How to get Hamas to stop killing Palestinian civilians...


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009
Stop giving good press to Hamas.


If you simply tell the truth and blame Hamas for every death and report every death as a death responsible to Hamas, then they will learn that the PR propaganda they are using to turn the world opinion against Israel isn't working.

If that isn't working, that they get no positive PR or press from the killings of these civilians, then maybe they'll stop being the cowards they are and come out and fight like men.

The deaths of civilian Arabs in Gaza are 1000% on Hamas. They bear ALL the responsibility for it.
This is 100% on Hamas - blood is on their souls.

100% unconditional surrender from Hamas is how this will end soon. If not, Israel is not to be f'd with. Hamas killed women, children and babies. Iran f'd Hamas. Iran is next.

They are as good as dead.

That's all.
Stop giving good press to Hamas.


If you simply tell the truth and blame Hamas for every death and report every death as a death responsible to Hamas, then they will learn that the PR propaganda they are using to turn the world opinion against Israel isn't working.

If that isn't working, that they get no positive PR or press from the killings of these civilians, then maybe they'll stop being the cowards they are and come out and fight like men.

The deaths of civilian Arabs in Gaza are 1000% on Hamas. They bear ALL the responsibility for it.
Kill the civillians first?
Kill the civillians first?
Report NOTHING but the truth of the evil that Hamas is.

Give them not one iota of positive press, anywhere in the world.

Teach them that the propaganda they are counting on to give them a pass on these deaths isn't forthcoming.

Make it so that every Nation on this planet is against them in every way.
Palestinians are a good example of how NOT to be passive when your government begins being aggressive towards others.

The PLA/Hamas terrorists didn't operate behind a huge cloak of secrecy or invisibility. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians knew and cheered what they were doing to Israel. They cheered and whooped at the slaughter, rape, and defilement of the innocent.

All the while knowing that Israel was stronger, better equipped, and better trained than they ever hoped to be....and hoping that the massive PR campaign and racism would protect them from the reprisals.

Guess what?

Much like Russia is in financial straights currently from embargoes and lack of international banking due to their invasion of Ukraine...Palestinians are going to lose even more by the time all is said and done.

The truth is out. You can tell HAMAS is lying by their lips moving. They shot Sheri almost immediately and broke her leg to get her to fit in the truck parading her naked corpse on the streets of Gaza. But told the world and her family that she was getting medical treatment...a bold faced lie.

I don't care what Palestinians want or cry about. They are lying, deceitful murderous beasts which are full of misogyny and hate. They have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Stop giving good press to Hamas.


If you simply tell the truth and blame Hamas for every death and report every death as a death responsible to Hamas, then they will learn that the PR propaganda they are using to turn the world opinion against Israel isn't working.

If that isn't working, that they get no positive PR or press from the killings of these civilians, then maybe they'll stop being the cowards they are and come out and fight like men.

The deaths of civilian Arabs in Gaza are 1000% on Hamas. They bear ALL the responsibility for it.
Spoken like a true Israeli piece of shit, without the balls to admit responsibility for the atrocities you have committed.
Hamad committed terrorist acts on the 7th of October. They should be condemned for these atrocities.

Furthermore, Jews are not at fault for this. It is the Israeli right, who is responsible.
Good. Hamas will not be permitted to use civilians as a shield.

When that happens, any future terrorist attacks will know that they will not be safe behind the skirts of women and the cribs of babies.

The entire world should, in one voice, denounce such actions and NOT SPARE the perpetrators of their just demise, even if they hide behind the skirts of women and the cribs of babes.

Let the world be on notice. Commit atrocities of that nature and you will be hunted down and killed, where ever you are.

Full stop.
Good. Hamas will not be permitted to use civilians as a shield.

When that happens, any future terrorist attacks will know that they will not be safe behind the skirts of women and the cribs of babies.

The entire world should, in one voice, denounce such actions and NOT SPARE the perpetrators of their just demise, even if they hide behind the skirts of women and the cribs of babes.

Let the world be on notice. Commit atrocities of that nature and you will be hunted down and killed, where ever you are.

Full stop.
Israel has committed more atrocities than Hamas.
Stop giving good press to Hamas.

We love Freedom Fighters and particularly downtrodden young men who have been trampled on .
So, Allahu Akbar to you even though you were man enough to admit to being simple .
It will be almost impossible for Hamas to accept Israel as that is their only reason for existence. The hate for Israeli and also that they have never accepted Israel rights to exists. The other side of the people who live in that area appears to have more moderate views. They probably hate Israel but will negotiate with them for peace. Ironically, Hamas uses violence to gain control even amongst their own people.

The ideology of some outweigh the peoples rights to have a normal life

Until the people of the area can agree to something then it will be an internal tug of war. The radicals will attack Israel which will cause a response. This will create more hate. Until the killing stops, it is a circle of violence which creates more hate in a relative small patch of land.
Spoken like a true Israeli piece of shit, without the balls to admit responsibility for the atrocities you have committed.
It is my opinion, that neither Israelis nor Palestinians are by nature inhuman lying pieces of shit.
The Thread OP is correct (at least) in saying this is what you get when you vote for somebody like HAMAS to represent your interests and direct what government there is, without the people maintaining any control over powers that be. In this case, HAMAS, being ruthless, inhuman, genocidal militaristic assholes, sworn to destroy Israel, and not carrying how many civilian Israeli Jews they murder, rape, torture or take hostage to further their goals and those of countries (suck as Iran) calling the shots and financing the weaponry above them. Sad (to an extent) but many Palestinians will suffer and die, due to having no control over the war making plans and operations of murderous fascists above them. Too bad. They should not have elected them and just gone about their lives with no care as to what that fanatical regime might do, whether they had a chance of success or just killing in spite, without care of what they would bring down upon the Palestinian people, just wanting to go about their life. HAMAS will be destroyed, but many Palestinians on the sidelines being used in hope of shielding HAMAS will suffer and die, when it was not necessary and had no hope of success. Oh well, sucks to be a Palestinian, I guess. Next time they vote for a government, they should vote differently, if they wish to live.

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