how will you die?


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
ever think of how you will die?
most want to die in their sleep--yes?
heart attack/stroke would not be pleasurable
how about on Soylent Green where you can watch something pleasurable before you die?
what about a nuke? as we just saw the ''scare'' in Hawaii? some would not feel it--others would have a long, painful death
my dad died in his late great shape....
he was getting out and doing more things than I was
a lot of people have physical problems where they can't get out as much
one lady I knew had a car and could get around---but she lived in a retirement home....she said this is where people--her too--come to die....not long after she said that, she died
More than likely at the hands of the State or Federal Government. The other significant option is via lack of medical care because the Government has taken over medical insurance.
ever think of how you will die?
most want to die in their sleep--yes?
heart attack/stroke would not be pleasurable
how about on Soylent Green where you can watch something pleasurable before you die?
what about a nuke? as we just saw the ''scare'' in Hawaii? some would not feel it--others would have a long, painful death
I'm going to go out on a limb, and venture to guess that my death will be the result of, lack of oxygenated blood flow to the brain...
ever think of how you will die?
most want to die in their sleep--yes?
heart attack/stroke would not be pleasurable
how about on Soylent Green where you can watch something pleasurable before you die?
what about a nuke? as we just saw the ''scare'' in Hawaii? some would not feel it--others would have a long, painful death
Probably from some crazy bastard ramming his car into me because he listened to some warning of imminent incoming missiles accidentally caused by some asshole working for the government.
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ever think of how you will die?
most want to die in their sleep--yes?
heart attack/stroke would not be pleasurable
how about on Soylent Green where you can watch something pleasurable before you die?
what about a nuke? as we just saw the ''scare'' in Hawaii? some would not feel it--others would have a long, painful death
I'm going to go out on a limb, and venture to guess that my death will be the result of, lack of oxygenated blood flow to the brain...
what about a nuke landing ground zero on someone?
wouldn't that be more of an instant pulverization??
ever think of how you will die?
most want to die in their sleep--yes?
heart attack/stroke would not be pleasurable
how about on Soylent Green where you can watch something pleasurable before you die?
what about a nuke? as we just saw the ''scare'' in Hawaii? some would not feel it--others would have a long, painful death
I'm going to go out on a limb, and venture to guess that my death will be the result of, lack of oxygenated blood flow to the brain...
what about a nuke landing ground zero on someone?
wouldn't that be more of an instant pulverization??
All human deaths in history have been ultimately caused by lack of oxygenated blood flow to the brain. Destruction of the brain, by any means, achieves this end.
Someone told me a long time ago that I was gonna die in a whorehouse. I tried and tried 20 years ago but it never happened, so they were wrong.
Someone told me a long time ago that I was gonna die in a whorehouse. I tried and tried 20 years ago but it never happened, so they were wrong.
there's a movie in that--I think
Someone told me a long time ago that I was gonna die in a whorehouse. I tried and tried 20 years ago but it never happened, so they were wrong.
Keep a sharp eye out on ones significant other. Just sayin'...
ever think of how you will die?
most want to die in their sleep--yes?
heart attack/stroke would not be pleasurable
how about on Soylent Green where you can watch something pleasurable before you die?
what about a nuke? as we just saw the ''scare'' in Hawaii? some would not feel it--others would have a long, painful death
For me it would be: I cannot say as it would get me banned from this board.
ever think of how you will die?
most want to die in their sleep--yes?
heart attack/stroke would not be pleasurable
how about on Soylent Green where you can watch something pleasurable before you die?
what about a nuke? as we just saw the ''scare'' in Hawaii? some would not feel it--others would have a long, painful death
For me it would be: I cannot say as it would get me banned from this board.
a little hint?
It would be great to see and participate in the upcoming revolt/civil war. Fascists will be quashed and the world will be a better place. I will die surrounded by great grandkids who will thrive in a neo-enlightenment world free of man-made barriers.

I can't wait for christian fascists to realize they lack the knowledge to make the journey to the afterworld.

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