Hungary is not isolated internationally - a former ambassador says


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Q: Jaroslaw Kaczynsky, who used to support Orbán, now says that Orbán is too cozy with the Russians.

A: Such a claim cannot be substantiated by facts. Russian investments in Hungary only account for 2 percent of the GDP, and if we repay the installments of the Paks 2 credit, how could Moscow blackmail us? Energy-wise Hungary is vulnerable – but that’s not news. A politician who thinks realistically cannot forget that much of oil and gas come to Hungary from Russia.

Q: Why do you call it Realpolitik that now that André Goodfriend has left and Colleen Bell, the new US ambassador, has made some friendly gestures, the US–Hungarian relations appear to have improved overnight?

A: Arrogance is rare in diplomacy, so the behavior of the first-mentioned diplomat was astonishing. Normally negotiating partners make it clear that both sides need the other – views might differ but cooperation is in mutual interest. In an ideal case the controversial issues are set aside and matters where interests coincide are emphasized. Apparently our American friends have now reshuffled their documents. - Budapest Telegraph News from Hungary

The interview is with János Csák and while it isn't entirely exciting it is interesting.
"Hungary is not isolated internationally - a former ambassador says"......but, Hungary do excludes the US?

US ambassador to Hungary Colleen Bell delivered the following remarkable speech at Budapest’s Corvinus University on Wednesday:
“We Will Build a Stronger Bridge”
Budapest, October 28, 2015
More: AMBASSADOR COLLEEN BELL | Budapest, Hungary - Embassy of the United States

Hungarian Government's response:
"The issues raised by the American Ambassador are subjects for discussion between Hungary and the EU.

“The American opinions voiced by the US Ambassador in her speech at the university have been heard before many times, and they do not contain anything new”, Minister Szijjártó’s statement reads.

He drew attention to the fact that as Hungary is a Member State of the European Union, and not of the United States, “the issues raised by the Ambassador are subject to discussion with the EU. In fact we have already discussed and resolved them”.

“We know that the United States would like to see an increasing number of immigrants arriving in Europe, and clearly this is why it is voicing its opinions now. At the same time, Hungary is the only European country which has been able to stop the flood of immigrants at its borders”, the statement says.
Source : The issues raised by the American Ambassador are subjects for discussion between Hungary and the EU

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