Hundreds of billions in gold and cash are quietly disappearing


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Something strange is going on: at the same time that central banks are injecting $100 billion each month in electronic money to crush volatility and ramp markets, a similar amount in hard physical currency and precious metals is literally disappearing.
Hundreds Of Billions In Gold And Cash Are Quietly Disappearing

But hey who cares doesn't concern your poverty-stricken ass does it...... o wait it does your just not informed enough to know what's coming even when it's in front of you. A PHD holding idiots don't know this chit when it's written on the all...
I think there's more to it than "disappearing"- that's impossible- that said, a few years ago I read that other countries were buying up gold in preparation for *combating* the USD hegemony- there was an acronym for them at the time though I don't recall what it was- but they consisted of India, Brazil and China- but, they don't have our Military to force others to use our currency and they don't have established colonies (Military Bases) world wide to use their whatever they decide to call it for the combat-
I think there's more to it than "disappearing"- that's impossible- that said, a few years ago I read that other countries were buying up gold in preparation for *combating* the USD hegemony- there was an acronym for them at the time though I don't recall what it was- but they consisted of India, Brazil and China- but, they don't have our Military to force others to use our currency and they don't have established colonies (Military Bases) world wide to use their whatever they decide to call it for the combat-
The BRICS are mining gold like it is going out of style. If Brazilian production continues at its current pace that alone could crash the gold market.

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