i am a true liberal

I love Thomas Jefferson, though. How come I disagree with you guys so much?
Because you need to truly understand what Thomas Jefferson believed.

Apparently. I know he thought Africans were mentally subnormal. Did he talk a lot about homosexuals and complain about his taxes going to the poor house?
I believe he talked about your abnormalities when he lumped you in with Tyrants and Oppressors of Freedom.

So you "loved Thomas Jefferson" but now you choose to attempt to discredit him?

My my, what a web we weave when we practice to deceive.
Libertarian is the label other freaks are throwing around. Not correct.

We are liberals, like Thomas Jefferson.
I love Thomas Jefferson, though. How come I disagree with you guys so much?
I can predict future happiness for americans if they can prevent the govt from wasting the labor of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Do you agree with his quote above?
What was he talking about? Can you direct me to where he wrote that?
A letter to thomas cooper

I thought liberals were supposed to be tolerant.

Like: 'I disagree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it', sort of thing.
Do what you want, just dont impede on me. Make yourself happy, but dont ruin my happiness in the process.
1. "progstains"....derogatory term used by uncivil and immature conservatives who delight in calling people names.
Saul Alinsky says hi. Not a liberal

Like gay rights?
no, wait...that's conservatives...

like pot?
no...wait....that's conservatives.....

like religious freedom INCLUDING atheism and islam?
no....wait....that's conservatives.....

like a womans right to choose?
no....wait.....that's conservatives......
Both "conservatives" and "progressives" are authoritarian shit stains. You are both repugnant to me.

Yes, the actual definition. Not your raped version.

liberal definition;
open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
"they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"

that describes trump all right....

and every other thrice married conservative....

how many wives has limbaugh had? 4? 10?.....

Could you possibly be more banal?

It's a talent I have.

It must be a great comfort to you to have such a meager talent in place of actual talent.

Is this an insult?

or a joke?
This thread? Yea
I love Thomas Jefferson, though. How come I disagree with you guys so much?
I can predict future happiness for americans if they can prevent the govt from wasting the labor of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Do you agree with his quote above?
What was he talking about? Can you direct me to where he wrote that?
A letter to thomas cooper

I thought liberals were supposed to be tolerant.

Like: 'I disagree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it', sort of thing.
Do what you want, just dont impede on me. Make yourself happy, but dont ruin my happiness in the process.

A simple concept many don't seem to get.
Libertarians are gentle anarchists.
Libertarian is the label other freaks are throwing around. Not correct.

We are liberals, like Thomas Jefferson.
I love Thomas Jefferson, though. How come I disagree with you guys so much?
I can predict future happiness for americans if they can prevent the govt from wasting the labor of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Do you agree with his quote above?
According to Azog, Jefferson was referring to paying over a million bucks a year to prevent Barbary pirates from taking more of our sailors hostage. I agree with him.
Read the whole letter.
There were actually a few letters. But this one in particular states that Government should not siphon off the fruits of a citizens' hard labor under the guise of taking care of them.
Most of you arent liberal. You totalitarian fucks just like raping the meaning of words.
Is there a self branded "liberal" here that is more liberal than i am?

Conservatives are more liberal than progs. Progs wear false labels.
I love Thomas Jefferson, though. How come I disagree with you guys so much?
Because you need to truly understand what Thomas Jefferson believed.

Apparently. I know he thought Africans were mentally subnormal. Did he talk a lot about homosexuals and complain about his taxes going to the poor house?
I believe he talked about your abnormalities when he lumped you in with Tyrants and Oppressors of Freedom.

So you "loved Thomas Jefferson" but now you choose to attempt to discredit him?

My my, what a web we weave when we practice to deceive.
Who's trying to "discredit" him?
Libertarians are gentle anarchists.
Libertarian is the label other freaks are throwing around. Not correct.

We are liberals, like Thomas Jefferson.
I love Thomas Jefferson, though. How come I disagree with you guys so much?
I can predict future happiness for americans if they can prevent the govt from wasting the labor of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Do you agree with his quote above?
According to Azog, Jefferson was referring to paying over a million bucks a year to prevent Barbary pirates from taking more of our sailors hostage. I agree with him.
Read the whole letter.
I did. Thanks.
Libertarian is the label other freaks are throwing around. Not correct.

We are liberals, like Thomas Jefferson.
I love Thomas Jefferson, though. How come I disagree with you guys so much?
I can predict future happiness for americans if they can prevent the govt from wasting the labor of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Do you agree with his quote above?
According to Azog, Jefferson was referring to paying over a million bucks a year to prevent Barbary pirates from taking more of our sailors hostage. I agree with him.
Read the whole letter.
I did. Thanks.

^This is why OldLady is a liberal. candycorn actually surprised me the other day..

I may not like it when she gets on the anti-gun soapbox, but she has every right to express her opinion.
I love Thomas Jefferson, though. How come I disagree with you guys so much?
I can predict future happiness for americans if they can prevent the govt from wasting the labor of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Do you agree with his quote above?
What was he talking about? Can you direct me to where he wrote that?
A letter to thomas cooper

I thought liberals were supposed to be tolerant.

Like: 'I disagree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it', sort of thing.
Do what you want, just dont impede on me. Make yourself happy, but dont ruin my happiness in the process.

This seems like what most people want.
I can predict future happiness for americans if they can prevent the govt from wasting the labor of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Do you agree with his quote above?
What was he talking about? Can you direct me to where he wrote that?
A letter to thomas cooper

I thought liberals were supposed to be tolerant.

Like: 'I disagree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it', sort of thing.
Do what you want, just dont impede on me. Make yourself happy, but dont ruin my happiness in the process.

This seems like what most people want.

Except for those banning cartoons and pushing for "hatecrime" and hatespeech laws. They are attempting to divide and conquer us.
So much anger. Imagine if you directed that energy into actually making positive change. This country could actually fix some of its issues. But nah, it's easier to hate on "the other team" and blame them for everything that is fucked up in your life.
Fixing you totalitarian fucks IS the answer.

You need to go outside and take a breath of fresh air. Fox News and the internet are literally rotting your brain.

No one is advocating for a totalitarian government, despite what you're told to believe.
You asswipes binge on totalitarianism. Stop LYING.

Simply not true. Define it and provide examples. You won't be able to.
Sure you do! NGD, healthcare all owned by the elites in DC. Even looking at changing the electoral college. You want total control! You’re just lying
So you don't understand what Totalitarianism is.

You could have just said that.
So much anger. Imagine if you directed that energy into actually making positive change. This country could actually fix some of its issues. But nah, it's easier to hate on "the other team" and blame them for everything that is fucked up in your life.
Fixing you totalitarian fucks IS the answer.

You need to go outside and take a breath of fresh air. Fox News and the internet are literally rotting your brain.

No one is advocating for a totalitarian government, despite what you're told to believe.
You asswipes binge on totalitarianism. Stop LYING.

Simply not true. Define it and provide examples. You won't be able to.
All over this thread.

Just as a thought. Thanks for proving my point.

Go outside.
I love Thomas Jefferson, though. How come I disagree with you guys so much?
I can predict future happiness for americans if they can prevent the govt from wasting the labor of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Do you agree with his quote above?
According to Azog, Jefferson was referring to paying over a million bucks a year to prevent Barbary pirates from taking more of our sailors hostage. I agree with him.
Read the whole letter.
I did. Thanks.

^This is why OldLady is a liberal. candycorn actually surprised me the other day..

I may not like it when she gets on the anti-gun soapbox, but she has every right to express her opinion.
What I admire so about Jefferson is his brilliant mind and his gift of setting forth his ideas, not that I necessarily agree with everything he said. I actually don't disagree with the concept of keeping the federal government out of a lot of things it has its nose in, but I can equally see the other argument.
Progstains call themselves liberal, then proceed to try and legislate every aspect of people's lives.

That's not Liberal. Most are useful idiots.

Anyone with pronounced TDS is not a Liberal.

"Progstains call themselves liberal, then proceed to try and legislate every aspect of people's lives."

1. "progstains"....derogatory term used by uncivil and immature conservatives who delight in calling people names.

2. "then proceed to try and legislate every aspect of people's lives."

Like gay rights?
no, wait...that's conservatives...

like pot?
no...wait....that's conservatives.....

like religious freedom INCLUDING atheism and islam?
no....wait....that's conservatives.....

like a womans right to choose?
no....wait.....that's conservatives......

Touch a thenthitive nerve there, cupcake?


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