Hundreds evacuated and swathes of historic city underwater as rivers reach record levels


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

Members of Cleveland Mountain Rescue and soldiers from 2 Battalion The Duke of Lancasters Regiment evacuating people

York is accustomed to annual flooding but residents say it is the worst in over a decade, since the devastation in 2000 - the worst since records began in 1625 - sparked a new round of defences.

The York floods are devastating and could get worse
Very sad and disturbing. It is an argument for global warming. Nothing like this since at least 1625.
you know, I just have to laugh. Please explain why this is due to something you call global warming? It states the river's been doing what it did since 1625. CO2 wasn't where it is today back then. You know that right? So how would it be a normal event is somehow your definition of global warming?

Members of Cleveland Mountain Rescue and soldiers from 2 Battalion The Duke of Lancasters Regiment evacuating people

York is accustomed to annual flooding but residents say it is the worst in over a decade, since the devastation in 2000 - the worst since records began in 1625 - sparked a new round of defences.

The York floods are devastating and could get worse
Thank you to those folks in the water rescuing their citizens. Thanks!!!
JC, to what do you attribute rainfall not seen since 1625? What is different now than at any point in time since then?
Really, jc, a whole bunch of places around the world have had record floods this year. Far too many of them in the 1000 year flood range. Some of them right here in the good ol' USA. Of course, to you denialists, no matter how serious the flooding, you will try to find a single instance in history that you think matches it. Even if you have to invoke the Noah Flood. LOL
Really, jc, a whole bunch of places around the world have had record floods this year. Far too many of them in the 1000 year flood range. Some of them right here in the good ol' USA. Of course, to you denialists, no matter how serious the flooding, you will try to find a single instance in history that you think matches it. Even if you have to invoke the Noah Flood. LOL
oh wow, so you don't get it. You're too naive to get it. Change of landscape, added roads, subdivisions, people. you pick one, they're all accurate.

My nephew in St. Louis hit hard, but you know what, they put in a new highway to move traffic along two years ago, and changed the entire landscape. Oops no place for the water to go now in his back yard.
Now jc, they also record the amount of rainfall. And this years floods have been setting records. Even here is Portland, Oregon, we have had the wettest December on record. Of course, those records, inches or centimeters of rainfall, have only been kept for about 100 years, but we are certainly breaking a lot of those records, worldwide.
Now jc, they also record the amount of rainfall. And this years floods have been setting records. Even here is Portland, Oregon, we have had the wettest December on record. Of course, those records, inches or centimeters of rainfall, have only been kept for about 100 years, but we are certainly breaking a lot of those records, worldwide.
so it isn't historical, it is a 100 year flood. you know they have insurance policies for those. I have one. So?

BTW, that policy costs me 2k a year. Outside my home owner policy that is 1k a year.

So the flood insurance is more expensive. And the funny thing is, it doesn't cover the house. Wow eh? Yep, only the contents of the house. And it is mandatory for where the house is in relationship to the river I'm by.
Yea it's all new nothing happened like it in the past



This is the weird one (off Japan I think) remember they are still arguing if man made or not.

BTW. They stopped dredging the rivers in Britain. Overland flooding is the result. Check out what happened in Sommerset. And from what I've seen they've not set up any flood protection programs for their communities.

"Amid all the devastation and recrimination over the floods in Cumbria hardly anybody mentions one factor that may not be the sole cause, but certainly hasn’t helped.

That is the almost complete cessation of dredging of our rivers since we were required to accept the European Water Framework Directive (EWF) into UK law in 2000.

Yet until then, for all of recorded history, it almost went without saying that a watercourse needed to be big enough to take any water that flowed into it, otherwise it would overflow and inundate the surrounding land and houses, Chronicle Live reports."

Cause of flooding that the Government would rather keep to itself
They say that if the warming pattern continues Washington DC will soon be under water.

I know I do my part by driving an SUV and eating a can of beans every day.
Yea it's all new nothing happened like it in the past



This is the weird one (off Japan I think) remember they are still arguing if man made or not.


Bear, when you large human structures like that under the sea, it's not usually due to rainfall.
Flooding in the UK was caused by record-smashing rainfall totals for December, not poor maintenance of stream banks.

Some of these records date back to 1909

Site Total (mm) Previous record
Shap (Cumbria)773.2504.4
Keswick (Cumbria)281.6517.6376.4
Warcop Range (Cumbria)281.6218.4
Stonyhurst (Lancashire) 331.4319.3
Morecambe (Lancashire)281.4272.0
Bainbridge (North Yorkshire)496.2327.2
Bingley(West Yorkshire)241.4247.2
Eskdalemuir (Dumfries and Galloway) 500.0390.4
Glasgow Bishopton311.4294.8
Capel Curig (Conwy)1012.2612.8
TOTALS 4746.1 3562.9

Percent increase over prior records: 33.21%

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