‘Hundreds’ of Whistleblowers Say Military Forcing ‘Anti-American Indoctrination’ on Them: Sen. Cotton


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The shit the left is pulling is designed to destroy America.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) told Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on June 10 that “hundreds” of military whistleblowers have reported being forced to receive “anti-American indoctrination” training, including critical race theory (CRT).

In a Senate hearing with Austin, Cotton claimed that within the military, there’s “plummeting morale, growing mistrust between races and sexes where none existed just six months ago and unexpected retirements and separations based on these trainings alone.”

One whistleblower, Cotton alleged, said that military history training was replaced with training about police brutality, “systemic racism,” and “white privilege.” Another said that his unit had to read “White Fragility” by feminist author and critical theory proponent Robin DiAngelo, according to the senator.

In May, the Space Force confirmed it relieved Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, a former instructor and fighter pilot, as commander of the 11th Space Warning Squadron. While it didn’t specifically name the reason why Lohmeier was terminated, the Space Force cited comments made by Lohmeier during a podcast in which he denounced CRT and warned about the spread of Marxism within the Space Force’s ranks.

CRT, which draws heavily upon Marxist critical theory and postmodernist writers, denounces U.S. and Western culture as oppressive, and often claims American culture and institutions are promoting “systemic racism” or “white supremacy.” Some critics have said the ideology’s proponents apply the Marxist tactic of “class struggle” to drive people along the lines of gender, race, and ethnicity, rather than between the “proletariat” and “bourgeoisie.”


This is a dangerous situation. When the military is controlled by Communists, they will obey orders to attack the American people.
Agreed. That is why the Obama Administration was meeting with senior officers and asking them if they could fire upon American citizens. Those officers that indicated they wouldn't weren't move up into critical positions. It's now down to the enlisted level. Brainwashing them so that it will be easy for the average personnel to attack Americans, if ordered to do so.
By our Republican politicians voting for a "peaceful transition of power in 2020," they ensured that we would lose to Marxism.


I wonder when the political commisars will be part of the military. From all appearances I believe it's happening now under Joey Xi Bai Ding and his Secy of Defense Lloyd Austin.
the assignment of Political Commissar officer may soon be part of our military on the land, sea and air.
"The political commissar is head of a party cell within the military; The political commissar is largely responsible for administrative tasks such as public relations and counseling, and mainly serves as second-in-command".

This is a dangerous situation. When the military is controlled by Communists, they will obey orders to attack the American people.
Agreed. That is why the Obama Administration was meeting with senior officers and asking them if they could fire upon American citizens. Those officers that indicated they wouldn't weren't move up into critical positions. It's now down to the enlisted level. Brainwashing them so that it will be easy for the average personnel to attack Americans, if ordered to do so.
By our Republican politicians voting for a "peaceful transition of power in 2020," they ensured that we would lose to Marxism.
Under Obama the military was purged of all senior officers and senior non-commissioned officers. It continues today in earnest under Joey Xi Bai Dung....
The shit the left is pulling is designed to destroy America.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) told Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on June 10 that “hundreds” of military whistleblowers have reported being forced to receive “anti-American indoctrination” training, including critical race theory (CRT).
In a Senate hearing with Austin, Cotton claimed that within the military, there’s “plummeting morale, growing mistrust between races and sexes where none existed just six months ago and unexpected retirements and separations based on these trainings alone.”
One whistleblower, Cotton alleged, said that military history training was replaced with training about police brutality, “systemic racism,” and “white privilege.” Another said that his unit had to read “White Fragility” by feminist author and critical theory proponent Robin DiAngelo, according to the senator.
In May, the Space Force confirmed it relieved Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, a former instructor and fighter pilot, as commander of the 11th Space Warning Squadron. While it didn’t specifically name the reason why Lohmeier was terminated, the Space Force cited comments made by Lohmeier during a podcast in which he denounced CRT and warned about the spread of Marxism within the Space Force’s ranks.
CRT, which draws heavily upon Marxist critical theory and postmodernist writers, denounces U.S. and Western culture as oppressive, and often claims American culture and institutions are promoting “systemic racism” or “white supremacy.” Some critics have said the ideology’s proponents apply the Marxist tactic of “class struggle” to drive people along the lines of gender, race, and ethnicity, rather than between the “proletariat” and “bourgeoisie.”

And the only place these whistleblowers can contact is the Epochtimes and not a real news source.

Lets just call the whole matter a lie. Because it likely is.

And the only place these whistleblowers can contact is the Epochtimes and not a real news source.

Lets just call the whole matter a lie. Because it likely is.

You're either a tool or a fool.

The OP tells you that they contacted Senator Cotton. But you didn't read that as you went straight to see the link to find out if you could troll the thread just because.

And the only place these whistleblowers can contact is the Epochtimes and not a real news source.

Lets just call the whole matter a lie. Because it likely is.

You're either a tool or a fool.

The OP tells you that they contacted Senator Cotton. But you didn't read that as you went straight to see the link to find out if you could troll the thread just because.

Answer is tool, a tool of the Mossad.
The shit the left is pulling is designed to destroy America.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) told Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on June 10 that “hundreds” of military whistleblowers have reported being forced to receive “anti-American indoctrination” training, including critical race theory (CRT).
In a Senate hearing with Austin, Cotton claimed that within the military, there’s “plummeting morale, growing mistrust between races and sexes where none existed just six months ago and unexpected retirements and separations based on these trainings alone.”
One whistleblower, Cotton alleged, said that military history training was replaced with training about police brutality, “systemic racism,” and “white privilege.” Another said that his unit had to read “White Fragility” by feminist author and critical theory proponent Robin DiAngelo, according to the senator.
In May, the Space Force confirmed it relieved Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, a former instructor and fighter pilot, as commander of the 11th Space Warning Squadron. While it didn’t specifically name the reason why Lohmeier was terminated, the Space Force cited comments made by Lohmeier during a podcast in which he denounced CRT and warned about the spread of Marxism within the Space Force’s ranks.
CRT, which draws heavily upon Marxist critical theory and postmodernist writers, denounces U.S. and Western culture as oppressive, and often claims American culture and institutions are promoting “systemic racism” or “white supremacy.” Some critics have said the ideology’s proponents apply the Marxist tactic of “class struggle” to drive people along the lines of gender, race, and ethnicity, rather than between the “proletariat” and “bourgeoisie.”

Yep. Critical Theory and its bastard child Critical Race Theory--both designed to erode the foundation so it can be replaced.

They have to get the guns first and that ain't happening without a fight.

That's why all this horse shit will fail. One way or another.
This is a dangerous situation. When the military is controlled by Communists, they will obey orders to attack the American people.

And that's exactly what they will do..... may be doing it already.

What a sham the US is becoming under the Cretin in Chief in the White House....along with his thugs.

And that's exactly what they will do..... may be doing it already.

What a sham the US is becoming under the Cretin in Chief in the White House....along with his thugs.

The Biden enablers.
This is a dangerous situation. When the military is controlled by Communists, they will obey orders to attack the American people.

And that's exactly what they will do..... may be doing it already.

What a sham the US is becoming under the Cretin in Chief in the White House....along with his thugs.
It's not him. He's barely lucent. The fucking commies are playing Weekend at Bidens trying to take us down from within, but they will never win.

Too many opposed with too many guns.
It's thoroughly ironic that there is apparently some push to rally U.S allies to combat China, when within the U.S there are so many unpatriotic citizens.

China is aggressively expanding their influence and one of the most powerful selling points is "just look at America, they are finished. Open borders, racial division, corruption (which many in enemy and even allied states I'm sure encourage). We are the future".

Western citizens have lost hope because we see the weak leadership in the West. It's the weakest in history, the signs were well seen in Canada decades ago. When there is finally a strong, Pro-American president, because he's an outsider all the powers that be work to undermine him.

There are some rich lessons in all of this. Unfortunately, if the U.S fails we can't just have a re-do at what made her so successful for so long.
The shit the left is pulling is designed to destroy America.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) told Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on June 10 that “hundreds” of military whistleblowers have reported being forced to receive “anti-American indoctrination” training, including critical race theory (CRT).
In a Senate hearing with Austin, Cotton claimed that within the military, there’s “plummeting morale, growing mistrust between races and sexes where none existed just six months ago and unexpected retirements and separations based on these trainings alone.”
One whistleblower, Cotton alleged, said that military history training was replaced with training about police brutality, “systemic racism,” and “white privilege.” Another said that his unit had to read “White Fragility” by feminist author and critical theory proponent Robin DiAngelo, according to the senator.
In May, the Space Force confirmed it relieved Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, a former instructor and fighter pilot, as commander of the 11th Space Warning Squadron. While it didn’t specifically name the reason why Lohmeier was terminated, the Space Force cited comments made by Lohmeier during a podcast in which he denounced CRT and warned about the spread of Marxism within the Space Force’s ranks.
CRT, which draws heavily upon Marxist critical theory and postmodernist writers, denounces U.S. and Western culture as oppressive, and often claims American culture and institutions are promoting “systemic racism” or “white supremacy.” Some critics have said the ideology’s proponents apply the Marxist tactic of “class struggle” to drive people along the lines of gender, race, and ethnicity, rather than between the “proletariat” and “bourgeoisie.”

Cotton's a liar.
The shit the left is pulling is designed to destroy America.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) told Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on June 10 that “hundreds” of military whistleblowers have reported being forced to receive “anti-American indoctrination” training, including critical race theory (CRT).
In a Senate hearing with Austin, Cotton claimed that within the military, there’s “plummeting morale, growing mistrust between races and sexes where none existed just six months ago and unexpected retirements and separations based on these trainings alone.”
One whistleblower, Cotton alleged, said that military history training was replaced with training about police brutality, “systemic racism,” and “white privilege.” Another said that his unit had to read “White Fragility” by feminist author and critical theory proponent Robin DiAngelo, according to the senator.
In May, the Space Force confirmed it relieved Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, a former instructor and fighter pilot, as commander of the 11th Space Warning Squadron. While it didn’t specifically name the reason why Lohmeier was terminated, the Space Force cited comments made by Lohmeier during a podcast in which he denounced CRT and warned about the spread of Marxism within the Space Force’s ranks.
CRT, which draws heavily upon Marxist critical theory and postmodernist writers, denounces U.S. and Western culture as oppressive, and often claims American culture and institutions are promoting “systemic racism” or “white supremacy.” Some critics have said the ideology’s proponents apply the Marxist tactic of “class struggle” to drive people along the lines of gender, race, and ethnicity, rather than between the “proletariat” and “bourgeoisie.”

Fake news.

Look at the source.

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