Huckabee: Schools "Become A Place Of Carnage" When "We Systematically Remove God"

Basie turned to scripture today, I don't see you assholes attacking him!

Huckabee didn't turn to scripture. Nobody would be saying anything if he did. He said this happened because we removed God from schools.

Good to see he isn't interested in running in 2016. You couldn't possibly win saying something so stupid.

Huckabee won't shoot your kids. His message won't harm you either!

Just don't pull his finger.
Betcha there are a lot more Christians in our jails than atheists, not saying they are good Christians.

When about 70-80 percent of the population is Christian/believer and the rest are atheists or just plain idiots, it is reasonable to assume that there are more Christians in jail than non-Christians.

Kind of like since only about 10% of the population is indulging in anal sex, 90% of those with AIDS/HIV are happy. Oh, I mean, GAY!
Betcha there are a lot more Christians in our jails than atheists, not saying they are good Christians.

When about 70-80 percent of the population is Christian/believer and the rest are atheists or just plain idiots, it is reasonable to assume that there are more Christians in jail than non-Christians.

Kind of like since only about 10% of the population is indulging in anal sex, 90% of those with AIDS/HIV are happy. Oh, I mean, GAY!

What does Huckabee's God have against innocent young children?

I don't know, but if it's real, it's got something against a lot of people.

And to the guy who said something about tolerance: You realize that criticizing someone isn't intolerant right? If it was, everyone(except those moronic new agers who believe every thing to be relative) would fit the definition and the word becomes meaningless. I tolerate his opinion. I do not agree with it nor do I respect it. We should not respect ideas we believe to wrong or harmful.

Huckabee is the third clown I've heard blame the shooting on lack of god. Here are the other two I'm aware of:

Bryan Fischer of the AFA

Eric Hovind
"We ask why there is violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed God from our schools," Huckabee said on Fox News. "Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage?"

This line of reasoning isn't new for Huckabee.

It doesn’t constitute ‘reasoning’ at all.

And that Huckabee is an enemy of the First Amendment comes a no surprise.
Its a fucking flame thread. My flame not acceptable?

Come on, old man. You know to flame anybody on this board you have to be one of THEM.

It surprises me that in the wake of a tragedy, people are still flaming each other. If THIS doesn't get people to unite at least for a little while on this board, I hate to see what this place was (if it even existed) back on 9/11/01
Mike Huckabee is as crazy as Pat Robertson.

He's not completely off the mark, but what he misses is that it's not so much about God not being in the schools as it is about not having God in the family, or developing some strong moral fiber within the family if that moral compass is not going to be directed by God.
He's only saying what many are thinking, just look at some of the posts today. Apparently, gays, abortion, and single mothers are to blame for mass shooting sprees.

I'm waiting for Pat to come out, call us Sodom and Gomorrah and talk about how those kids died because of gods wrath.

I'm waiting for the Westboro Baptist Church to announce that they will be picketing the funerals of the victims.
Huckabee has no influence in our schools but you all continue the hate by all means.


he has the right to his opinion, and i have the right to say his opinion is fucking stupid.

I disagree that his opinion on this is stupid. His point is that an awful lot of people in the US have lost their moral compass. To him, being a former preacher, that means God is lacking not just in our schools, but in our homes. For most of our history, God has been the moral compass for most people. Our laws are based on the Ten Commandments which came from God, if you will. Up until the 60's and 70's, the vast majority of families attended a church regularly, and if not the parents, then at least the kids. Today, those numbers have shrunk dramatically, and while church taught kids good morals, those who do not attend today have not been given a new arena from which to learn good morals.

The bottom line is that it's not so much about God being or not being in our schools as it is God not being in our homes and not having any other source where our kids can gain a good moral base.
Huckabee: Schools "Become A Place Of Carnage" When "We Systematically Remove God"

The schools aren't the problem, its the "mentally unstable" perpetrarors that have easy access to automatic and semi-automatic weapons - allowing them to kill and injure dozens of innocent members of the public in a matter of minutes before the police arrive.

Huckabee should read his early Christian history, many Christians were martyred during the Roman persecutions and it wasn't because they were "removed from God." Having a strong faith in God is no guarantee that bad things won't happen in your life - Christ was crucified and virtually all the Apostles were executed for their faith!
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Being Christian and going to church wouldn't have prevented this. Anyone who believes that is a lunatic -like Huckabee.
He's only saying what many are thinking, just look at some of the posts today. Apparently, gays, abortion, and single mothers are to blame for mass shooting sprees.

I'm waiting for Pat to come out, call us Sodom and Gomorrah and talk about how those kids died because of gods wrath.

You are about a sick little twat. A female Lakota. A disgusting little thing just like every other poster who is using the death of thees kids to grab rep and attention. The culture in this country and the world has greatly declined, most of it is filled with you pseudo-intellectual types who make fun of folks, contribute greatly by being fooled into thinking you are superior to people who believe the way ol'Huck does, when really your no better. So yeah, I agree with his point. Younger people in this country lack a moral compass. Instead of parents they get drug cocktails and an xbox. Those kids did not die because, those kids died because some sick little fuck shot them.

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