How The Democrats Created A Nation of Terrorists


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
What the heck is it with the Democrats and their love affair with maniacal dictators, especially Persian ones???

1. On this very day, January 16th of 1979, the second most incompetent President of the United States looked at his handiwork: Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, the leader of Iran since 1941, was forced to flee Iran.
Just two short weeks later, Carter got his wish, and Ayatollah Khomeini, a radical Islamic cleric returned from France and seized control. By August the judiciary decreed it illegal to criticize Islam and Iran’s spiritual leaders.

2. First the 'micro' result:
"When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter, the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years. Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire."
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108

3. And, the 'macro' result of Carter's magnum opus:
The 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran has been compared in importance to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. “The central problems of world affairs today spring from the Iranian Revolution much as those of the 20th century sprang from the Russian Revolution.”

And so, Democrat Jimmy Carter bequeathed to the world, a home-base for terrorism.
Oh....and he showed his humanity in December of '79, when he ordered the cancer-
ridden and dying former ally of the United States, the Shah out of our country.
The Shah died in Cairo July 27, 1980.

4. Probably an opportunity to put certain geo-political events in perspective:
a. Democrat Franklin Roosevelt made Communist China possible.
b. Democrat Jimmy Carter made a radical Islamist Iran possible
c. Democrat Barack Hussein Obama made certain that Iran's 7th Century savages have nuclear weapons.

Just imagine the world today with a capitalist China and a more peaceful Middle East.
Or, while we're imagining better things....never having had Democrats from Woodrow Wilson on.....

5.Now...back to reality. Iran was originally known as Persia, and its people, Persians, not Arabs. But, they are Muslims, and due to the poison that seeps from the holy book, the Q'ran, they remain eternal enemies of the Jewish people.

Hence, the name change from the time-honored 'Persia,' to the more contemporary 'Iran.'
"The name Iran means ‘Aryan,’ and was chosen to support a massive Nazi-dominated infrastructure which was ready to provide oil to the Nazis.
By the early 1930s, Reza Pahlavi's close ties with Nazi Germany began worrying the Allied states.[8] Germany's modern state and economy highly impressed the Shah, and there were hundreds of Germans involved in every aspect of the state, from setting up factories to building roads, railroads and bridges.[9]"–Iranian_relations

That particular characteristic... anti-Semitism, may, in fact, be what both Carter and Obama saw as their ...affinity.... with Iran.
Advancing Islamofascism, just a bonus.
the dimocrap scum party loves international terrorists and has ALWAYS had a domestic terrorist arm.

Beginning in 1866 with the KKK all the way through to today with their attempt at creating an American ISIS in the BLM.

When one fails or falls into general disrepute, they form another terrorist arm..... The Occupy (bowel) Movement, SDS, Weathermen; or they form an alliance with professional criminals like they did for 80 years with The Mob.

They also have the Unions who used to be fairly violent.

the dimocrap scum party is a criminal organization, NOT a political party.

Think about all the violent groups in this Country's history and who they side with....
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You guys really have a knack for cherry picking points in history and not looking how we go there .
Marx, Marxism and Marxists (the ones with an above room temp IQ) are VIRULENTLY anti-semitic. And so are their mindless followers. They don't know why, they just do as they're told.

People just don't realize how DEEP the Marxist strain runs in the dimocrap scum party

Here is Marx on a piece written by Bruno Bauer called, "On the Jewish Question"

On The Jewish Question by Karl Marx

Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew.

Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew.

What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.

Very well then! Emancipation from huckstering and money, consequently from practical, real Judaism, would be the self-emancipation of our time.

An organization of society which would abolish the preconditions for huckstering, and therefore the possibility of huckstering, would make the Jew impossible. (Edgetho; Which is what the USSR did)

Read it if you can stand it. I don't know why Marxists take all day to make a simple point. But at least Marx (actually Engels) was a good writer
The Shah of Iran was his own enemy...Corruption, extreme brutality,poor economic models which produced bottlenecks,shortages and inflation, all the finer things that republicans cherish..
Yet the Shah's military was defeated by the Iranian upheaval that western money could not defeat...In other words, they wanted it more than the despotic monarchy of the Shah..
Why Carter loved the Islamic revolutionaries so much he let the Shah stay in the US while other nations kicked him out while dying from a terminal disease..Which lead to the hostile takeover of the US embassy by Carter's most favorite Islamic revolutionary guards...

Must give credence to polislick for linking a site that demands a subscription, you think she is employed by them as a circulation manager...Yet she still lies about Carter being the one to give Iran away, as usual she shows no bias in her slurring, and her syllogistic fallacy rhetoric...
The real problem was Nixon's avocation of Iranian membership in OPEC and his unorthodox ordainment of the organization, which in turn led to the oil crisis because of US support of Israel during the Yom Kippur war....
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The Shah of Iran was his own enemy...Corruption, extreme brutality,poor economic models which produced bottlenecks,shortages inflation, all the finer things that republicans cherish..
Yet the Shah's military was defeated by the Iranian upheaval that western money could not defeat...In other words, they wanted it more than the despotic monarchy of the Shah..
Why Carter loved the Islamic revolutionaries so much he let the Shah stay in the US while other nations kicked him out while dying from a terminal disease..Which lead to the hostile takeover of the US embassy by Carter's most favorite Islamic revolutionary guards...

Must give credence to polislick for linking a site that demands a subscription, you think she is employed by them as a circulation manager...Yet she still lies about Carter being the one to give Iran away, as usual she shows no bias in her slurring syllogistic fallacy rhetoric...
The real problem was Nixon's avocation of Iranian membership in OPEC and his unorthodox ordainment of the organization, which in turn led to the oil crisis because of US support of Israel during the Yom Kippur war....

Prove it
The Shah of Iran was his own enemy...Corruption, extreme brutality,poor economic models which produced bottlenecks,shortages inflation, all the finer things that republicans cherish..
Yet the Shah's military was defeated by the Iranian upheaval that western money could not defeat...In other words, they wanted it more than the despotic monarchy of the Shah..
Why Carter loved the Islamic revolutionaries so much he let the Shah stay in the US while other nations kicked him out while dying from a terminal disease..Which lead to the hostile takeover of the US embassy by Carter's most favorite Islamic revolutionary guards...

Must give credence to polislick for linking a site that demands a subscription, you think she is employed by them as a circulation manager...Yet she still lies about Carter being the one to give Iran away, as usual she shows no bias in her slurring syllogistic fallacy rhetoric...
The real problem was Nixon's avocation of Iranian membership in OPEC and his unorthodox ordainment of the organization, which in turn led to the oil crisis because of US support of Israel during the Yom Kippur war....

Prove it
Just like you do, I did....
You guys really have a knack for cherry picking points in history and not looking how we go there .

How about some substance from some of you Liberals????

Enough posting 'Is not, Issss Nooottttttt!!!!!"


'Sez you!!!!!'

Clearly you found the subject interesting or irritating or irking or about a little effort in trying to refute, rebut, or deny anything in the OP?????

Or....simply admit that everything in the post is true, accurate and correct....and change your voting policy...
....after all, that's the only logical action.

Ball's in your court....but....just warming you....I'm just starting.
You guys really have a knack for cherry picking points in history and not looking how we go there .

How about some substance from some of you Liberals????

Enough posting 'Is not, Issss Nooottttttt!!!!!"


'Sez you!!!!!'

Clearly you found the subject interesting or irritating or irking or about a little effort in trying to refute, rebut, or deny anything in the OP?????

Or....simply admit that everything in the post is true, accurate and correct....and change your voting policy...
....after all, that's the only logical action.

Ball's in your court....but....just warming you....I'm just starting.
Let the fallacy flow I always saw in support of a myopic rhetorician...You go gurl...
The Shah of Iran was his own enemy...Corruption, extreme brutality,poor economic models which produced bottlenecks,shortages inflation, all the finer things that republicans cherish..
Yet the Shah's military was defeated by the Iranian upheaval that western money could not defeat...In other words, they wanted it more than the despotic monarchy of the Shah..
Why Carter loved the Islamic revolutionaries so much he let the Shah stay in the US while other nations kicked him out while dying from a terminal disease..Which lead to the hostile takeover of the US embassy by Carter's most favorite Islamic revolutionary guards...

Must give credence to polislick for linking a site that demands a subscription, you think she is employed by them as a circulation manager...Yet she still lies about Carter being the one to give Iran away, as usual she shows no bias in her slurring syllogistic fallacy rhetoric...
The real problem was Nixon's avocation of Iranian membership in OPEC and his unorthodox ordainment of the organization, which in turn led to the oil crisis because of US support of Israel during the Yom Kippur war....

Prove it

Thank you for capturing post #7
The Shah of Iran was his own enemy...Corruption, extreme brutality,poor economic models which produced bottlenecks,shortages inflation, all the finer things that republicans cherish..
Yet the Shah's military was defeated by the Iranian upheaval that western money could not defeat...In other words, they wanted it more than the despotic monarchy of the Shah..
Why Carter loved the Islamic revolutionaries so much he let the Shah stay in the US while other nations kicked him out while dying from a terminal disease..Which lead to the hostile takeover of the US embassy by Carter's most favorite Islamic revolutionary guards...

Must give credence to polislick for linking a site that demands a subscription, you think she is employed by them as a circulation manager...Yet she still lies about Carter being the one to give Iran away, as usual she shows no bias in her slurring syllogistic fallacy rhetoric...
The real problem was Nixon's avocation of Iranian membership in OPEC and his unorthodox ordainment of the organization, which in turn led to the oil crisis because of US support of Israel during the Yom Kippur war....

Prove it

Thank you for capturing post #7
Can I use your subscription to view your link?? Or do I need to donate to your cause?
The Shah of Iran was his own enemy...Corruption, extreme brutality,poor economic models which produced bottlenecks,shortages and inflation, all the finer things that republicans cherish..
Yet the Shah's military was defeated by the Iranian upheaval that western money could not defeat...In other words, they wanted it more than the despotic monarchy of the Shah..
Why Carter loved the Islamic revolutionaries so much he let the Shah stay in the US while other nations kicked him out while dying from a terminal disease..Which lead to the hostile takeover of the US embassy by Carter's most favorite Islamic revolutionary guards...

Must give credence to polislick for linking a site that demands a subscription, you think she is employed by them as a circulation manager...Yet she still lies about Carter being the one to give Iran away, as usual she shows no bias in her slurring, an her syllogistic fallacy rhetoric...
The real problem was Nixon's avocation of Iranian membership in OPEC and his unorthodox ordainment of the organization, which in turn led to the oil crisis because of US support of Israel during the Yom Kippur war....

"The Shah of Iran was his own enemy...Corruption, extreme brutality,poor economic models which produced bottlenecks,shortages and inflation, all the finer things that republicans cherish.." certainly proved early that you relish talking through your hat.
The Shah of Iran was his own enemy...Corruption, extreme brutality,poor economic models which produced bottlenecks,shortages and inflation, all the finer things that republicans cherish..
Yet the Shah's military was defeated by the Iranian upheaval that western money could not defeat...In other words, they wanted it more than the despotic monarchy of the Shah..
Why Carter loved the Islamic revolutionaries so much he let the Shah stay in the US while other nations kicked him out while dying from a terminal disease..Which lead to the hostile takeover of the US embassy by Carter's most favorite Islamic revolutionary guards...

Must give credence to polislick for linking a site that demands a subscription, you think she is employed by them as a circulation manager...Yet she still lies about Carter being the one to give Iran away, as usual she shows no bias in her slurring, an her syllogistic fallacy rhetoric...
The real problem was Nixon's avocation of Iranian membership in OPEC and his unorthodox ordainment of the organization, which in turn led to the oil crisis because of US support of Israel during the Yom Kippur war....

"The Shah of Iran was his own enemy...Corruption, extreme brutality,poor economic models which produced bottlenecks,shortages and inflation, all the finer things that republicans cherish.." certainly proved early that you relish talking through your hat.
It's almost as good as when you speak out your ass....Although my talking stinks less...
Thank you for capturing post #7

uhhh, I was messing with our board spambot. I don't say that. Ever.

Except to morons like moonpie.

Maybe if you dumbed down your posts a little bit the board dims would take more interest.

I know.... :desk: Start a gay butt-ranger thread!!

That'll hit 95,000 posts!! Easy!!

Geo politics? Good luck
Thank you for capturing post #7

uhhh, I was messing with our board spambot. I don't say that. Ever.

Except to morons like moonpie.

Maybe if you dumbed down your posts a little bit the board dims would take more interest.

I know.... :desk: Start a gay butt-ranger thread!!

That'll hit 95,000 posts!! Easy!!

Geo politics? Good luck
You would bethinking gay thoughts, I am not surprised.
Old Edge almost died after jerking off 42 times in one day without stopping, so he decided 41 guys was his limit...
When the Embassy in Iran was taken Carter stood by American established policy of refusing to negotiate with terrorist or kidnapped hostages. He attempted a military solution and it failed with a tragic accident while the aircraft were refueling in the desert.

President Reagan began the modern age of terrorism when negotiating was allowed and terrorist got rewarded with profits for acts of terrorism. The Reagan era is full of terrorist attacks against American targets. Those attacks were not aggressively and effectively responded too. That caused the terrorist to increase their activities of targeting Americans. Eventually, Reagan's administration would finance and train members who later became founders of al Qaeda. Hence, there is a direct link from Reagan to 9/11, which led to Iraq and today's terrorism structures and entities.
The Shah of Iran was his own enemy...Corruption, extreme brutality,poor economic models which produced bottlenecks,shortages and inflation, all the finer things that republicans cherish..
Yet the Shah's military was defeated by the Iranian upheaval that western money could not defeat...In other words, they wanted it more than the despotic monarchy of the Shah..
Why Carter loved the Islamic revolutionaries so much he let the Shah stay in the US while other nations kicked him out while dying from a terminal disease..Which lead to the hostile takeover of the US embassy by Carter's most favorite Islamic revolutionary guards...

Must give credence to polislick for linking a site that demands a subscription, you think she is employed by them as a circulation manager...Yet she still lies about Carter being the one to give Iran away, as usual she shows no bias in her slurring, an her syllogistic fallacy rhetoric...
The real problem was Nixon's avocation of Iranian membership in OPEC and his unorthodox ordainment of the organization, which in turn led to the oil crisis because of US support of Israel during the Yom Kippur war....

1. "The Shah of Iran was his own enemy...Corruption, extreme brutality,poor economic models which produced bottlenecks,shortages and inflation, all the finer things that republicans cherish.." certainly proved early that you relish talking through your hat.

2. "Yet the Shah's military was defeated by the Iranian upheaval that western money could not defeat...In other words, they wanted it more than the despotic monarchy of the Shah."

Gads, you are a moron.

Later in the thread I will show that the Shah did the very opposite.
He was 'defeated' by the supporter of Islamofascism, Jimmy Carter.

3."Why Carter loved the Islamic revolutionaries so much he let the Shah stay in the US while other nations kicked him out while dying from a terminal disease.."
He threw him out...he died in Cairo.

4." Which lead to the hostile takeover of the US embassy by Carter's most favorite Islamic revolutionary guards..."
No, you imbecile.....Islamic radicalism caused the takeover.

5. "Yet she still lies about Carter being the one to give Iran away, ..."
I never you just proved.
"When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter, the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years. Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire."
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108

That's yet another book you never's used as a text book in may colleges.

6."The real problem was Nixon's ..."
How would you know, as you know less than nothing.
Stay with the rest of this thread so I can make you look like the fool that you are.
When the Embassy in Iran was taken Carter stood by American established policy of refusing to negotiate with terrorist or kidnapped hostages. He attempted a military solution and it failed with a tragic accident while the aircraft were refueling in the desert.

President Reagan began the modern age of terrorism when negotiating was allowed and terrorist got rewarded with profits for acts of terrorism. The Reagan era is full of terrorist attacks against American targets. Those attacks were not aggressively and effectively responded too. That caused the terrorist to increase their activities of targeting Americans. Eventually, Reagan's administration would finance and train members who later became founders of al Qaeda. Hence, there is a direct link from Reagan to 9/11, which led to Iraq and today's terrorism structures and entities.

2. First the 'micro' result:
"When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter, the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years. Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire."
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108

3. And, the 'macro' result of Carter's magnum opus:
The 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran has been compared in importance to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. “The central problems of world affairs today spring from the Iranian Revolution much as those of the 20th century sprang from the Russian Revolution.”

And so, Democrat Jimmy Carter bequeathed to the world, a home-base for terrorism.

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