my head and chest along with a sore throat and cough. That night I suffered fever and chilled. The next week plus found me fatigued and coughing.

I had fever and chills the first 3 nights in a row, along with muscle aches. Serious head and sinus congestion resulted in headaches and coughing, and a lot of pressure. Eventually, the night fever stopped, but the fatigue lingered.

At the end of one week, I started losing taste and smell. Eating without being able to taste your food is kind of a gross experience. Fortunately, I had no appetite. I tried to eat my favorite strawberry yogurt but could not because the once sweet strawberry was now bitter and unpleasant.

Over a week later and I am starting to feel better. My ear popped last night, suggesting that the pressure in my head is subsiding, and allow me to hear better. I feel like my taste, while still messed up, is starting to come back. I woke up hungry this morning, which has not been the case for a week and a half. There is a cough remaining, but it is no biggie.

Given that it came on so quickly and intensely, I am convinced that I had a viral infection. I have not had something like this in decades. The last time I had something on this level was the flu, which was like 30 years ago. I do not get sick often.

It is not flu season yet. However, Covid cases are reportedly surging again. I have never had the Wu-Tang flu, nor have I taken the “vaccines”.

Could I had had something other than Covid? Yes. Could I have had Covid? Yes. Given the symptoms and the backdrop of the Covid-Wu, I think it is quite likely that I just had a bought with the China flu.

Here is how this shit differed from other shit I have had. First, having my taste and smell fucked with is new to me. It is also rather unsettling. Second, it seems like it lasts forever. As soon as you think you are getting a tiny bit better, you get hid with fatigue and have to go sleep for 12 hours. Lots of naps are needed. It’s like the flu on steroids.

So there you have it. I, a 52 yr old male, finally contracted the Covid and survived it without the assistance of any of those fake vaccines. I did not go to the doctor. I did not quarantine. I did not wear a mask. Nobody around me got sick. I took Mucinex, Aleve, and drank a lot of water. I note that I am still not completely well. But I am on a uptick and improving.

Fuck this whole public health approach bullshit. Just man up, get it, and get over it. It is not as deadly as it was at first, and the natural immunity you get is far better than any protection you think you are getting from the fake vaccines. Unless you are elderly or have cancer, for example, you should not be taking those vaccines. You should not be wearing those stupid masks either. You are fucking with nature and making things worse for everyone.


You caught a common cold, and recovered from it.

It's not like anyone else has ever done that before.
Is Bruce Jenner a man, or is he a woman?
Another dumb post by a science illiterate.

So, you don't know, do you?

And that somehow proves that •I• am the “science illiterate”.

Which proves that you are smarter than Dagosa; not that it's a very high bar at all. At least you know what a man is, and what a woman is.
Hilarious. Like you would know what science says being an illiterate. The standard talking points of idiots..
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