Human Population Increase and Its Implications

People who are so concerned about it that they believe other people are parasites should be the first ones to get themselves and theirs neutered or take the plunge and fully opt out of life. Leave the rest alone though if you think that you are a parasite deal with yourself first.
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications

Usually, if one reveals himself to be a 'hand-wringer,' convinced of impending doom, he is a reliable Democrat voter.

Did I guess right?

To assuage your fears:
In 1984, it was proven by the economist Thomas Sowell that the entire world population (4.4 billion at the time) could live comfortably in the state of Texas.

He wrote “Every human being on the face of the Earth could be housed in the state of Texas in one-story, single-family homes, each with a front and a back yard. A family of four would thus have 6,800 square feet- about the size of the typical middle-class American home with front and backyards.”(Carter 99) According to more recent research on the topic, all of the world’s 1997 population (5.84 billion) could fit on the small Island of Bali in Indonesia.(Stiefel 98)

According to my rough calculations, if we assume a world population of 6.7 billion, all the people in the world could fit into Texas and occupy an area of ~1,118 sq. ft. each.

Can I help you with the math?
People who are so concerned about it that they believe other people are parasites should be the first ones to get themselves and theirs neutered or take the plunge and fully opt out of life. Leave the rest alone though if you think that you are a parasite deal with yourself first.

Said belief is the basis of environmentalism....

1. Modern environmentalism is, and I mean this in the kindest way, a bastardization of the conservation of the Progressive Era. Today’s devotees are a random mix of

a) the pagan religion of Gaia worship,

b) folks who believe that human beings are a virus that must be eradicated from the land,

c) the ignorant and easily led,

and…a very strong influence of the NeoMarxist Frankfurt School.

2. What the take-away? Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated. In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.” Overpopulation: Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society

Gee….I’ll bet these folks would be in favor of a President who favored the previous President.
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I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications

So only rich people should be allowed to have sex?

Of course no. I think we should have 2 children limit in the world that would be good.
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications

Usually, if one reveals himself to be a 'hand-wringer,' convinced of impending doom, he is a reliable Democrat voter.

Did I guess right?

To assuage your fears:
In 1984, it was proven by the economist Thomas Sowell that the entire world population (4.4 billion at the time) could live comfortably in the state of Texas.

He wrote “Every human being on the face of the Earth could be housed in the state of Texas in one-story, single-family homes, each with a front and a back yard. A family of four would thus have 6,800 square feet- about the size of the typical middle-class American home with front and backyards.”(Carter 99) According to more recent research on the topic, all of the world’s 1997 population (5.84 billion) could fit on the small Island of Bali in Indonesia.(Stiefel 98)

According to my rough calculations, if we assume a world population of 6.7 billion, all the people in the world could fit into Texas and occupy an area of ~1,118 sq. ft. each.

Can I help you with the math?
One other interesting fact is that the population density would be around the same as NY City.
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications

So only rich people should be allowed to have sex?

Of course no. I think we should have 2 children limit in the world that would be good.
How do you enforce that ?
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications

So only rich people should be allowed to have sex?

Of course no. I think we should have 2 children limit in the world that would be good.
How do you enforce that ?
one world government run of course by progressives.
The problem doesn't really have anything to do with being able to FIT all the people on earth. It has to do with the limitations of resources, and that is especially so for certain areas.
People who are so concerned about it that they believe other people are parasites should be the first ones to get themselves and theirs neutered or take the plunge and fully opt out of life. Leave the rest alone though if you think that you are a parasite deal with yourself first.

Said belief is the basis of environmentalism....

1. Modern environmentalism is, and I mean this in the kindest way, a bastardization of the conservation of the Progressive Era. Today’s devotees are a random mix of

a) the pagan religion of Gaia worship,

b) folks who believe that human beings are a virus that must be eradicated from the land,

c) the ignorant and easily led,

and…a very strong influence of the NeoMarxist Frankfurt School.

2. What the take-away? Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated. In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.” Overpopulation: Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society

Gee….I’ll bet these folks would be in favor of a President who favored the previous President.

This concern has nothing to do with Leftism. Even if the OP is one.
The real concern is that in majority the dumb multiply.
If you localize it, it is mainly Africa, the rest of the world is relatively stable in the meantime.
They are not in a position to feed themselves now, they will surely not be able to do that if they are 2 billion instead of 1 billion in 10 years. ONE BILLION MORE IN TEN YEARS!!!! Did yolu get that??
The problem doesn't really have anything to do with being able to FIT all the people on earth. It has to do with the limitations of resources, and that is especially so for certain areas.
Fresh water being the scarcest resource that is wasted on crap like golf courses and car washes..
Along with more and more and more people comes more and more and more problems. More big cities, less woods, less wildlife, less rural areas, less farming areas, less food, less everything for everyone.
The problem doesn't really have anything to do with being able to FIT all the people on earth. It has to do with the limitations of resources, and that is especially so for certain areas.
Fresh water being the scarcest resource that is wasted on crap like golf courses and car washes..

Yes we always have water bans as it is now. Imagine if the population was doubled or tripled. It's happening though. There are more and more people being born every day. If you are to be realistic about it, we are kind of like a parasite on the earth. We always take way more than we need too.
The problem doesn't really have anything to do with being able to FIT all the people on earth. It has to do with the limitations of resources, and that is especially so for certain areas.
Fresh water being the scarcest resource that is wasted on crap like golf courses and car washes..

Yes we always have water bans as it is now. Imagine if the population was doubled or tripled. It's happening though. There are more and more people being born every day. If you are to be realistic about it, we are kind of like a parasite on the earth. We always take way more than we need too.
I want more fishing worms but cosmetic companies use them to make makeup..
People who are so concerned about it that they believe other people are parasites should be the first ones to get themselves and theirs neutered or take the plunge and fully opt out of life. Leave the rest alone though if you think that you are a parasite deal with yourself first.

Said belief is the basis of environmentalism....

1. Modern environmentalism is, and I mean this in the kindest way, a bastardization of the conservation of the Progressive Era. Today’s devotees are a random mix of

a) the pagan religion of Gaia worship,

b) folks who believe that human beings are a virus that must be eradicated from the land,

c) the ignorant and easily led,

and…a very strong influence of the NeoMarxist Frankfurt School.

2. What the take-away? Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated. In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.” Overpopulation: Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society

Gee….I’ll bet these folks would be in favor of a President who favored the previous President.

This concern has nothing to do with Leftism. Even if the OP is one.
The real concern is that in majority the dumb multiply.
If you localize it, it is mainly Africa, the rest of the world is relatively stable in the meantime.
They are not in a position to feed themselves now, they will surely not be able to do that if they are 2 billion instead of 1 billion in 10 years. ONE BILLION MORE IN TEN YEARS!!!! Did yolu get that??

1. It has everything to do with Leftism.
Their theme and fundraising modus operandi is to cause fear, and tell dunces that only collectivism and totalitarian governance can save the world.

2. It is my mission to explode Liberal mythology.....
But try as I may, I simply cannot keep up with the nonsense that Liberals are willing to believe.

.... the godfather of hand-wringing environmentalism, Thomas 'Chicken-Little' Malthus is simply ground-floor claptrap.

a. Malthus originated the view that the food production of the world would increase arithmetically (1-2-3-…), while the human population would increase geometrically (1-2-4-8…). Conclusion: mass starvation and epidemics. Sounds ‘environmental’ already, doesn’t it?

b. Malthus passed on in1834- yet his views continue in the hearts and minds of Progressives, who have expanded the vision to pollution and environmental damage.

c. Fact: Malthus has been proven wrong over and over, based on agricultural advances, and technological innovation.

"In spite of the serious errors in Malthus, we have witnessed in the last decade an outburst of "neo-Malthusianism," a new widespread fear, sometimes verging on hysteria, about a world "population explosion." Paul Erlich, professor of biology at Stanford University, in a book entitled The Population Bomb, warns us that we are all doomed if we do not control population growth."
Hazlitt, "The Conquest of Poverty," p.27.

Like Malthus, and like Ehrlich, and like you.......your worldview is in direct contravention to the facts.

Wise up.

Do you get it now, you dope?????
People who are so concerned about it that they believe other people are parasites should be the first ones to get themselves and theirs neutered or take the plunge and fully opt out of life. Leave the rest alone though if you think that you are a parasite deal with yourself first.

Said belief is the basis of environmentalism....

1. Modern environmentalism is, and I mean this in the kindest way, a bastardization of the conservation of the Progressive Era. Today’s devotees are a random mix of

a) the pagan religion of Gaia worship,

b) folks who believe that human beings are a virus that must be eradicated from the land,

c) the ignorant and easily led,

and…a very strong influence of the NeoMarxist Frankfurt School.

2. What the take-away? Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated. In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.” Overpopulation: Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society

Gee….I’ll bet these folks would be in favor of a President who favored the previous President.

This concern has nothing to do with Leftism. Even if the OP is one.
The real concern is that in majority the dumb multiply.
If you localize it, it is mainly Africa, the rest of the world is relatively stable in the meantime.
They are not in a position to feed themselves now, they will surely not be able to do that if they are 2 billion instead of 1 billion in 10 years. ONE BILLION MORE IN TEN YEARS!!!! Did yolu get that??

"This concern has nothing to do with Leftism. Even if the OP is one."

I really must remind you further what a stupid statement this is.

Let's remind all that Malthusians occupy the highest seats in Democrat government: Paul Ehrlich's co-author was chosen by Barack Obama as his 'science czar.'

"John P. Holdren’s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obama’s top advisor also called for,”Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.”
Holdren added that the sterilant must meet stiff requirements in that it must only affect humans and not livestock.

“It must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock,” wrote Holdren with co-authors Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich.

Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will “seems to horrify people” and yet it doesn’t seem to bother him too much, amidst the myriad of other totalitarian Dr. Strangelove style ideas that are put forward in the book as a way to carry out an aggressive agenda of population reduction.
» Obama Science Czar’s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply Already Happening Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Don't ever forget that what you imagine is science is, in reality, politics.
People who are so concerned about it that they believe other people are parasites should be the first ones to get themselves and theirs neutered or take the plunge and fully opt out of life. Leave the rest alone though if you think that you are a parasite deal with yourself first.

Said belief is the basis of environmentalism....

1. Modern environmentalism is, and I mean this in the kindest way, a bastardization of the conservation of the Progressive Era. Today’s devotees are a random mix of

a) the pagan religion of Gaia worship,

b) folks who believe that human beings are a virus that must be eradicated from the land,

c) the ignorant and easily led,

and…a very strong influence of the NeoMarxist Frankfurt School.

2. What the take-away? Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated. In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.” Overpopulation: Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society

Gee….I’ll bet these folks would be in favor of a President who favored the previous President.

This concern has nothing to do with Leftism. Even if the OP is one.
The real concern is that in majority the dumb multiply.
If you localize it, it is mainly Africa, the rest of the world is relatively stable in the meantime.
They are not in a position to feed themselves now, they will surely not be able to do that if they are 2 billion instead of 1 billion in 10 years. ONE BILLION MORE IN TEN YEARS!!!! Did yolu get that??

1. It has everything to do with Leftism.
Their theme and fundraising modus operandi is to cause fear, and tell dunces that only collectivism and totalitarian governance can save the world.

2. It is my mission to explode Liberal mythology.....
But try as I may, I simply cannot keep up with the nonsense that Liberals are willing to believe.

.... the godfather of hand-wringing environmentalism, Thomas 'Chicken-Little' Malthus is simply ground-floor claptrap.

a. Malthus originated the view that the food production of the world would increase arithmetically (1-2-3-…), while the human population would increase geometrically (1-2-4-8…). Conclusion: mass starvation and epidemics. Sounds ‘environmental’ already, doesn’t it?

b. Malthus passed on in1834- yet his views continue in the hearts and minds of Progressives, who have expanded the vision to pollution and environmental damage.

c. Fact: Malthus has been proven wrong over and over, based on agricultural advances, and technological innovation.

"In spite of the serious errors in Malthus, we have witnessed in the last decade an outburst of "neo-Malthusianism," a new widespread fear, sometimes verging on hysteria, about a world "population explosion." Paul Erlich, professor of biology at Stanford University, in a book entitled The Population Bomb, warns us that we are all doomed if we do not control population growth."
Hazlitt, "The Conquest of Poverty," p.27.

Like Malthus, and like Ehrlich, and like you.......your worldview is in direct contravention to the facts.

Wise up.

Do you get it now, you dope?????
Dumb bitch, if you really want to demonstrate how to make the world into a petri dish example, do it on some other world, not mine.
Poor old PC has lost it now, joined the world of ([{BIG}]) Conspiracies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Can't trust anyone but me and thee and we are not so sure of thee. LOL
That you could stuff the world's population into Texas. That would give each person about 100 square feet of living space, no room for infrastructure for things like water, roads, and electricity. LOL

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