I am so tired of people speaking about refugees as if they are violent


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
In the United States your chances of being killed by a refugee are 1 in 3.6 billion.(Cato Institute) , this means that statistically you are literally more likely to be killed by a vending machine.
So what? Its not being killed by the illegals, its 100 other things, like wage depression, economic costs, tax and services cost, healthcare costs, the $540b they send out of the US instead of spending it here, etc.
i wonder how it would have gone instead of sending troops ....humanitarian supplies were sent ....how much money has moving troops 'near' the border problem area?
You people are why this country is dying. I wish you the worst.
If they are living in poverty, why are the women so frigging fat?

If they want "asylum" why didn't they go to Brownsville instead on Tijuana which is about a 1000 miles closer?
In the United States your chances of being killed by a refugee are 1 in 3.6 billion.(Cato Institute) , this means that statistically you are literally more likely to be killed by a vending machine.

Good. How many can I put you down for, to move in with you?

Make sure you've had all your shots though.
"Killed by a refugee"? There are no statistics that include the word "refugee" . The correct term is "criminal illegal alien" and there is no country in the civilized world that accepts the concept, however remote, of being murdered by someone who is in the country illegally..
I looked up the study. It was regarding terror attacks by foreigners or illegals. Not everyday murders, dui, etc.
Utah: A young child had her headscarf pulled off by a refugee student. Her response at the press conference? “A woman who doesn't wear the hijab is most likely to get sexual assault & abuse than a woman that does wear it because she covers up.”
You people are why this country is dying. I wish you the worst.

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