I agree with Rush, Obama is in trouble

I was just listening to Rush and usually I do not start threads on what he says nor do I even use his information to debate an issue
However true it is, the left will ignore it

But I really think Obama is in trouble and he knows it
This A.P. approval poll told me how desperate the media was then
when you have an Avg of 43% vs the field stating they will vote Obama, well hell thats just the Dems who would vote for, well Obama
RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates
Obama cannot undo his stimulus failure
He cannot undo GM
He cannot undo his health-care/pay for it with Medicare's 500 billion

The poll tells me that he is in trouble
the direction of the country states the same

Obama looks like just about the only adult in the room compared to most of the GOP field. With that said, Obama MIGHT be in trouble IF the GOP hadn't veered HARD right since the 2008 election. Consequently, the best hope the GOP has of beating Obama is to embrace a more moderate candidate, and I don't think the GOP base is at all inclined to do that.

The Gop should not move left at all, we want a conservative, not a fake Republican. And if it means we throw a conservative in and they get beaten, oh well....maybe America will figure out why they should have voted Conservative after yet another 4 years of Obama. If America re-elects Obama, I better not hear any of them bitch when all of their social programs go bankrupt and they are assed out. You can only spend less then you take in for so long before all the money is gone, and Obama and his crew are blowing mad money.

You will get your conservative or someone posing as a conservative and he will lose badly. Your defense will be that he wasn't conservative enough
Of course Rush is objective. He is and will always be a liar. He took credit for Bush2 being elected. You know, the Neocon that doubled our deficit while in office.

As all the other posters have asked. Who will beat Obama?

Are you sure that was all Bush's doing? I thought the Nancy Pelosi Congress did that.

Bush ran up $5 trillion in debt

$2 trillion was on two wars that were unfunded and off the books
$2 trillion was on tax cuts without corresponding spending cuts
$1 trillion was on Medicare part D

Which of those was Pelosi's fault?
Obama looks like just about the only adult in the room compared to most of the GOP field. With that said, Obama MIGHT be in trouble IF the GOP hadn't veered HARD right since the 2008 election. Consequently, the best hope the GOP has of beating Obama is to embrace a more moderate candidate, and I don't think the GOP base is at all inclined to do that.

The GOP could win with a Conservative candidate, but it would be a longshot. The biggest problem with the Republican candidates is that they are simply unlikable, and every one of them has a huge negative. The only one that I find likable without any negatives is John Thune, and he is not running.

At least you are mature enough to debate the issue.
People in public have had enough. Obama spent the first 2 years pushing thru a healthcare reform bill while 6 million jobs left the private sector and we went 3 trillion dollars in debt and then lied about how we where going to pay for it
When it comes to election time that message is going to be a message Obama will not be able to debate
4.00 a gallon gas
Obama has lost Florida, he may get it back, but it is gone

Pennsylvania as well.............he's going to get blown out there. Very likely in Ohio too. Only one or two other dominos have to fall for it to be a wrap. The k00ks, of course, dont look at things from an electoral vote perspective.:boobies:Obama may well win the popular vote but lose in the electoral college. Significant changes have to happen in the economic front and nobody is seeing them. Its not going to matter if it's Boob McNut running for the GOP.

Too......the k00ks playing the racist card against every GOP candidate might fire up the far left but but it will be epic backfire with independents.
Since people realized that Obama was a NeoMarxist and not the clean, articulate, political Moderate and fiscal Conservative he pretended to be, Dems lost the Kennedy seat and every election since.

The Tea Party backed Repubs did OK in 2010 and we know we can do better in 12.
Yea his Bin Laden Poll-Bounce was surprisingly small & brief. The People are suffering and the Bin Laden thing was probably just a brief respite & distraction from the suffering. Record Poverty and Skyrocketing Gas & Food Prices didn't die with Bin Laden. They're still here.

I have some news for you, Gas&Food prices are skyrocketing throughout the world, not just in the United States. You should look further than America.
Of course Rush is objective. He is and will always be a liar. He took credit for Bush2 being elected. You know, the Neocon that doubled our deficit while in office.

As all the other posters have asked. Who will beat Obama?

Are you sure that was all Bush's doing? I thought the Nancy Pelosi Congress did that.

Bush ran up $5 trillion in debt

$2 trillion was on two wars that were unfunded and off the books
$2 trillion was on tax cuts without corresponding spending cuts
$1 trillion was on Medicare part D

Which of those was Pelosi's fault?

Irrelevant s0n. Its 2011. Nobody cares about Bush anymore except those on the far left who blog, however, Obama talking about Bush next year will indeed be prayers answered.

Yea his Bin Laden Poll-Bounce was surprisingly small & brief. The People are suffering and the Bin Laden thing was probably just a brief respite & distraction from the suffering. Record Poverty and Skyrocketing Gas & Food Prices didn't die with Bin Laden. They're still here.

I have some news for you, Gas&Food prices are skyrocketing throughout the world, not just in the United States. You should look further than America.

Thats right..........Americans will go to the polls next year and uppermost in their mind will be gas prices in Poland!!!

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Are you sure that was all Bush's doing? I thought the Nancy Pelosi Congress did that.

Bush ran up $5 trillion in debt

$2 trillion was on two wars that were unfunded and off the books
$2 trillion was on tax cuts without corresponding spending cuts
$1 trillion was on Medicare part D

Which of those was Pelosi's fault?

Irrelevant s0n. Its 2011. Nobody cares about Bush anymore except those on the far left who blog, however, Obama talking about Bush next year will indeed be prayers answered.


Not caring about Bush anymore is ignoring history, which is dangerous. Guess those on the far left are the smart ones.
I was just listening to Rush and usually I do not start threads on what he says nor do I even use his information to debate an issue
However true it is, the left will ignore it

But I really think Obama is in trouble and he knows it
This A.P. approval poll told me how desperate the media was then
when you have an Avg of 43% vs the field stating they will vote Obama, well hell thats just the Dems who would vote for, well Obama
RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates
Obama cannot undo his stimulus failure
He cannot undo GM
He cannot undo his health-care/pay for it with Medicare's 500 billion

The poll tells me that he is in trouble
the direction of the country states the same
You should only listen to MSNBC who says Obama will win all 50 states in the 2012 election.
Bush ran up $5 trillion in debt

$2 trillion was on two wars that were unfunded and off the books
$2 trillion was on tax cuts without corresponding spending cuts
$1 trillion was on Medicare part D

Which of those was Pelosi's fault?

Irrelevant s0n. Its 2011. Nobody cares about Bush anymore except those on the far left who blog, however, Obama talking about Bush next year will indeed be prayers answered.


Not caring about Bush anymore is ignoring history, which is dangerous. Guess those on the far left are the smart ones.

I care about Bush-III. (I think you call him 'Obama'.)
Bush ran up $5 trillion in debt

$2 trillion was on two wars that were unfunded and off the books
$2 trillion was on tax cuts without corresponding spending cuts
$1 trillion was on Medicare part D

Which of those was Pelosi's fault?

Irrelevant s0n. Its 2011. Nobody cares about Bush anymore except those on the far left who blog, however, Obama talking about Bush next year will indeed be prayers answered.


Not caring about Bush anymore is ignoring history, which is dangerous. Guess those on the far left are the smart ones.


I was just listening to Rush and usually I do not start threads on what he says nor do I even use his information to debate an issue
However true it is, the left will ignore it

But I really think Obama is in trouble and he knows it
This A.P. approval poll told me how desperate the media was then
when you have an Avg of 43% vs the field stating they will vote Obama, well hell thats just the Dems who would vote for, well Obama
RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates
Obama cannot undo his stimulus failure
He cannot undo GM
He cannot undo his health-care/pay for it with Medicare's 500 billion

The poll tells me that he is in trouble
the direction of the country states the same

Another great post JRK. I agree with you. Obama, is in serious trouble. The votes of independent voters swept Obama bin Lyin into office. The polls show that the majority of independents feel betrayed, and will not support him in 2012. With out the independent vote Obama will not be elected.

Dr. Charles Krauthammer has made a few very accurate observations about Obama. I've included a few here. Maybe this will help focus attention back on to this threads thesis instead of the stupidity of the liberals who are responding to you. :up:

"Obama has political skills comparable to Reagan and Clinton . He has a way of making you think he's on your side, agreeing with your position, while doing the opposite. Pay no attention to what he SAYS; rather, watch what he DOES!

Obama has a ruthless quest for power. He did not come to Washington to make something out of himself, but rather to change everything, including dismantling capitalism. He can't be straightforward on his ambitions, as the public would not go along. He has a heavy hand, and wants to level the playing field with income redistribution and punishment to the achievers of society. He would like to model the USA to Great Britain or Canada .

His three main goals are to control ENERGY, PUBLIC EDUCATION, and NATIONAL HEALTHCARE by the Federal government. He doesn't care about the auto or financial services industries, but got them as an early bonus. The cap and trade will add costs to everything and stifle growth. Paying for FREE college education is his goal. Most scary is his healthcare program, because if you make it FREE and add 46,000,000 people to a Medicare-type single-payer system, the costs will go through the roof. The only way to control costs is with massive RATIONING of services, like in Canada . God forbid!

He has surrounded himself with mostly far-left academic types. No one around him has ever even run a candy store. But they are going to try and run the auto, financial, banking and other industries. This obviously can't work in the long run. Obama is not a socialist; rather he's a far-left secular progressive bent on nothing short of revolution. He ran as a moderate, but will govern from the hard left. Again, watch what he DOES, not what he says.

Obama doesn't really see himself as President of the United States , but more as a ruler over the world.. He sees himself above it all, trying to orchestrate & coordinate various countries and their agendas. He sees moral equivalency in all cultures. His apology tour in Germany and England was a prime example of how he sees America , as an imperialist nation that has been arrogant, rather than a great noble nation that has at times made errors. This is the first President ever who has chastised our allies and appeased our enemies!" (Krauthammer)
Irrelevant s0n. Its 2011. Nobody cares about Bush anymore except those on the far left who blog, however, Obama talking about Bush next year will indeed be prayers answered.


Not caring about Bush anymore is ignoring history, which is dangerous. Guess those on the far left are the smart ones.

I care about Bush-III. (I think you call him 'Obama'.)

1) Bush added less than 1/2 your 5 billion to the debt
2) The wars were on the book, that lie is so sad
these are called links, this one link will cover both of those lies
The Bush Deficit, the Clinton Surplus and TARP by Gregory Hilton | The DC World Affairs Blog
If you take the time it will clearly show you where the information came from and how to access it
Here is another election map. Compare this one with the one that skookerasbil posted. The conclusions are the same. Not only is Obama going down the American people are going to take the democratic party down with him. Look in particular at California, and Pennsylvania. Both are former democratic strong holds. Then look at the other states that the GOP has picked up since the last election. The lib's have got to be quaking in their boots. Now what could be nicer then that? :up:

Electoral-vote.com: Election news
The latest assault by the GOP on the middle class might be their undoing. The public is pro-labor because the public IS labor while the GOP is clearly attacking labor and the middle class in favor of the wealthy and corporations. The spin machine of the GOP (Fox, Rush, etc.) have been able to keep the majority in line but as they turn up the heat on middle America, the class warfare of the GOP will become self-evident and more obvious to the majority, harder to spin.

Here is another election map. Compare this one with the one that skookerasbil posted. The conclusions are the same. Not only is Obama going down the American people are going to take the democratic party down with him. Look in particular at California, and Pennsylvania. Both are former democratic strong holds. Then look at the other states that the GOP has picked up since the last election. The lib's have got to be quaking in their boots. Now what could be nicer then that? :up:

Electoral-vote.com: Election news

Nice map

Doesn't apply to presidential politics though

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