Hundreds of Illegals in NYC line up for free phones, healthcare, food, school supplies

What I find interesting is that the Illegals are arriving from Venezuela now.

When I was a youth, the tremendous nation of Venezuela was very well off, one of the richest in South America.

Now its a Shithole with its people fleeing, since the government there adopted Liberal Extremism.
Just because migrants came here without your permission doesn't mean they came here illegally. They're here legally. Otherwise, local authorities could have had them detained at an immigration processing center.

I swear, whether we're talking about an FBI raid on a former president or legal immigration, conservatives seem to have this problem of failing to realize that the law just isn't whatever the hell they think it is. The law is what's on the books and enforcement of the law is also further stipulated through criminal and administrative procedures. They call it the rule of law for a reason - so that people can't just use the justice system to suite their own political purposes. At that point it ceases to be the rule of law, and becomes the rule by men. And that doesn't usually work out too well.
This is why the Dim party is so cant even understand why these are illegal invaders.
It's our policies towards many of these countries that cause the conditions that cause people to flee.
Nope. They were always shithole countires.....muh CIA we caused all of the problems blah blah blah.....
These mooches will be here forever, even if and when they are denied their bogus asylum claim, if the cases are ever heard by a judge. And if that happens it won't be for years, and the chances of anyone ever showing up to court is zero.
Multi man simply cannot understand that concept.
These mooches will be here forever, even if and when they are denied their bogus asylum claim, if the cases are ever heard by a judge. And if that happens it won't be for years, and the chances of anyone ever showing up to court is zero.
And they will have 4 children. Or 6. And they will be lo
All well and fine but you don't get to define people here as illegal who are not.
Sorry, but I just did. Your protests are irrelevant
What I find interesting is that the Illegals are arriving from Venezuela now.

When I was a youth, the tremendous nation of Venezuela was very well off, one of the richest in South America.

Now its a Shithole with its people fleeing, since the government there adopted Liberal Extremism.
And that is why I'm wondering why the dems are cutting off their nose to spite their face.....We may be seeing a Cuban-like gop voting block in the making so there is that.

That said I don't know how they are politically wired.....Better than Ricans I would guess.

Hopefully the next generation, born on US soil, along with any of their parents that become US citizens will prove me correct.....I'll be dead so if i'm not you will have to tell my tombstone "I told you so". ;)
These mooches will be here forever, even if and when they are denied their bogus asylum claim, if the cases are ever heard by a judge. And if that happens it won't be for years, and the chances of anyone ever showing up to court is zero.
And they will have 4 children. Or 6. And they will be loyal Democrat voters in 20 years. All 40 million of them
And that is why I'm wondering why the dems are cutting off their nose to spite their face.....We may be seeing a Cuban-like gop voting block in the making so there is that.

That said I don't know how they are politically wired.....Better than Ricans I would guess.

Hopefully the next generation, born on US soil, along with any of their parents that become US citizens will prove me correct.....I'll be dead so if i'm not you will have to tell my tombstone "I told you so". ;)
Nope That's not the kind of people were attracting
Nope That's not the kind of people were attracting
Hope springs eternal.....Given that there's shit-all being done about immigration reform in congress as evidently it's the new "third rail".

The fact of the matter is that they are here to stay for the most part so we need to make lemonade with the lemons we were handed.

Oh I'm sure under a new gop administration we will get the wall completed and real border enforcement but that's only a half measure. Legislation needs to be passed to address the situation as it currently stands and to get shed of the re-naming loopholes the dems have took advantage of.

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