How the World Views Our Betrayal of Afghanistan

Tony Blair calls the Biden abandonment "imbecilic"

"The abandonment of Afghanistan and its people is tragic, dangerous, unnecessary, not in their interests and not in ours,” said Blair who served as prime minister during 1997-2007, a period that also saw him back the U.S.-led war in Iraq in 2003.

“The world is now uncertain of where the West stands because it is so obvious that the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan in this way was driven not by grand strategy but by politics," he added. Blair also accused U.S. President Joe Biden of being “in obedience to an imbecilic political slogan about ending ‘the forever wars’, as if our engagement in 2021 was remotely comparable to our commitment 20 or even 10 years ago."
The same thing would have happened no matter who was president.

We were never going to establish lasting change in that backwards country which is why we never should have tried.
The same thing would have happened no matter who was president.

We were never going to establish lasting change in that backwards country which is why we never should have tried.
I cannot agree, certainly we should have left and I think we should've left a long time ago, but it could have been done much smarter and that is why so many people disapprove of the way Biden did it. The Taliban would've returned to power anyway, no matter when we left but we didn't have to leave thousands of American citizens and those of our allies in danger. We coulda and shoulda got them out BEFORE our military pulled out, and BTW we shouldn't have left so much military hardware and stuff for the Taliban to make use of.
get the American civilians and the equipment out 1st ... why is it so hard for Biden and his supporters to understand that simple fact .
Because that is where they are wrong.
So all of their talking points they use are only said to distract from that fact.
They want the topic to be the war in itself, and not how Biden utterly failed the exit.
the UK is doing a much better job of getting their citizens out ...
The problem with Americans in Afghanistan is that a great many of them apparently do not want to leave or they would have already been on a plane. Who are these people anyway? Do you know? No one seems to be explaining why so many Americans are still hanging out.
The problem with Americans in Afghanistan is that a great many of them apparently do not want to leave or they would have already been on a plane. Who are these people anyway? Do you know? No one seems to be explaining why so many Americans are still hanging out.
they cant get through the Taliban check points ! i know commies like you dont care about innocent Americans being killed but the people that love this country do !
they cant get through the Taliban check points ! i know commies like you dont care about innocent Americans being killed but the people that love this country do !
I know the collapse of the useless Afghan government was sudden but it was not that sudden.

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