KFC is suspending its 64-year-old slogan, "It's Finger Lickin' Good," amid the corona pandemic. The slogan "doesn't feel quite right at the moment"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
i demand Trump rage-tweet about this! he loves KFC, i hear!

I wonder how many folks actually lick their fingers because of that slogan? My guess is probably 0.
I wonder why that article is calling it Kentucky Fried Chicken. I thought the company changed its name to KFC.
/----/ I'm wondering how Covid would survive the heat from deep frying chicken and then infect anyone. Yeah, Fake News
I'm also wondering how a diner licking his own fingers can catch a virus from someone else.

If a person's hands isn't properly washed or sanitized they could catch covid-19 from microbes on their hands.
It's an antiquated stupid phrase and KFC probably used the pandemic as an excuse to dump it but it has noting to do with the virus. You wash your hands before dinner like mom used to tell you and you lick your fingers when the chicken grease gets on them. Only crazed liberals would worry about a person licking his fingers in his own home.

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