I ask that those right of center not reply to this thread


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009
For those of you on the left.

The question is very simple, but with a very complex answer.

Detail what it is that you think will benefit the Middle Class.

Now, by benefit, I mean provide a means for them to retain their middle class status and to begin advancing themselves upward.

Take your time. Be specific and as detailed as you can.
I didn't bother to read the post! But, if I want to respond - place it where the sunshine cannot be viewed! :mad:
I didn't bother to read the post! But, if I want to respond - place it where the sunshine cannot be viewed! :mad:
Read much?

I didn't demand that anyone on the right not respond. When someone says, "I ask" then it is a request, isn't it? However, the purpose of the thread is to give the left a canvas for them to explain exactly, in exquisite detail, what they believe needs to be done to benefit the middle class.

But thanks for not playing.
I personally like the idea of no CEO or business owner make say 20 times the amount of his lowest worker. It is not a salary cap you can pay them much as the shareholders want.
For those of you on the left.

The question is very simple, but with a very complex answer.

Detail what it is that you think will benefit the Middle Class.

Now, by benefit, I mean provide a means for them to retain their middle class status and to begin advancing themselves upward.

Take your time. Be specific and as detailed as you can.

There is no "right," there is no "left." It is a convenient control paradigm created to get the middle class fighting and blaming the lower class, while the poor blame the rich. The elites don't give a shit, as long as no one is aware that the whole facade is a sham. Wake the fuck up, shut off your TV and radio, (which have been co-opted by the elites and are the most effective brainwashing/conditioning devices ever devised,) and start reading some independent non-corporate supported writing.

The elites have been using these methods for ruling the republic since the days of Rome, and it will go on that way till the masses take control of their own destiny. The scientific dictatorship has only gotten worse with the application of high tech means. Everything Aldous Huxley and George Orwell have prophesized have come to pass.

Divide et impera

Divide and rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Identity politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And of course, American Idol, the NFL and Food Stamps. IOW,

Panem et circenses

Bread and circuses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


For those of you on the left.

The question is very simple, but with a very complex answer.

Detail what it is that you think will benefit the Middle Class.

Now, by benefit, I mean provide a means for them to retain their middle class status and to begin advancing themselves upward.

Take your time. Be specific and as detailed as you can.

I'm only bypassing your request that those on the left respond to your question because of the lack of response from them which should tell you all you need to know if you put the same question to the right I doubt they would do any better.
I'm centered so that is not left of center nor right of center.
My suggestion (and solution) is to open up all avenues of domestic fossil fuel extraction and grant no subsidies for marriages except those that can result in procreation. Give fathers equal rights (and responsibility) as far as their potential offspring are concerned and that should pretty much do it.
For those of you on the left.

The question is very simple, but with a very complex answer.

Detail what it is that you think will benefit the Middle Class.

Now, by benefit, I mean provide a means for them to retain their middle class status and to begin advancing themselves upward.

Take your time. Be specific and as detailed as you can.

Do you understand what the word simple means? It is pretty much the opposite of complex.

Great idea for a thread......if only one thing ( policy ) is needed in order to realize a benefit for the middle class.

Those of us who know you.... are aware that you are asking this question because you know that nobody wants to waste the time on you......and you can then run around like an ass saying that liberals have no ideas.

The fact is....that our ideas and suggestions for benefitting the middle class are plastered all over these pages. We spell them out every day. Pay attention to what we say and your question will be answered.
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Ok. But, don't be surprised if I wake up at 3 in the morning and come out with an "and another thing!"

First and foremost acknowledge that there is no STEM shortage. Gates has deliberately and intentionally used H1B visas to lower wages. They aren't staying here. They move to another country and reopen another identical business and guess where the jobs go?
He started here:
Bill Gates Lies to Congress about Microsoft's H-1B Wages

Every year we say the same thing. There is no shortage.
What STEM shortage? Electrical engineering lost 35,000 jobs last year - Computerworld

So, drop those H1B Visas.

Stop outsourcing R & D. Stop doing it. Bring it back to the states.

Stop trying to privatize education, the police, the Post Office. Those individuals make up the middle class as well.

Nail the crop insurance BEFORE you make cuts to SNAP as that's where the fraud is.

End the Right to Work for Less crap.
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Disir, right to work means just that, right to work. Unions have run roughshod over American industry too long, look what they've done to Auto industry. I would like to have a choice of whom I work for, rather than be coaxed, pushed or prodded to join some union backed company.
Disir, right to work means just that, right to work. Unions have run roughshod over American industry too long, look what they've done to Auto industry. I would like to have a choice of whom I work for, rather than be coaxed, pushed or prodded to join some union backed company.

:eusa_hand: Everybody benefits in states that have unions. Even if you don't belong in one. Just as a heads up the union didn't destroy the auto industry. Crap ass vehicles and gas guzzlers and making vehicles (by design) that cost too much that fall apart too quickly destroyed the auto industry.
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For those of you on the left.

The question is very simple, but with a very complex answer.

Detail what it is that you think will benefit the Middle Class.

Now, by benefit, I mean provide a means for them to retain their middle class status and to begin advancing themselves upward.

Take your time. Be specific and as detailed as you can.

Do you understand what the word simple means? It is pretty much the opposite of complex.

Great idea for a thread......if only one thing ( policy ) is needed in order to realize a benefit for the middle class.

Those of us who know you.... are aware that you are asking this question because you know that nobody wants to waste the time on you......and you can then run around like an ass saying that liberals have no ideas.

The fact is....that our ideas and suggestions for benefitting the middle class are plastered all over these pages. We spell them out every day. Pay attention to what we say and your question will be answered.
No, they're not plastered all over these pages.

No, I am not employing a Democrat or USMB progressive tactic. I have no need to sink to that level.

Yes, I thought this would be your answer if you decided to answer. A shame. You could have done yourself a service.
Ok. But, don't be surprised if I wake up at 3 in the morning and come out with an "and another thing!"

First and foremost acknowledge that there is no STEM shortage. Gates has deliberately and intentionally used H1B visas to lower wages. They aren't staying here. They move to another country and reopen another identical business and guess where the jobs go?
He started here:
Bill Gates Lies to Congress about Microsoft's H-1B Wages

Every year we say the same thing. There is no shortage.
What STEM shortage? Electrical engineering lost 35,000 jobs last year - Computerworld

So, drop those H1B Visas.

Stop outsourcing R & D. Stop doing it. Bring it back to the states.

Stop trying to privatize education, the police, the Post Office. Those individuals make up the middle class as well.

Nail the crop insurance BEFORE you make cuts to SNAP as that's where the fraud is.

End the Right to Work for Less crap.
I encourage you to repost "oh, and another thing" as often as you think of them.

I'll ask for an indulgence and gather all of your (and others) thoughts together and then just make comments on what I think has validity, and what doesn't. But I do thank you for some honest thought.
I'm centered so that is not left of center nor right of center.
My suggestion (and solution) is to open up all avenues of domestic fossil fuel extraction and grant no subsidies for marriages except those that can result in procreation. Give fathers equal rights (and responsibility) as far as their potential offspring are concerned and that should pretty much do it.
Is that all it will take?
For those of you on the left.

The question is very simple, but with a very complex answer.

Detail what it is that you think will benefit the Middle Class.

Now, by benefit, I mean provide a means for them to retain their middle class status and to begin advancing themselves upward.

Take your time. Be specific and as detailed as you can.

I'm only bypassing your request that those on the left respond to your question because of the lack of response from them which should tell you all you need to know if you put the same question to the right I doubt they would do any better.
Given this forum, I think there are a few who would do okay, but yeah. In the give and take of the fuck yous, not many on either side.

Thanks though.
For those of you on the left.

The question is very simple, but with a very complex answer.

Detail what it is that you think will benefit the Middle Class.

Now, by benefit, I mean provide a means for them to retain their middle class status and to begin advancing themselves upward.

Take your time. Be specific and as detailed as you can.
That's easy!

We need a "Financial Transactions Tax".

We need to tax every single transaction made on Wall Street.
For those of you on the left.

The question is very simple, but with a very complex answer.

Detail what it is that you think will benefit the Middle Class.

Now, by benefit, I mean provide a means for them to retain their middle class status and to begin advancing themselves upward.

Take your time. Be specific and as detailed as you can.

Do you understand what the word simple means? It is pretty much the opposite of complex.

Great idea for a thread......if only one thing ( policy ) is needed in order to realize a benefit for the middle class.

Those of us who know you.... are aware that you are asking this question because you know that nobody wants to waste the time on you......and you can then run around like an ass saying that liberals have no ideas.

The fact is....that our ideas and suggestions for benefitting the middle class are plastered all over these pages. We spell them out every day. Pay attention to what we say and your question will be answered.
No, they're not plastered all over these pages.

No, I am not employing a Democrat or USMB progressive tactic. I have no need to sink to that level.

Yes, I thought this would be your answer if you decided to answer. A shame. You could have done yourself a service.

In what way would I do myself a service by repeating the things that I have been saying here for years?
Disir, right to work means just that, right to work. Unions have run roughshod over American industry too long, look what they've done to Auto industry. I would like to have a choice of whom I work for, rather than be coaxed, pushed or prodded to join some union backed company.

You want a choice for whom you work?

Right to work means right to be screwed.
For those of you on the left.

The question is very simple, but with a very complex answer.

Detail what it is that you think will benefit the Middle Class.

Now, by benefit, I mean provide a means for them to retain their middle class status and to begin advancing themselves upward.

Take your time. Be specific and as detailed as you can.
That's easy!

We need a "Financial Transactions Tax".

We need to tax every single transaction made on Wall Street.
So, you are saying to help the middle class, you need to tax the middle classes investments even more?

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