How to fix Central America


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
Yes folks I have figured it out.

We take all of these super qualified DACA people the left swears are the only ones that will work and keep America prosperous back home. And they can make their home countries prosperous! Start businesses, run for office. It's like sending the elite from the US in to save the day right left wingers?
Maybe one day Americans will want to sneak into Mexico
Maybe one day Americans will try to sneak into Mexico
I get tired of the lefts bullshit these people are doctors and engineers and better than any of Americas kids. Well if that's true I'm willing to take a chance and live without them.
I live in Arizona so I see the people covered by DACA. I don't see any doctors or engineers in that group. I'm not saying they are bad people, for the most part they are not. I am saying that the Left just loves to cherry pick the one out of a thousand who has an advanced degree and hold them up and say "See? This is who DACA protects!" Obama was the worst at cherry picking. Let's have a little honesty for a change.

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