HuffPo revises Obama down/Romney up on their electoral map

So now cons give credence to HuffPo? You guys get loopier with every passing day :lol:

So, the mere act of posting from a site means you automatically give it credence? I'll ave to remember that next time one of you left loons posts from FOX News, Blaze, Breitbart, etc.

moron. I said it was interesting, and odd.

If posting from a site gives it credence.... Fox is the #1 source for liberals. :lol:

and Rush the #1 influencer of elections! LOL!
So now cons give credence to HuffPo? You guys get loopier with every passing day :lol:

So, the mere act of posting from a site means you automatically give it credence? I'll ave to remember that next time one of you left loons posts from FOX News, Blaze, Breitbart, etc.

moron. I said it was interesting, and odd.

And total Bullshit.

Virginia, for example, is NOT leaning toward Obama by 4%. Hell the GOP just swept all these statewide elections, unlike 2008 where Allen lost and we had a Democrat govenor.

HoffPo's electoral map is for encouraging the lame-brain rank and file, not for useful analysis of where to go in the election.
So now cons give credence to HuffPo? You guys get loopier with every passing day :lol:

You may be unaware of this, but it's a common tactic in the art of persuasion to cite from sources the person who your trying to persuade would accept even if you don't.

I thought this was a common sense concept, but lately, I am just not going to assume things.
BTW I think the huff post is seriously out of wack if they think NC will go to Obama this time.
Real Clear still has Romney at 170. You can't cherry pick polls according to which one shows your candidate up.

I watch them consistently so obviously I don't believe it is too early to tell much but I don't skip around from this one to that one. Calm down and support your guy, we will see soon enough.
2012 Presidential Electoral Map | Huffington Post 2012 Election Dashboard

A few weeks ago, HuffPo had Obama at over 300 and Romney at 170.

Now, HuffPo has revised Obama down to 270, a 30 delegate drop... while revising Romney up to 181, an 11 delegate increase.

I find that both interesting, and odd.

Most of the guesses here look fairly normal, but Virginia and Nevada should be in the toss-up categorie instead of leaning Obama.

Obama won Virginia in 08.
2012 Presidential Electoral Map | Huffington Post 2012 Election Dashboard

A few weeks ago, HuffPo had Obama at over 300 and Romney at 170.

Now, HuffPo has revised Obama down to 270, a 30 delegate drop... while revising Romney up to 181, an 11 delegate increase.

I find that both interesting, and odd.

Most of the guesses here look fairly normal, but Virginia and Nevada should be in the toss-up categorie instead of leaning Obama.

Obama won Virginia in 08.

I know that. But I think it should be considered a toss up at this stage, just like Ohio (which Obama also won in 2008).
Most of the guesses here look fairly normal, but Virginia and Nevada should be in the toss-up categorie instead of leaning Obama.

Obama won Virginia in 08.

I know that. But I think it should be considered a toss up at this stage, just like Ohio (which Obama also won in 2008).

I just don't think Romney is the one to take these states away from Obama. Conservatives had more respect for McCain and he wasn't able to do it.
Obama won Virginia in 08.

I know that. But I think it should be considered a toss up at this stage, just like Ohio (which Obama also won in 2008).

I just don't think Romney is the one to take these states away from Obama. Conservatives had more respect for McCain and he wasn't able to do it.

In the case of states like Virginia, North Carolina, and some others it's not so much people voting for Romney as people voting against Obama that makes me think they will end up going for Romney this time.

In the case of Ohio this dynamic is somewhat counterbalanced by certain economic considerations that may play in Obama's favour there.
NC, VA, and Ohio all went for Obama by very narrow margins. The country was in an economic crisis. McCain's solutions were merely Obamalite. Obama promised to be a transformational figure who could fix all this with new solutions and new ideas.
The reality 3 years later is that he is an incompetent hack who has made things worse. The progressives can't stand him because he failed to deliver on his promises. The conservatives can't stand him because he is an anti business, anti American naif. And Independents aren't having any since things look worse now than they did in 2008, when the recession looked like it was going to be short lived.
I love it!

JosephK is too fucking stupid to realize I am ridiculing HuffPo!


I love it that A) you think I'm going to fall for that and B) you took the time to neg me over a post in your supposed joke thread.

You. Fail.

I just negged you're sorry ass again for a post in this thread! :rofl:

You told me that in your neg, and just to make sure that everybody knows how cool you are, you said the same thing in a post. You must be very proud of yourself. Moron.
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I love it that A) you think I'm going to fall for that and B) you took the time to neg me over a post in your supposed joke thread.

You. Fail.

I just negged you're sorry ass again for a post in this thread! :rofl:

You told me that in your neg, and just to make sure that everybody knows how cool you are, you said the same thing in a post. You must be very proud of yourself. Moron.

i wanted everyone to share my joy in negging you, pussbot :rofl:
obama will lose Colorado, Florida and Iowa over the same sex marriage issue. He will lost Wisconsin because he's a democrat and he will lose Ohio because Ohio is a coal producing state. The numbers just aren't there for him.
NC, VA, and Ohio all went for Obama by very narrow margins. The country was in an economic crisis. McCain's solutions were merely Obamalite. Obama promised to be a transformational figure who could fix all this with new solutions and new ideas.
The reality 3 years later is that he is an incompetent hack who has made things worse. The progressives can't stand him because he failed to deliver on his promises. The conservatives can't stand him because he is an anti business, anti American naif. And Independents aren't having any since things look worse now than they did in 2008, when the recession looked like it was going to be short lived.

And Romney will pick up Floriduh, NC, Virginia, Ohio, New Hampshire, Iowa. Colorado and Nevada, at least. Might get Wisconsin and Michigan as well.

President Obama 237 Governor Romney 170

For Governor Romney to win, he will have to win almost all of the tossup states.

President Obama can win just Florida and Iowa and win. Or Ohio, Wisconsin, and Nevada. Or Colorado, Wisconsin, and Ohio. At this point the President is in a strong position.

Realclearpolitics uses an average of polls and most of those polls, AIUI, are of registered voters, not voters who voted in the last election of the kind polled for.

Not sure how accurate their polls are, in fact I wouldnt give them much credit for anything better than +/- 5%.

Which reminds me of a joke.

Three men, a mathematician, a statistician and a pollster, were applying for a job, and in their interviews they were asked some simple math questions.

The mathematician was asked what 2 +2 equaled, and he responded '4'.

The statistician was asked what 2+2 was and he said, '4 +/-5%'.

The pollster was asked the same question, and he got up, closed all the shades, and leaned forward, whispered in the interviewers ear, 'What do you want it to be?'
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