How Trump launched the biggest regulatory rollback in American history


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
September 9,2017..
What's the goal?
President Trump declared war on the "regulation industry" on his first day in office, arguing it was "choking" economic growth. He immediately signed a "two-for-one" executive order requiring federal agencies to identify two regulations to eliminate for each new rule they want to impose, and with the help of the Republican-led Congress, he has killed or delayed more than 860 federal rules and regulations affecting almost all facets of everyday life — from environmental regulations banning coal plants from dumping waste into public waterways to mattress flammability standards and meat- and poultry-processing guidelines.

Trump and other Republicans argue the number of government regulations grew out of control under Obama. The printed version of the Federal Register, which records government regulations, hit 97,110 pages under Obama's watch, surpassing the previous record of 81,405, and the conservative think tank American Action Forum estimated that Obama-era regulations imposed a "cumulative burden" of $890 billion on businesses
How Trump launched the biggest regulatory rollback in American history

So what is the "cost" to American businesses in complying with "rules and regulations"?

Crews’ report cites the work of economists Nicole V. Crain and W. Mark Crain, whose study of the net cost of regulations determined that in 2009 federal regulation cost businesses and consumers $1.75 trillion, or nearly 12% of America’s 2009 GDP.
The Hidden Cost of Regulation | FreedomWorks
Meanwhile back in reality, the stock market has largely been stagnant since the blob oozed into office compared to Obama’s market which climbed 149%.

The presidential effect on the stock market is limited but the premise of the OP is that regulation was hurting business. Clearly that is not the case since the rollback hasn’t helped the resulting stock prices in the DJIA
September 9,2017..
What's the goal?
President Trump declared war on the "regulation industry" on his first day in office, arguing it was "choking" economic growth. He immediately signed a "two-for-one" executive order requiring federal agencies to identify two regulations to eliminate for each new rule they want to impose, and with the help of the Republican-led Congress, he has killed or delayed more than 860 federal rules and regulations affecting almost all facets of everyday life — from environmental regulations banning coal plants from dumping waste into public waterways to mattress flammability standards and meat- and poultry-processing guidelines.

Trump and other Republicans argue the number of government regulations grew out of control under Obama. The printed version of the Federal Register, which records government regulations, hit 97,110 pages under Obama's watch, surpassing the previous record of 81,405, and the conservative think tank American Action Forum estimated that Obama-era regulations imposed a "cumulative burden" of $890 billion on businesses
How Trump launched the biggest regulatory rollback in American history

So what is the "cost" to American businesses in complying with "rules and regulations"?

Crews’ report cites the work of economists Nicole V. Crain and W. Mark Crain, whose study of the net cost of regulations determined that in 2009 federal regulation cost businesses and consumers $1.75 trillion, or nearly 12% of America’s 2009 GDP.
The Hidden Cost of Regulation | FreedomWorks

What are the costs to the public of dirty air and dirty water? Studies like this do not take this into account. Allowing companies to dump waste into public waterways means dirty water. How many Americans would die from mattresses catching fire or from salmonella from meat and poultry processing. Can you put a cost on a human life?

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