Hypocrisy of the Left strikes again

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Note: If it were the other way around, Luka would be banned from the league. Either let sh*t go and stop being so sensitive or hold EVERYONE accountable. Harrell won't even miss a game.
Yeah no shit it would be different if the tables were turned. Do you really not understand why?
Why? Luka is not even from America. Has zero to do with slavery or police brutality. I am OK with nothing happening but if Luka called Harrell a bitch ass black boy then he should have zero repercussions as well is my only POV. Either we have "equality" or we do not.

Do you really not understand where I am coming from?
I understand where you are coming from but you are operating in theory and not reality. While I don’t think it’s ok to call anybody a bitch ass White boy, It is a different ball game to call somebody a bitch as black boy. That’s just how it is
And therein lies the problem. I believe both should be able to say it without any repercussions. I am also glad they shook hands and walked it off. The media makes things worse than they are. My only point is that if we have "equality" then we also should lose our overly sensitive mantra where we try to find racism everywhere and anywhere.
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Note: If it were the other way around, Luka would be banned from the league. Either let sh*t go and stop being so sensitive or hold EVERYONE accountable. Harrell won't even miss a game.
Yeah no shit it would be different if the tables were turned. Do you really not understand why?
Why? Luka is not even from America. Has zero to do with slavery or police brutality. I am OK with nothing happening but if Luka called Harrell a bitch ass black boy then he should have zero repercussions as well is my only POV. Either we have "equality" or we do not.

Do you really not understand where I am coming from?
I understand where you are coming from but you are operating in theory and not reality. While I don’t think it’s ok to call anybody a bitch ass White boy, It is a different ball game to call somebody a bitch as black boy. That’s just how it is
And therein lies the problem. I believe both should be able to say it without any repercussions. I am also glad they shook hands and walked it off. The media makes things worse than they are. My only point is that if we have "equality" then we also should lose our overly sensitive mantra where we try to find racism everywhere and anywhere.
Generations of oppression and racism doesn’t get washed out that quickly. You don’t just change some laws and say all good. There are lasting effects from the actions of our past. I agree we need to be less sensitive and reactive but I also think we need to be much more compassionate and understanding for the plight of others
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Note: If it were the other way around, Luka would be banned from the league. Either let sh*t go and stop being so sensitive or hold EVERYONE accountable. Harrell won't even miss a game.
Yeah no shit it would be different if the tables were turned. Do you really not understand why?
Why? Luka is not even from America. Has zero to do with slavery or police brutality. I am OK with nothing happening but if Luka called Harrell a bitch ass black boy then he should have zero repercussions as well is my only POV. Either we have "equality" or we do not.

Do you really not understand where I am coming from?
I think Harrell should have been suspended

There aren't really many racist slurs against white guys that carry the same weight as the N-word do -- but calling someone a white boy for outplaying you is close enough I guess.....

But didn't you folks already boycott the NBA? why are you whining about them now?
Bitch ass white boy. Who is "you folks"? Find one post where I said I boycotted anything. I am also not whining. My point is either we have equality or we don't. Why are you trolling? Are you looking for a fight?
Guarantee you that you high-fived, clicked like, etc on tons of comments about boycotting sports for their support of racial equality -- so spare me the bullshit...

By the way.....Wild Cherry's hit song wasn't a song about how white boys were historically forced to play funky music by blacks or else be lynched....

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Note: If it were the other way around, Luka would be banned from the league. Either let sh*t go and stop being so sensitive or hold EVERYONE accountable. Harrell won't even miss a game.
Yeah no shit it would be different if the tables were turned. Do you really not understand why?
Why? Luka is not even from America. Has zero to do with slavery or police brutality. I am OK with nothing happening but if Luka called Harrell a bitch ass black boy then he should have zero repercussions as well is my only POV. Either we have "equality" or we do not.

Do you really not understand where I am coming from?
I understand where you are coming from but you are operating in theory and not reality. While I don’t think it’s ok to call anybody a bitch ass White boy, It is a different ball game to call somebody a bitch as black boy. That’s just how it is
And therein lies the problem. I believe both should be able to say it without any repercussions. I am also glad they shook hands and walked it off. The media makes things worse than they are. My only point is that if we have "equality" then we also should lose our overly sensitive mantra where we try to find racism everywhere and anywhere.
Generations of oppression and racism doesn’t get Warsaw’s that quickly. You don’t just change some laws and say all good. There are lasting effects from the actions of our past. I agree we need to be less sensitive and reactive but I also think we need to be much more compassionate and understanding for the plight of others
But Luka is not even from America? So then we don't have equality? What plight? Most NBA players are millionaires.
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Note: If it were the other way around, Luka would be banned from the league. Either let sh*t go and stop being so sensitive or hold EVERYONE accountable. Harrell won't even miss a game.
Yeah no shit it would be different if the tables were turned. Do you really not understand why?
Why? Luka is not even from America. Has zero to do with slavery or police brutality. I am OK with nothing happening but if Luka called Harrell a bitch ass black boy then he should have zero repercussions as well is my only POV. Either we have "equality" or we do not.

Do you really not understand where I am coming from?
I think Harrell should have been suspended

There aren't really many racist slurs against white guys that carry the same weight as the N-word do -- but calling someone a white boy for outplaying you is close enough I guess.....

But didn't you folks already boycott the NBA? why are you whining about them now?
Bitch ass white boy. Who is "you folks"? Find one post where I said I boycotted anything. I am also not whining. My point is either we have equality or we don't. Why are you trolling? Are you looking for a fight?
Guarantee you that you high-fived, clicked like, etc on tons of comments about boycotting sports for their support of racial equality -- so spare me the bullshit...

By the way.....Wild Cherry's hit song wasn't a song about how white boys were historically forced to play funky music by blacks or else be lynched....

You're wrong. I don't believe in boycotts and watch my beloved Celtics every time they are on. You're a pussy. Period. End of story. I am a Jew. 2nd generation American. Have never owned slaves. Have never been accused of racism sans by you.

So I'll play your game. Why do you deny the Holocaust and why do you want all Jews dead?
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Note: If it were the other way around, Luka would be banned from the league. Either let sh*t go and stop being so sensitive or hold EVERYONE accountable. Harrell won't even miss a game.
I see you were cheated from your pound of flesh....
“Sometimes you say things you don’t want to say,” Doncic said. “He apologised. So no problem.”
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Note: If it were the other way around, Luka would be banned from the league. Either let sh*t go and stop being so sensitive or hold EVERYONE accountable. Harrell won't even miss a game.
I see you were cheated from your pound of flesh....
“Sometimes you say things you don’t want to say,” Doncic said. “He apologised. So no problem.”
You dickhead. You saw what I wrote: Either let sh*t go and stop being so sensitive or hold EVERYONE accountable.

Funny how you didn't mention that, you lying POS. You should be banned for life from this site due to your lies.
Moonglow only believes what their biased takeaway longs for in order to reduce their cognitive dissonance. What you actually said doesn't matter. It's what Moonglow perceives through their warped lens of the world at large that matters.

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