How will Trump deal with Mexico's new leftist president?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Mexico elected leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador in a landslide victory on Sunday, according to exit polls showing the former mayor with double-digit leads over his competitors.

López Obrador, 64, mounted his third bid for the presidency with promises to rein in widespread corruption and fight poverty within the country. A former mayor of Mexico City, he will replace current President Enrique Peña Nieto and has promised to upend traditional party politics.

He would be the first leftist president in more than 30 years.

Mexico Elects Leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Far left. Landslide victory. First leftist president in over 30 years. How will Trump deal with him? Comments?
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Mexico elected leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador in a landslide victory on Sunday, according to exit polls showing the former mayor with double-digit leads over his competitors.

López Obrador, 64, mounted his third bid for the presidency with promises to rein in widespread corruption and fight poverty within the country. A former mayor of Mexico City, he will replace current President Enrique Peña Nieto and has promised to upend traditional party politics.

He would be the first leftist president in more than 30 years.

Mexico Elects Leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Far left. Landslide victory. First leftist president in over 30 years. How will Trump deal with him? Comments?

Trump will insult him, like he has ever other world leader. I wouldn't expect anything different from him.
Mexico elected leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador in a landslide victory on Sunday, according to exit polls showing the former mayor with double-digit leads over his competitors.

López Obrador, 64, mounted his third bid for the presidency with promises to rein in widespread corruption and fight poverty within the country. A former mayor of Mexico City, he will replace current President Enrique Peña Nieto and has promised to upend traditional party politics.

He would be the first leftist president in more than 30 years.

Mexico Elects Leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Far left. Landslide victory. First leftist president in over 30 years. How will Trump deal with him? Comments?

Trump will insult him, like he has ever other world leader. I wouldn't expect anything different from him.

I agree. However, I would expect this new leftist president to be harder for Trump to push around than Nieto. Trump has alienated both our northern and southern neighbors.
1. close the border
2. tax all remittances sent from America sites to Mexican sites.
3. If Mexico refuses to stop the illegals from trying to enter the US, cut all funding for all programs in Mexico paid with US money. It's time we reserved our money for ourselves and our actual friends.
Appears Mr. Obrador will become the new poster child for the left.
Keeping out members of gangs and cartels is top priority but not too far behind is anti-communism. We will need to provide refuge and working papers to actual refugees from the communist regimes of Latin America or betray our own principles. How do we do that without getting mostly economic refugees instead?
We have much, much more leverage than Mexico. Trump knows this, and will use it to the advantage of the U.S.
He will do what he is doing with other countries, Using the leverage of our huge market, technology, and worldwide power to make deals that are good for the U.S. A good deal for the U.S. doesn't have to be a bad deal for other countries. A good transaction leaves both parties feeling like they got something out of the deal. It is called negotiating.
Mexico elected leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador in a landslide victory on Sunday, according to exit polls showing the former mayor with double-digit leads over his competitors.

López Obrador, 64, mounted his third bid for the presidency with promises to rein in widespread corruption and fight poverty within the country. A former mayor of Mexico City, he will replace current President Enrique Peña Nieto and has promised to upend traditional party politics.

He would be the first leftist president in more than 30 years.

Mexico Elects Leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Far left. Landslide victory. First leftist president in over 30 years. How will Trump deal with him? Comments?

Trump will insult him, like he has ever other world leader. I wouldn't expect anything different from him.

I agree. However, I would expect this new leftist president to be harder for Trump to push around than Nieto. Trump has alienated both our northern and southern neighbors.

Mexico's 2nd largest industry is tourism, much it if comes from the United States. It employs millions of Mexicans along their coastline, and tourism has actually created a middle class in those tourist districts. How hard the new President is going to push back, while risking losing or crushing that industry, who knows? What is at risk with a liberal Mexican President with Trump's threat of tariffs are the registered properties Americans own in those tourist districts, time shares, hotels, lots of American investments that the new Mexican President has his thumb on. Hopefully the new President isn't looking at those American assets to seize to create a false temporary relief for the poor, but in this Trumpism atmosphere. who knows.

Mexico elected leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador in a landslide victory on Sunday, according to exit polls showing the former mayor with double-digit leads over his competitors.

López Obrador, 64, mounted his third bid for the presidency with promises to rein in widespread corruption and fight poverty within the country. A former mayor of Mexico City, he will replace current President Enrique Peña Nieto and has promised to upend traditional party politics.

He would be the first leftist president in more than 30 years.

Mexico Elects Leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Far left. Landslide victory. First leftist president in over 30 years. How will Trump deal with him? Comments?

Probably he'll be disgusted that a guy will come along thinking about the people, not just the rich.

Mexico elected leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador in a landslide victory on Sunday, according to exit polls showing the former mayor with double-digit leads over his competitors.

López Obrador, 64, mounted his third bid for the presidency with promises to rein in widespread corruption and fight poverty within the country. A former mayor of Mexico City, he will replace current President Enrique Peña Nieto and has promised to upend traditional party politics.

He would be the first leftist president in more than 30 years.

Mexico Elects Leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Far left. Landslide victory. First leftist president in over 30 years. How will Trump deal with him? Comments?

You mean a communist that wants mexicans to storm the border?

Mexico elected leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador in a landslide victory on Sunday, according to exit polls showing the former mayor with double-digit leads over his competitors.

López Obrador, 64, mounted his third bid for the presidency with promises to rein in widespread corruption and fight poverty within the country. A former mayor of Mexico City, he will replace current President Enrique Peña Nieto and has promised to upend traditional party politics.

He would be the first leftist president in more than 30 years.

Mexico Elects Leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Far left. Landslide victory. First leftist president in over 30 years. How will Trump deal with him? Comments?

I think it depends on AMLO's continued verbal foreign policies toward the US which to date have not been tactful, restrained or pleasant in most Americans' ears. In particular AMLO's future public words regarding US immigration and border enforcement policies could have dual highly detrimental effects with potential to immediately blow up in his face.

If AMLO condemns either aforementioned US policy and/or continues advocation of and a call for mass Central American migration to USA's southern border, President Trump will be vindicated in some of his uh um less diplomatic Mexico comments. In that way, our POTUS will summon even more support for stricter immigration enforcement and the Wall.

Lastly, if AMLO takes the route of siding with the American radical Left on immigrant family detention, prosecution and deportation, thereby adding to that currently popular inferno outcry, he could both aid in the Fall of the American Left from all political legitimacy, and face manifold retaliation from the DT White House ranging from official verbal censure to sanctions, embargo, limited expeditionary incursions into Mexican sovereign territory and even a full blown hot neo-drug war.

If I were in AMLO's place in geographical history I would focus inward on Mexico and stay far out of President Trump's shadow, and off his radar.

Mexico elected leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador in a landslide victory on Sunday, according to exit polls showing the former mayor with double-digit leads over his competitors.

López Obrador, 64, mounted his third bid for the presidency with promises to rein in widespread corruption and fight poverty within the country. A former mayor of Mexico City, he will replace current President Enrique Peña Nieto and has promised to upend traditional party politics.

He would be the first leftist president in more than 30 years.

Mexico Elects Leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Far left. Landslide victory. First leftist president in over 30 years. How will Trump deal with him? Comments?

Probably he'll be disgusted that a guy will come along thinking about the people, not just the rich.

Since he is a communist, there should be a mass migration to Mexico....including the illegals and the commie leftists in this country.

Mexico elected leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador in a landslide victory on Sunday, according to exit polls showing the former mayor with double-digit leads over his competitors.

López Obrador, 64, mounted his third bid for the presidency with promises to rein in widespread corruption and fight poverty within the country. A former mayor of Mexico City, he will replace current President Enrique Peña Nieto and has promised to upend traditional party politics.

He would be the first leftist president in more than 30 years.

Mexico Elects Leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Far left. Landslide victory. First leftist president in over 30 years. How will Trump deal with him? Comments?

I'm sure Trump will deport him when he tries to cross our border.


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