Humira May Reduce the Symptoms of Being a Racist Douche

In a new commercial for the drug Humira, a mixed-race family is featured. Like Old Navy and Cheerios commercials before it, this ad is likely to drive the idiots and cowards into a frenzy.

Old Navy ad with interracial family prompts social media outrage — and support

Ignorant people need something to be outraged about, something to fuel their ignorance and hatred.

Fuck 'em...

Yeah, I guess ptbw and novacloset and bobmengele and im2 do need that fuel. Like you said...
Ignorant people need something to be outraged about, something to fuel their ignorance and hatred.

Fuck 'em...
Dollars to donuts you're STILL seething over "clinging to their god and guns."

You people really make me laugh. LOLz!!!
Wouldn't you know, it's a reverse interracial couple. The husband is whites, instead of typically black in real mix-rate relationships. Few white men date black women because of the vast brain-gap.

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