How the College Board Politicized U.S. History


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I think the most important part of this article is the description of the leading spokesman for this change in teaching US History in our high schools so students can prepare for the SAT. Here it is:

Bender is a thoroughgoing critic of American exceptionalism, the notion that America is freer and more democratic than any other nation, and for that reason, a model, vindicator, and at times the chief defender of ordered liberty and self-government in the world.

What the hell does a “transnational” view of America have to do with its history? He and others want to do away with the people who came here and brought their values to this land to create the America we know today. It appears to be another effort by liberals to create a New World Order.

Read the article @ How the College Board Politicized U.S. History National Review Online
What other curriculum would you suggest?

Please include text and author.

As I am not an educator, I do not have any specific tomes to suggest.

What I DO remember is that when I went to school in the '50s, we had extensive classes on American history.

Were they biased?


But they were rather comprehensive and I've always felt they gave me a sound understanding of the foundations - good and bad - of this nation.
What other curriculum would you suggest?

Please include text and author.

As I am not an educator, I do not have any specific tomes to suggest.

What I DO remember is that when I went to school in the '50s, we had extensive classes on American history.

Were they biased?


But they were rather comprehensive and I've always felt they gave me a sound understanding of the foundations - good and bad - of this nation.

The link you provided includes the link to the site where the 134 page AP American History curriculum guide is located.

Needless to say, I have not read the entire guide, but the idea is to allow students to "test out" of college American history. Therefore the curriculum for AP courses tries to match what is being taught at universities. The interesting detail I gleaned was that this concentrates on EARLY American history and LATE American History. Only the high points are hit between about 1813 and 1980.

Generally, and not terribly surprisingly, almost all social studies, including History, are taught by socialists in universities, thus a test that seeks to match their courses will have a socialist POV. On the other hand, almost all business courses are taught by capitalists: Finance, Management, Economics, Accounting, and Marketing.

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