How the OWS and Tea Party folks could make a Social Union and succeed.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
All BS and partisanship aside: The OWS and TP could unite, while maintaining understood differences, under a Social Union. Sure, business place and government unions don't work anymore. They cost too much.

So whats a Social Union? Just peer pressure, volunteerism, etc. How? Well, any way. Simple as a web page. But both sides would need to unite and agree on not attacking each other. What would it be like? The Tea Party is right that big government is bad. Bailouts sucked, and put us in huge debt. Taxes are too high. OWS is right that while not impossible, it's harder to be comfortable these days. I, yes me, agree with some OWS folks in that health care and college education is TOO expensive. Debt is almost a way of life now, and thats hurting us. Colleges and hospitals are making huge profits though, because we all agree to it.

So how about encouraging more and more people, of all walks of life, to stop bickering and agree on the peer pressure, volunteerism, boycott idea I have. Facebook could be a spot. Any online place could be. We only need a place to expose those who are harming us.

For example, Bank of America's $5 fee. If all people, and get more inolved, simply agreed to stop using BOA, they'd change or die. But we'd need a shit load of people to do it, AND stop fighting each other and understand we'll disagree on stuff. Thats why we're split.

If enough people got on the same page, and agreed to frequent only businesses that we advocate, and boycott those we don't, thats a start. Ford Motors, for example, refused the bailouts. They advertised on that, and the White House demanded they shut up about it. I'll buy Ford forever, just because they're good cars and they didn't take the easy money. We should all buy Ford. Screw GMC.

Whole Foods CEO didn't like Obamacare. I shop there nonstop. Great products. Great CEO.

Anyway, just a thought. A union of social ideals, where we will disagree, but on certain things we agree. We all wish odrinary folks got paid more. Taxes and government aren't the way to do it. But allowing CEO's and corporations to run free without accountability wont either.

Only if the PEOPLE unite among our differences can we change shit.

I think there is about a 2% chance of people putting their differences aside for this and doing something. Which means....I just wasted 10 minutes typing.
All BS and partisanship aside: The OWS and TP could unite, while maintaining understood differences, under a Social Union. Sure, business place and government unions don't work anymore. They cost too much.

So whats a Social Union? Just peer pressure, volunteerism, etc. How? Well, any way. Simple as a web page. But both sides would need to unite and agree on not attacking each other. What would it be like? The Tea Party is right that big government is bad. Bailouts sucked, and put us in huge debt. Taxes are too high. OWS is right that while not impossible, it's harder to be comfortable these days. I, yes me, agree with some OWS folks in that health care and college education is TOO expensive. Debt is almost a way of life now, and thats hurting us. Colleges and hospitals are making huge profits though, because we all agree to it.

So how about encouraging more and more people, of all walks of life, to stop bickering and agree on the peer pressure, volunteerism, boycott idea I have. Facebook could be a spot. Any online place could be. We only need a place to expose those who are harming us.

For example, Bank of America's $5 fee. If all people, and get more inolved, simply agreed to stop using BOA, they'd change or die. But we'd need a shit load of people to do it, AND stop fighting each other and understand we'll disagree on stuff. Thats why we're split.

If enough people got on the same page, and agreed to frequent only businesses that we advocate, and boycott those we don't, thats a start. Ford Motors, for example, refused the bailouts. They advertised on that, and the White House demanded they shut up about it. I'll buy Ford forever, just because they're good cars and they didn't take the easy money. We should all buy Ford. Screw GMC.

Whole Foods CEO didn't like Obamacare. I shop there nonstop. Great products. Great CEO.

Anyway, just a thought. A union of social ideals, where we will disagree, but on certain things we agree. We all wish odrinary folks got paid more. Taxes and government aren't the way to do it. But allowing CEO's and corporations to run free without accountability wont either.

Only if the PEOPLE unite among our differences can we change shit.

I think there is about a 2% chance of people putting their differences aside for this and doing something. Which means....I just wasted 10 minutes typing.

You first need to Establish that Insurrection is not part of the Game Plan.
Never happen.

Tea Party Core Values are less spending, less Taxes, Limited Government.

OWS core Values are Tax the Rich, Expand Entitlements, and therefore Expand the Government.
This OWS/Tea Party thing has me curious. I subscribe to the Tea Party's ideals and plan to support the nominee that most closely represents them. That being said, why is it liberal/progressives keep trying to suggest that they are one and the same with regard to goals and ideas? Show me the Tea Party demonstration where hundreds were arrested for breaking the law. Where the venue was left a stinking cess pool. Where Tea Partiers thought it okay to s**t on police cars. The funniest part is that the useful idiots at these OWS things aren't even demonstrating against the people responsible for their imagined oppression. If you don't like BofA then don't do business with them. If you don't like Wall Street then take your money out. Seems I hear that most of these people are college students upset about their student loans? Guess who took over student loans? Didn't Beck predict this back in the spring? This "grass roots" movement? If you don't want to be useful idiot then go look up Stephen Lerner please :)
Never happen.

Tea Party Core Values are less spending, less Taxes, Limited Government.

OWS core Values are Tax the Rich, Expand Entitlements, and therefore Expand the Government.

But both desire and end result of more personal comfort in life. I dont think either is gonna reach their goals. Just the reality of our current govt/corporation system.

However, a large, united group of individuals agreeing to boycott or be loyal to businesses that do more for their people and the customers is one small way to begin making influence. We'd need many millions to sign on. But a simple web page where people could see BOTH groups agreeing that X-company is screwing workers or customers might be a good start. For a start, I LOVE Chic-Fil-A. Food is good. They treat their employees the best among fast food joints. And they treat their customers amazingly well. On the other hand, Wendy's and Taco Bell are among the worst. Channel the TP and OWS energy into influencing how we are treated first, then what we get second.

Or we could keep fighting each other, which isn't working.
This OWS/Tea Party thing has me curious. I subscribe to the Tea Party's ideals and plan to support the nominee that most closely represents them. That being said, why is it liberal/progressives keep trying to suggest that they are one and the same with regard to goals and ideas? Show me the Tea Party demonstration where hundreds were arrested for breaking the law. Where the venue was left a stinking cess pool. Where Tea Partiers thought it okay to s**t on police cars. The funniest part is that the useful idiots at these OWS things aren't even demonstrating against the people responsible for their imagined oppression. If you don't like BofA then don't do business with them. If you don't like Wall Street then take your money out. Seems I hear that most of these people are college students upset about their student loans? Guess who took over student loans? Didn't Beck predict this back in the spring? This "grass roots" movement? If you don't want to be useful idiot then go look up Stephen Lerner please :)

Both could learn from the other. OWS could teach some of it's few morons to act right and respect the laws. TP could learn a few ideas from OWS, which I did. I actually tried to listen to a few gripes, and found myself agreeing with a couple: The price of healthcare and college are way too high. Getting hurt, or getting a degree, is guaranteed to put one into debt. Is gov't the answer? Private sector? Just decide not to get hurt or educated? I don't know. But I know they are right in that a degree or an injury cost way too damn much and puts us in a lot of debt. And debt is bad.

So.....thats a starting point. We BOTH think debt is bad. Government debt. Healthcare debt. Education debt. How do we now begin to fix it???? A joined effort would identify colleges that have soaring tuition, while offering nothing more than they did 50 years ago: A paper degree.

It has to be a better idea than marching and voting for the same morons.
Never happen.

Tea Party Core Values are less spending, less Taxes, Limited Government.

OWS core Values are Tax the Rich, Expand Entitlements, and therefore Expand the Government.

But both desire and end result of more personal comfort in life. I dont think either is gonna reach their goals. Just the reality of our current govt/corporation system.

However, a large, united group of individuals agreeing to boycott or be loyal to businesses that do more for their people and the customers is one small way to begin making influence. We'd need many millions to sign on. But a simple web page where people could see BOTH groups agreeing that X-company is screwing workers or customers might be a good start. For a start, I LOVE Chic-Fil-A. Food is good. They treat their employees the best among fast food joints. And they treat their customers amazingly well. On the other hand, Wendy's and Taco Bell are among the worst. Channel the TP and OWS energy into influencing how we are treated first, then what we get second.

Or we could keep fighting each other, which isn't working.

Where do I begin? There isn't a shred of commonality among the TP and the OWS crowd. The TP says get out of my way so I can make my own life more comfortable. The OWS crowd says take something that I haven't earned from someone else to make my life more comfortable. And your idea of a worker or consumer being screwed may be different than mine. The OWS people seem to think the people that caused the problem are best qualified to solve it. I think we are the best qualified to solve it. I will always find it amusing that the OWS people are protesting against an entity that has absolutely nothing to do with whatever it is they are angry at :confused:
If you're suggesting dialogue between OWS and the Tea Party (or more broadly between the left and the right) then certainly I'm all for that.

If you're suggesting an alliance, however, I think you need to find agreements in action, not just in principle. No one likes expensive health care or education, or bailouts, but shared concerns don't lead to an alliance if the solutions are not shared as well. Tea Partiers almost universally want to repeal the health care law; OWS people seem to have no interest in that. What solutions could they advocate together? Even if they found some, they would have to force many elected officials from a political party to actually pursue those solutions, since we don't live in a direct democracy.

Your suggestion for boycotting BofA is fine, but it is a small thing and one without direct political implications (not buying a good because you find it too expensive is not particularly political). How could OWS and the Tea Party do something bigger together?
These two movements cannot unite because they see two very different SOLUTIONS to the problem.

The TPM thinks the whole problem is government spending.

The OWS movement thinks the problem is that the government spends to enrich its cronny pals on wall street.

There is not enough common ground for them to forge a pact.
Under Boooosh, Public college costs DOUBLED, private costs were far more expensive than inflation, and private banks were given the loan program and charged much more. It was all part of the middle class's borrowing on bad credit effort to keep their lifestyle after being screwed for 30 years by Reaganomics and Voodoo (mortgages and refinancing on bad credit and shrinking wages)
The Tea Party lives in a dream world, brainwashed by propaganda, and "can't handle a black president"...-
These two movements cannot unite because they see two very different SOLUTIONS to the problem.

The TPM thinks the whole problem is government spending.

The OWS movement thinks the problem is that the government spends to enrich its cronny pals on wall street.

There is not enough common ground for them to forge a pact.

If you're gonna state something that the 'TEA Party thinks', it would be cool if that was actually factually accurate and not your opinion of what they think.

Firstly, they're individuals and hence there are a lot of different 'thinks'. Secondly, they KNOW that one can only tackle the issue by starting somewhere. The place to start tackling it is Government - because: a. we can vote those people out so we have some control, and b. they are at the heart of the problem. If Government had controlled Wall Street properly, then Wall Street could not have done what they did. That seems quite rational thinking to me.
Under Boooosh, Public college costs DOUBLED, private costs were far more expensive than inflation, and private banks were given the loan program and charged much more. It was all part of the middle class's borrowing on bad credit effort to keep their lifestyle after being screwed for 30 years by Reaganomics and Voodoo (mortgages and refinancing on bad credit and shrinking wages)
The Tea Party lives in a dream world, brainwashed by propaganda, and "can't handle a black president"...-

Constantly repeating a lie does not make it true.

Under Boooosh, Public college costs DOUBLED, private costs were far more expensive than inflation, and private banks were given the loan program and charged much more. It was all part of the middle class's borrowing on bad credit effort to keep their lifestyle after being screwed for 30 years by Reaganomics and Voodoo (mortgages and refinancing on bad credit and shrinking wages)
The Tea Party lives in a dream world, brainwashed by propaganda, and "can't handle a black president"...-

Constantly repeating a lie does not make it true.

Listen, brainwashed MORON with stupid insults and no facts- everything I say is fact, change the channel and get the real story, A-hole. Go back to Cal, and stop biotching...:lol:You're simply the tool of the greedy mega rich at this point....hoping for your recovery....:eusa_whistle:
All BS and partisanship aside: The OWS and TP could unite, while maintaining understood differences, under a Social Union. Sure, business place and government unions don't work anymore. They cost too much.

So whats a Social Union? Just peer pressure, volunteerism, etc. How? Well, any way. Simple as a web page. But both sides would need to unite and agree on not attacking each other. What would it be like? The Tea Party is right that big government is bad. Bailouts sucked, and put us in huge debt. Taxes are too high. OWS is right that while not impossible, it's harder to be comfortable these days. I, yes me, agree with some OWS folks in that health care and college education is TOO expensive. Debt is almost a way of life now, and thats hurting us. Colleges and hospitals are making huge profits though, because we all agree to it.

So how about encouraging more and more people, of all walks of life, to stop bickering and agree on the peer pressure, volunteerism, boycott idea I have. Facebook could be a spot. Any online place could be. We only need a place to expose those who are harming us.

For example, Bank of America's $5 fee. If all people, and get more inolved, simply agreed to stop using BOA, they'd change or die. But we'd need a shit load of people to do it, AND stop fighting each other and understand we'll disagree on stuff. Thats why we're split.

If enough people got on the same page, and agreed to frequent only businesses that we advocate, and boycott those we don't, thats a start. Ford Motors, for example, refused the bailouts. They advertised on that, and the White House demanded they shut up about it. I'll buy Ford forever, just because they're good cars and they didn't take the easy money. We should all buy Ford. Screw GMC.

Whole Foods CEO didn't like Obamacare. I shop there nonstop. Great products. Great CEO.

Anyway, just a thought. A union of social ideals, where we will disagree, but on certain things we agree. We all wish odrinary folks got paid more. Taxes and government aren't the way to do it. But allowing CEO's and corporations to run free without accountability wont either.

Only if the PEOPLE unite among our differences can we change shit.

I think there is about a 2% chance of people putting their differences aside for this and doing something. Which means....I just wasted 10 minutes typing.

I applaud you on your optimism, unfortunately we in the Tea Party disagree almost totally with the OWS crowd. They want bigger government, we want smaller government, we want fiscal responsibility, they want government handouts. I can't see how the two could ever unite.
The Tea Party lives in a dream world. You're simply the RW of the Pubs and are about to be reassimilated, having done nothing but delay the recovery until 11/2012...Pub Dupes!
Under Boooosh, Public college costs DOUBLED, private costs were far more expensive than inflation, and private banks were given the loan program and charged much more. It was all part of the middle class's borrowing on bad credit effort to keep their lifestyle after being screwed for 30 years by Reaganomics and Voodoo (mortgages and refinancing on bad credit and shrinking wages)
The Tea Party lives in a dream world, brainwashed by propaganda, and "can't handle a black president"...-

Constantly repeating a lie does not make it true.

Listen, brainwashed MORON with stupid insults and no facts- everything I say is fact, change the channel and get the real story, A-hole. Go back to Cal, and stop biotching...:lol:You're simply the tool of the greedy mega rich at this point....hoping for your recovery....:eusa_whistle:

Your hysterical whining does not equate to 'fact'. It equates to (incredibly misinformed) opinion. I recommend you study more, listen less to the crap proclaimed by the media as 'fact' and, if you're really determined to improve your intellect, learn to analyze information, think critically and interrogate your sources before you accept what they say.

I won't hope for your recovery. Stupidity may not be terminal, but it requires self medication.... and I don't believe you are capable of prescribing for yourself.

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