Human are huge. But, a spider will make them scream.

lol, how true that is Gracie. funny
I've seen more than one person jump and scream over them.
When I was a kid, I was often tied up and locked in a basement closet that was loaded with spiders. I grew up with a real phobia of spiders that I had to really work to get past. Now I don't mind them at all and will move them out or let them stay - depending on what kind they are.

I'm not afraid of them but I have to admit. the big hairy one gives the creepers...
When I was a kid, I was often tied up and locked in a basement closet that was loaded with spiders. I grew up with a real phobia of spiders that I had to really work to get past. Now I don't mind them at all and will move them out or let them stay - depending on what kind they are.


That explains a lot.
There are a few roles left in the world for men to fulfill. Among them, squishing spiders in toilet paper and emptying the mouse trap.
I was bitten by a spider in Vietnam and from the time of the bite till a half hour later, when the medic cut into my arm, it had swollen to a size as big as my thigh. He shot me full of antibotic and I was medevaced to a hospital. I thought I was going to die and the pain was the most intense I had ever felt. A day later a Vietnamese soldier was bitten in the same bunker and when the medic gave him a shot of pencillin, the soldier died because he was allergic to penicillin. Not a fun thing.
I was bitten by a spider in Vietnam and from the time of the bite till a half hour later, when the medic cut into my arm, it had swollen to a size as big as my thigh. He shot me full of antibotic and I was medevaced to a hospital. I thought I was going to die and the pain was the most intense I had ever felt. A day later a Vietnamese soldier was bitten in the same bunker and when the medic gave him a shot of pencillin, the soldier died because he was allergic to penicillin. Not a fun thing.

wow, glad you made it dear. out of Vietnam and from the spider bite.
omg. I would be SCREAMING if a tarantula went running around on my arm and back. Those pics make me do the heebiejeebie dance in my damn chair.
I didn't scream but I almost threw my lap top across the room. Really.

Note to self: Carefully open Gracie threads.

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