- How to Be ...


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Rich - { His Formulas } as explained with added intrigue in the
Movie starring veteran aged actor { Christopher Plummer } with
sterling effect.That Movie being :
- All the Money in the World - { 2017 } the true story of J.Paul
Getty and how he dealt with the Kidnapping of his Grandson.
Getty being the World's First Billionaire.And wealth visionary.
For starters his take on the Title of his book - How to Be Rich -
The Publisher wanted the word { Get } used instead { Be }.
The immensely determined Getty would not hear of it.Thankfully.
We're not talking some weenie here.Like the weeniefied column
from Eric Lutz mentioned in the Feburary edition of Vanity Fair.
" From the Brink " an appraisal of "Optimism" for and from Leftist'
who believe " three cheers for Democracy and taking progesss where
we can get it " in regards to all Things January 6thish. Truly mores akin
to Thuggish. I coulda used the word " ** thuggishness ". But then I already used
a formidable adjective with " Weeniefied ". Know your Weenies.
Getty explaining the difference between " Being " Rich and
" Getting " rich.A great way to start the day off.
" If you can count your money,you're no Billionaire. "
" When a man gets wealthy,he has to deal with the problems
of freedom. "
" Everything has a price.The great struggle in life is coming to grips
with what that price is. "
" I have no money to spare "
Imagine if you will that Former President Donald Trump managed to
write a Book with the Title ... - How to Be Donald Trump -.
How long before some weenie Leftist Columnist changed the wording
to ... - How to Get Donald Trump -
I say faster than any - *Rat Pack - could whip out a Cig and Light.

* Notoriously coolio group of entertainers who mix singing and
comedy and Being seen ... And Heard.

** Nor is it the same as Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin
exiling Leon Trotsky,had him airbrushed out of the Great
Soviet Encylopedia,and sent assassins to Mexico to finish the job.
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The Importance of this piece.Know your " thuggishness ".
The American Populace are being played for stooges.Both
literally and figuratively.Multiple times each and every day.
By a " corrupted " Mainstream Media ... Now more than ever.
Because like rats fleeing a sinking ship they are desperate.
That is why you won't hear a peep out of Madame Cruella de Pelosi
or Steny Hoyer.They have relegated that train of thought to black
underlings c/o leadership roles for Hakeem Jeffries touted as
a " Rising Star ' and of course Old Dog from the south who can still
hunt in James Clyburn.
" But i felt a sense of deepened dread as I watched the
Republican reaction : Faced with undeniable evidence of
Trump's THUGGISHNESS, his party closed ranks around him
more tightly than ever. "

-- { Erosion of democracy can happen in the US }
I get it.To hear THEM tell it.That the word " thuggishness " is
reserved soley for the likes of President Trump.How dare anyone
use that word within half an equator about President Biden.
The reasonable one.As kind natured as your favorite uncle.
As harmless as a Ladybug.Soon to be named the Manbug after
innocent old Uncle Joe from Scranton.
Whereas Big Donald Trump is a virtual towering Inferno
of Hate,racism and practicing Nazism on the side.After his
last course of Dessert.He has his priorities,of course.
Not We the People.But all things HIM.
Talk about Gaslighting.I guess President Trump donating
his Presidential salary to a named charity each fiscal year
is about HIM. About making sure Israel gets what it wanted
for decades.For an American Embassy to be moved to Jerusalem.
Trump said he'd do it and he Did.
Biden isn't even all talk and no action.He's all Negative
action.Big talk about doing negative things while acting the
concerned Diplomat.I guess that explains small town
Americana as with E.Palestine,O.
That and a whole lot more.Biden has No Mores.Nor the legs
to support it even in his dreams.

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