How to stop the BP oil spill: What else can be tried now?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
"BP has failed to manually shut the blowout preventer, and it could take three months to drill a relief well. Before then, BP will try to put a giant hood over the leaking wellhead, or perhaps even install a second preventer. But no short-term options have a proven track record to stop an oil spill."
How to stop the BP oil spill: What else can be tried now? -

It is obvious that BP does not know how to stop the oil flow. They can't shut the blowout preventer. The giant hood over the wellhead has never been tested so it may not work. They say they may try to install a second blowout preventer or maybe they will drill another well which will take three months, or maybe longer. Meanwhile, 210,000 gallons of crude oil are spilling into the gulf each day with no end in sight. The Wall Street Journal reports the cost to BP of the cleanup may exceed 8 billion. The cost to the seafood industry and tourism will be huge particularly if the oil is picked up by the gulf stream and it hits Florida beeches and reefs.

Drillers should be required to develop workable tested methods and procedures to cut off oil flow in a disaster. If they can cut off oil flow at surface, they should be able cut it off at the base of the well. Yep, that means government regulations. Comments?
Drillers should be required to develop workable tested methods and procedures to cut off oil flow in a disaster. If they can cut off oil flow at surface, they should be able cut it off at the base of the well. Yep, that means government regulations. Comments?

They already had that in place, with backup fail-safe equipment. Thats why BP and the oil industry is baffled at just how this incident could've occurred. Before further comment, I'll say I'm OK with government regulating something that large of scale. Sort of like regulating nuke plants or dams. Massive risk should have some oversight.

But, there is a reason the industry experts are baffled by this accident and how it happened, why armed DOD units were sent to other rigs, why the Obama admin is urgently blaming and pressuring BP and cornering them into accepting all blame, why they haven't spoken on ruling out other possible causes: Because they aren't sure what caused it, and there is a strong chance and a lot of whispering around intelligence agencies in the US and around the world that this was an attack, not an accident.

Seriously, look how fast they came out and ruled the NYC car plot was an attack. And look how fast they spoke and stated the coal mine collapse was 100% an accident. Anytime we have a tragedy or close call in the last 10 years, we instantly get the official "This was not terror related" or "This appears to be criminal or terror related, but we can't speculate yet".

Anyone notice the glaring absence of the confirmation or exclusion of the possibility of this being an attack? They have no fu**ing clue what caused this. The government and BP are both baffled.

But, sorry, didn't answer your question about clean-up, I just hate that this possibility isn't being addressed. How to better clean it up? We should take all the fan boats in the florida everglades, circle the spill, and keep blowing the oil back to the middle where theres a big bon-fire. Or get Obama to grow his college afro back out, turn him upside down and soak it all up.:lol:
Or better yet, sprinkle all the cocaine in Miami on top of it, and let George W. Bush sniff it all up.
Drillers should be required to develop workable tested methods and procedures to cut off oil flow in a disaster. If they can cut off oil flow at surface, they should be able cut it off at the base of the well. Yep, that means government regulations. Comments?

They already had that in place, with backup fail-safe equipment. Thats why BP and the oil industry is baffled at just how this incident could've occurred. Before further comment, I'll say I'm OK with government regulating something that large of scale. Sort of like regulating nuke plants or dams. Massive risk should have some oversight.

But, there is a reason the industry experts are baffled by this accident and how it happened, why armed DOD units were sent to other rigs, why the Obama admin is urgently blaming and pressuring BP and cornering them into accepting all blame, why they haven't spoken on ruling out other possible causes: Because they aren't sure what caused it, and there is a strong chance and a lot of whispering around intelligence agencies in the US and around the world that this was an attack, not an accident.

Seriously, look how fast they came out and ruled the NYC car plot was an attack. And look how fast they spoke and stated the coal mine collapse was 100% an accident. Anytime we have a tragedy or close call in the last 10 years, we instantly get the official "This was not terror related" or "This appears to be criminal or terror related, but we can't speculate yet".

Anyone notice the glaring absence of the confirmation or exclusion of the possibility of this being an attack? They have no fu**ing clue what caused this. The government and BP are both baffled.

But, sorry, didn't answer your question about clean-up, I just hate that this possibility isn't being addressed. How to better clean it up? We should take all the fan boats in the florida everglades, circle the spill, and keep blowing the oil back to the middle where theres a big bon-fire. Or get Obama to grow his college afro back out, turn him upside down and soak it all up.:lol:
Makes sense. If it's terror related and something this big, they are going to play it real tight. Since no one ever tried to blow an offshore well, at least not that we know about, I would think BP security would not be that tight.

If it were terror related, that would throw a whole different light on who's responsible.
"BP has failed to manually shut the blowout preventer, and it could take three months to drill a relief well. Before then, BP will try to put a giant hood over the leaking wellhead, or perhaps even install a second preventer. But no short-term options have a proven track record to stop an oil spill."
How to stop the BP oil spill: What else can be tried now? -

It is obvious that BP does not know how to stop the oil flow. They can't shut the blowout preventer. The giant hood over the wellhead has never been tested so it may not work. They say they may try to install a second blowout preventer or maybe they will drill another well which will take three months, or maybe longer. Meanwhile, 210,000 gallons of crude oil are spilling into the gulf each day with no end in sight. The Wall Street Journal reports the cost to BP of the cleanup may exceed 8 billion. The cost to the seafood industry and tourism will be huge particularly if the oil is picked up by the gulf stream and it hits Florida beeches and reefs.

Drillers should be required to develop workable tested methods and procedures to cut off oil flow in a disaster. If they can cut off oil flow at surface, they should be able cut it off at the base of the well. Yep, that means government regulations. Comments?

Let's stuff the hole full of petroleum engineers.
"BP has failed to manually shut the blowout preventer, and it could take three months to drill a relief well. Before then, BP will try to put a giant hood over the leaking wellhead, or perhaps even install a second preventer. But no short-term options have a proven track record to stop an oil spill."
How to stop the BP oil spill: What else can be tried now? -

It is obvious that BP does not know how to stop the oil flow. They can't shut the blowout preventer. The giant hood over the wellhead has never been tested so it may not work. They say they may try to install a second blowout preventer or maybe they will drill another well which will take three months, or maybe longer. Meanwhile, 210,000 gallons of crude oil are spilling into the gulf each day with no end in sight. The Wall Street Journal reports the cost to BP of the cleanup may exceed 8 billion. The cost to the seafood industry and tourism will be huge particularly if the oil is picked up by the gulf stream and it hits Florida beeches and reefs.

Drillers should be required to develop workable tested methods and procedures to cut off oil flow in a disaster. If they can cut off oil flow at surface, they should be able cut it off at the base of the well. Yep, that means government regulations. Comments?

Let's stuff the hole full of petroleum engineers.

I bet you use products that are produced with the assistance of petroleum products.... talk about biting the hand that feeds you. What a fucking moron.
I bet you use products that are produced with the assistance of petroleum products
I bet you do, too. And bet you give a flip that the people in my state and surrounding states will have to trade their coastline so you can drive your ungrateful bitch ass to work today. Its nothing you have to worry about, no skin off your back, so fuck everyone else.
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I bet you use products that are produced with the assistance of petroleum products
I bet you do, too. And bet you give a flip that the people in my state and surrounding states will have to trade their coastline so you can drive your ungrateful bitch ass to work today. Its nothing you have to worry about, no skin off your back, so fuck everyone else.

Actually, I work from home, but I'm smart enough to appreciate that, without the petroleum companies, we'd all be living in the dark ages. Its not my fault you're a ranting lunatic who can't grasp basic economics.

You're making yourself look a fool by whining about me instead of actually trying to see the facts of the incident.
Actually, I work from home, but I'm smart enough to appreciate that, without the petroleum companies, we'd all be living in the dark ages. Its not my fault you're a ranting lunatic who can't grasp basic economics.

You're making yourself look a fool by whining about me instead of actually trying to see the facts of the incident.

I love how souless right wing jerkoffs like yourself like to quote random facts that everyone knows to make themselves look smart. Yes, I'm aware petroleum provides us many things. That's so smart of you to know that. You should get a fucking star. Now tell me how that makes what's going on acceptable. Oh that's right - you've got nothing at stake down here, as long as your oil keeps flowing to support your way of life why would you care if other people's ways of lives are destroyed forever? ME ME ME!
I bet you use products that are produced with the assistance of petroleum products
I bet you do, too. And bet you give a flip that the people in my state and surrounding states will have to trade their coastline so you can drive your ungrateful bitch ass to work today. Its nothing you have to worry about, no skin off your back, so fuck everyone else.

Just a note, Cali is a TRICKY BITCH, not just an ungrateful one...:eusa_shhh:
They need to build a giant condom and put it over the piping.

It's the only reasonable answer
Actually, I work from home, but I'm smart enough to appreciate that, without the petroleum companies, we'd all be living in the dark ages. Its not my fault you're a ranting lunatic who can't grasp basic economics.

You're making yourself look a fool by whining about me instead of actually trying to see the facts of the incident.

I love how souless right wing jerkoffs like yourself like to quote random facts that everyone knows to make themselves look smart. Yes, I'm aware petroleum provides us many things. That's so smart of you to know that. You should get a fucking star. Now tell me how that makes what's going on acceptable. Oh that's right - you've got nothing at stake down here, as long as your oil keeps flowing to support your way of life why would you care if other people's ways of lives are destroyed forever? ME ME ME!

Because with the good comes the bad... unlike what a liberal would LIKE to have, you don't have benefits without risks and costs....

Nothing is 100% safe... and you don't sit around and wait under some false hope that it will be
I bet you use products that are produced with the assistance of petroleum products
I bet you do, too. And bet you give a flip that the people in my state and surrounding states will have to trade their coastline so you can drive your ungrateful bitch ass to work today. Its nothing you have to worry about, no skin off your back, so fuck everyone else.

Yeah, you hit the nail on the head: When it comes right down to it, the beaches have always sucked in your state, and shrimp is cheaper to farm in Bangladesh.
In terms of what this oil spill means for the gulf coast and its long term effects it will be tragic for years to come and it's my hope that BP does step up to the plate and helps mitigate some the damage caused by this well. However, speculating on how engineers can seal off the flow of oil from this well is just that speculation, and I have every confidence that a solution will be found and the challenge will be met and the well sealed off. The after-effects of this spill will need to be addressed by cool heads and not by reactionary voices using this as a hammer or as a gotcha to further some agenda when the real tragic results of this spill will be the people living it. I frankly find it somewhat amusing everytime I hear from the extreme anti-petro side of this argurment they are doing so on a petro based product and no doubt at some tie duing the week consuming any number of products produced by that same industry all the while condemning its use for others except for themselves. It's prudent for our nation to move forward in a DIVERSE energy solution for the future and one that includes fossil fuels for the near term and using this tragic spill to promote favored solitions does not help in that promotion.
Because with the good comes the bad... unlike what a liberal would LIKE to have, you don't have benefits without risks and costs....

Nothing is 100% safe... and you don't sit around and wait under some false hope that it will be

That must be really really really hard for you to say, considering you have nothing at stake here except the continued production of oil for your enjoyment and convenience.
I bet you use products that are produced with the assistance of petroleum products
I bet you do, too. And bet you give a flip that the people in my state and surrounding states will have to trade their coastline so you can drive your ungrateful bitch ass to work today. Its nothing you have to worry about, no skin off your back, so fuck everyone else.

Yeah, you hit the nail on the head: When it comes right down to it, the beaches have always sucked in your state, and shrimp is cheaper to farm in Bangladesh.

Sure if you like your seafood frozen and shipped from a zillion miles away. Sorry you were born without taste.
I bet you do, too. And bet you give a flip that the people in my state and surrounding states will have to trade their coastline so you can drive your ungrateful bitch ass to work today. Its nothing you have to worry about, no skin off your back, so fuck everyone else.

Yeah, you hit the nail on the head: When it comes right down to it, the beaches have always sucked in your state, and shrimp is cheaper to farm in Bangladesh.

Sure if you like your seafood frozen and shipped from a zillion miles away. Sorry you were born without taste.

Note: There's no argument about sucky beaches.

You need to join the 21st century: Technology has made it possible for me to make Jambalya on Monday using Frozen Shrimp that were swimming in Thailand a few days before, and only pay $5/lb at Wal-Mart.

I did use Zataran's Creole Seasoning, which didn't come from Gulf Waters.

Let's face the facts: The biggest tourist draws on the Redneck Riviera are the Casinos, whose business shouldn't be effected except for Blackjack Playing Manatees.
If you can't tell the difference between fresh Gulf shrimp and what you get at Red Lobster.. well... you probably think Waffle House is gormet as well. God help you.
If you can't tell the difference between fresh Gulf shrimp and what you get at Red Lobster.. well... you probably think Waffle House is gormet as well. God help you.

I'm in Colorado, sweetie, there's no fucking way I'm getting Fresh Shrimp from the Gulf of Meico or anywhere else, and, frankly, don't really care that much: If I wanna eat a fish, I go pull a trout out of a river of flowing snowmelt.

If I wanna fly somewhere to Eat Fresh Seafood, I can go to Bubba Gump's House in South Carolina, or to California, or to Chesapeake Bay....Gulf Coast has no Monopoly on Shrimp.

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