I am done

The conjob is quitting his career because of Obama, and all you notice is people blaming bush?

Did you even read the OP?

there does seem to be a bit of a disconnect.

Yes there does.

The OP said he is fed about serving under someone whose politics he disagrees with. That is something that anyone who has served can understand, because they never get the politics right as far as the rank and file military are concerned. That is the reason the military stays out of politics, and actively discourages its members from speaking about politics, especially if they carry the additional burden of being an officer.

Conhog gritted his teeth through 20 years of service, and has been deployed 3 times. The National Guard responds to national disasters, not wars. If your house was under water and you were stranded on the roof you would be glad to see him and his unit, so would rdean, yet he chose to spew his hatred of Bush just because Conhog finally got fed up with being deployed to war zones and the border of our country simply because it is politically expedient and makes whoever is in the oval office look good.

Do you realize that men and women who are in uniform and serving their country are not supposed to have political thoughts? They are supposed to simply obey orders and risk their lives, all for people who seem to think they are expendable. The fact that he managed to stick it out for 20 years says a lot about his character, whatever you think about his opinions.

I thought about arguing him out, but I realized that it is none of my business, and said so. We don't have the right to question why he served under Bush and is retiring now. He also served under Clinton, so it is not because he hates Democrats. He is choosing to put his family ahead of his country for the first time in 20+ years. He deserves respect for that decision, and for choosing to go the other way for the last 20 years. That is the hardest part about being in the military.

All those words for something I can summarize in three

You're a moron!!

You got caught being a hypocrit, and so you're offering a million bs excuses for why it's OK when conjob does it.:lol::lol:
I can no longer be part of a military that answers to this disaster. I am putting my retirement papers in tomorrow. Sad decision after 21 years but I just can't even think about fighting for this socialist jerkoff we have serving in the White House now.
Good. Who needs assholes like you in the service?

Please do not use any of the socialist benefits many of the military enjoy...buying cheap shit at the base, health insurance, VA, etc...there are many worthy retired military and you sucking on the government's tit would tend to water down their benefits.

Ironic, no?

The asshole has been dependent on a govt welfare check for his entire life (assuming he's not completely full of shit about his being in the NG) and he's quitting because he thinks the president is a socialist.

However, there is one good thing that comes out of this - If a socialistic organization produces welfare-dependent morons like conjob, that's proof that socialism isn't the way to go.
my father could have retired before his first tour of vietnam...his reasoning....if all the people who were trained to fight....who had been trained...suddenly got out....you left a bunch of kids to get killed...he didnt enlist to march...he enlisted to fight....he went the first time he was called...he went the last time he was called.....he was away from the family many times...and his was gone for at least a year....never 4 months or 6 months....he couldnt telly phone or email.....all they had was snail mail ....

he received the bronze star for his efforts...and many other things....a whole chest full of ribbons etc...

he dies of cancer....was it agent orange...i dont know...he use to talk about being in a jungle so thick you could nt see your hand extended at arms length...they would call for the orange...it would be dropped..he said within a half hour....it was all gone...and they were breathing this?

i am very proud of my father....

my advice to you...run...get the hell out....enjoy your family....a 4 th is really pushing your luck the odds are against you....

do what you need to do for your family and yourself....you have given 21 years.....thats enough

you should be proud of your father

ConHog, thank you for your service to our great country! Enjoy your family as you have earned it.I]
When I saw this thread title, I thought he meant he was done with the USMB, after all,
who can beat this?

Total Posts: 1,842
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^all in a half a month.

I thought maybe his computer caught on fire.

Con seems to have been all over the place politically, at least on the issues. Now I have to wonder if that isn't just to garner reputation points. Someone said he's a familiar site on other boards where he's been the proverbial butcher, baker, candlestick maker. So maybe he's really not military at all.
When I saw this thread title, I thought he meant he was done with the USMB, after all,
who can beat this?

Total Posts: 1,842
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^all in a half a month.

I thought maybe his computer caught on fire.

Con seems to have been all over the place politically, at least on the issues. Now I have to wonder if that isn't just to garner reputation points. Someone said he's a familiar site on other boards where he's been the proverbial butcher, baker, candlestick maker. So maybe he's really not military at all.
You hit the nail on the head.

ANYONE that "says" they've done/do all they have, yet post on message board 24/7 like he does, and contradict himself from post to post........well like I said,,,something's rotten in Denmark. I defended him when he first joined when someone called him a liar when he said has been in the National Guard for 20+ years, but now I smell a

Nothing irks me more than someone that CLAIMS they are military, when they aren't.

And let's just say the mods are aware of his "message board" rep from other boards,,,,,almost 200 posts a day in a half of month,,,,,,,,

Whatever, he can con some of you good folks,,,,,,,but a lot of us aren't falling for it.
Corndog must really hate his country.

If we were attacked by terrorists, he's be on the USMB posting instead of using his 'military skills' to defend our country, all because he hates the President so much.

What a douche.

That was totally uncalled for. I have shed my blood for this country. I have been separated from my family 3 years out of the last 20, which admittedly isn't as much as some military members. I have given 20 years plus of my life defending the very flag which guarantees your right to call me a douche.

This is a personal decision that has been coming for awhile, the fact that I am looking at another potential deployment , this time to somewhere along the southern border again, to sit it an office while our border is invaded played a big part in that decision.

I am worried that a point is going to come where the US military is going to be called upon to fire upon American citizens, and that I will not do.

I would however defend you if Obama one day decides to use the military to quash your rights; and yes I fear that day may come soon.

Nope, the decision is made......

You have my support. If you can't serve the CIC, then it's time to move on. I too wonder if the military will fire on American citizens. I hope it never comes to that.

I don't think they're planning on firing first.
When I saw this thread title, I thought he meant he was done with the USMB, after all,
who can beat this?

Total Posts: 1,842
Posts Per Day: 138.14

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^all in a half a month.

I thought maybe his computer caught on fire.

Con seems to have been all over the place politically, at least on the issues. Now I have to wonder if that isn't just to garner reputation points. Someone said he's a familiar site on other boards where he's been the proverbial butcher, baker, candlestick maker. So maybe he's really not military at all.

I am all over the board politically if you consider being a constitutionalist who tempers that with some compassion to be all over the board.
Not to engage in thread necromancy, but I've given more neg rep in this thread than I have the rest of the time I've been here, I think.

ConHog, you owe no one any explanation for your decision. Thank you for your service. :salute:
Not to engage in thread necromancy, but I've given more neg rep in this thread than I have the rest of the time I've been here, I think.

ConHog, you owe no one any explanation for your decision. Thank you for your service. :salute:

I think Con was looking for attention and he got it.
Not to engage in thread necromancy, but I've given more neg rep in this thread than I have the rest of the time I've been here, I think.

ConHog, you owe no one any explanation for your decision. Thank you for your service. :salute:

I think Con was looking for attention and he got it.
Well, gosh! Attention whoring on the internet? That NEVER happens! :lol:

But it's possible he had something to get off his chest, too.
Last edited:
Not to engage in thread necromancy, but I've given more neg rep in this thread than I have the rest of the time I've been here, I think.

ConHog, you owe no one any explanation for your decision. Thank you for your service. :salute:

I think Con was looking for attention and he got it.
Well, gosh! Attention whoring on the internet? That NEVER happens! :lol:

True. :lol: But Conjob brings it to a new level. His mexican golden shower thread proves that. :lol:

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