How Well Your Federal Elected Pols Did In The Stock Market last year.


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2020

The 2022 Report is out.


  • By analysing publicly accessible financial disclosures, we found that a quarter of Congress actively traded up to $788M in various assets through 12,700+ transactions in 2022. Although this matches the number of transactions in 2021, the total value has dropped.
  • The top sectors with the highest stock investments were: Technology Services, Electronic Technology, Finance, Consumer Services, Health Technology for Democrats; and Technology Services, Industrial Services, Miscellaneous, Finance, Electronic Technology for Republicans.
  • Congress beat SPY based on total returns in 2022, as well as a secondary way of calculating based on if they traded SPY instead of the stocks they traded.
  • Top political traders in 2021 were not necessarily top traders in 2022.
  • There were many unusual trades, whether coinciding with Committee decisions or large bills themselves, resulting in large gains for politicians."

The 2022 Report is out.


  • By analysing publicly accessible financial disclosures, we found that a quarter of Congress actively traded up to $788M in various assets through 12,700+ transactions in 2022. Although this matches the number of transactions in 2021, the total value has dropped.
  • The top sectors with the highest stock investments were: Technology Services, Electronic Technology, Finance, Consumer Services, Health Technology for Democrats; and Technology Services, Industrial Services, Miscellaneous, Finance, Electronic Technology for Republicans.
  • Congress beat SPY based on total returns in 2022, as well as a secondary way of calculating based on if they traded SPY instead of the stocks they traded.
  • Top political traders in 2021 were not necessarily top traders in 2022.
  • There were many unusual trades, whether coinciding with Committee decisions or large bills themselves, resulting in large gains for politicians."
Martha Stewart went to prison for that

The 2022 Report is out.


  • By analysing publicly accessible financial disclosures, we found that a quarter of Congress actively traded up to $788M in various assets through 12,700+ transactions in 2022. Although this matches the number of transactions in 2021, the total value has dropped.
  • The top sectors with the highest stock investments were: Technology Services, Electronic Technology, Finance, Consumer Services, Health Technology for Democrats; and Technology Services, Industrial Services, Miscellaneous, Finance, Electronic Technology for Republicans.
  • Congress beat SPY based on total returns in 2022, as well as a secondary way of calculating based on if they traded SPY instead of the stocks they traded.
  • Top political traders in 2021 were not necessarily top traders in 2022.
  • There were many unusual trades, whether coinciding with Committee decisions or large bills themselves, resulting in large gains for politicians."
/—-/ I’d rather them making some extra coin trading like I do, than taking $$$ under the table as bribes. Of course, I’m sure some do both.
I read AOC went to Congress broke and is now worth &29 mil. But, don’t ask me for a link.
/—-/ I’d rather them making some extra coin trading like I do, than taking $$$ under the table as bribes. Of course, I’m sure some do both.

Trading on inside info is wrong; if they're trading blind, and some do, I wouldn't be bothered by that. Most aren't; NAncy Pelosi and Dianna 'Warbucks' Feinstein never were; Pelosi made over $20 million at it, Feinstein's husband made several billions, just to name two of the biggest.

There were many unusual trades, whether coinciding with Committee decisions or large bills themselves, resulting in large gains for politicians."

And they still take bribes anyway. They can hide them in stock and real estate transactions.
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Latest trading activity​

The average American was not always privy to information on what exact stocks his public representatives were involved in trading and if they were possibly making money while doing so. However, a recently growing outcry for more transparency resulted in a minor win for the average investor that came in the form of the 2012 STOCK Act. In its current form, the bill requires members of Congress to publicly file and disclose their stock trading transactions within 45 days of the transaction date.

However, while it represents a significant step forward in terms of enabling more transparency, this has not kept policymakers from generating above-market returns, far beyond the average stock market investor. There is hardly a better example of the edge the average policymaker can have than the current trading record of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi. Throughout the years, Rep. Pelosi has managed to attract much controversy when it comes to Congressional insider trading, with many of her stock trades being notoriously well-timed. It is worth noting at this point that House Speaker Pelosi does most of her trading through her husband, Paul Pelosi, who owns and operates a successful San Francisco-based investment company. Here are the latest Pelosi stock picks that are worth considering:
Most of Congress has a family member as a straw buyer and seller of their largest financial assets that make gains from trading stocks that benefit or lose (short selling) from legislation. This usually is stocks, bonds, or options.

The congress is supposed to have their financial assets in "blind trusts". Meaning they don't control them or have any knowledge about them while in congress.'s obvious that they ALL have pierced the veil and are completely untrustworthy in their duties. (With a few notable exceptions)

Even Biden's granddaughter is a multi-millionaire at this point. So how does a 12 year old little girl get such market savvy?

The speeches are for suckers...the real voting comes in the place of their broker's voice-mail inbox.
Even congressmen make money on stocks!!! I think you can make a lot of money if you sell and buy after their example. The main thing is to use a trusted broker so you don't end up cheated. That's why you should use those brokers who are already trusted by many people. For example, I recently read a review of city index uk on one website about brokerage companies and I found it very interesting. Its reviews are good, also features such as providing 3 trading accounts, each designed according to the taste and preferences of clients, which makes it very convenient. In short, it's a good time to make money, especially when congressmen are doing it.

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