how serious is the anti jew thing?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
seems more and more this board is getting anti jew messages.....jews own this...jews control that...not to invoke godwin's law....but how serious is this? how seriously do you take it when you see anti jew messages? does it force everyone to be rabid about protecting the jews? i am startled by how fast this anti jew mal is growing. it is one thing to object to the bombing of the uss liberty but to say the jews control the media, the federal reserve a bit much. the implications are scarey. i am always amazed at how quickly hate can grow and overcome logic.

hell someone compared the burning of the koran to kristallnacht, which leads me to believe people have no clue what kristallnacht was or the historical event it was.

Kristallnacht changed the nature of persecution from economic, political, and social to the physical with beatings, incarceration, and murder; the event is often referred to as the beginning of the Holocaust. In the words of historian Max Rein in 1988, "Kristallnacht came…and everything was changed."[41]

Kristallnacht - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
seems more and more this board is getting anti jew messages.....jews own this...jews control that...not to invoke godwin's law....but how serious is this? how seriously do you take it when you see anti jew messages? does it force everyone to be rabid about protecting the jews? i am startled by how fast this anti jew mal is growing. it is one thing to object to the bombing of the uss liberty but to say the jews control the media, the federal reserve a bit much. the implications are scarey. i am always amazed at how quickly hate can grow and overcome logic.

hell someone compared the burning of the koran to kristallnacht, which leads me to believe people have no clue what kristallnacht was or the historical event it was.

Kristallnacht changed the nature of persecution from economic, political, and social to the physical with beatings, incarceration, and murder; the event is often referred to as the beginning of the Holocaust. In the words of historian Max Rein in 1988, "Kristallnacht came…and everything was changed."[41]

Kristallnacht - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anti Semites are idiots. They are driven by ignorance and stupidity. They are delusional and reasoning with them fails because they are not sane. Every Jew bashing thread should go right to Conspiracy Forum, since that is all they are, unsupported irrational delusional Conspiracy.
Anti-semitism has been building for years. It's natural, since Islam is spreading and infecting the world.

Jews don't feel safe in France, that's a given, and more and more don't feel safe in Britain.

Nobody reports on anti-semitism. It's not politically correct because it exposes Islam, and we can't have that.
Daily Kos: State of the Nation

"The survey findings come at a time of increased anti-Semitic activity in America. A five-month ADL Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents, released today, shows that attacks against Jews and Jewish institutions were up 11% in the first five months of 2002, compared with the same period in 2001."

"Anti-Israel feelings are triggering anti-Semitism. For the first time, negative attitudes toward Israel and concern that American Jews have too much influence over U.S. Middle East policy are helping to foster anti-Semitic beliefs. Slightly more than half of Americans (51%) said the U.S. has been tilting too much toward Israel, while three-quarters of the most anti-Semitic Americans (73%) said they felt this way. While 41% of Americans say their sympathies are more with Israel than with Arab countries, sympathies are more closely divided among the most anti-Semitic Americans (29% sympathetic to Israel versus 23% sympathetic to Arab countries.) The most anti-Semitic Americans were four times as likely (42%) to believe that American Jewish leaders have too much influence over U.S. foreign policy than Americans holding non anti-Semitic beliefs (11%).

"We have said that anti-Israel feelings are linked to anti-Semitism, and the responses from Americans in this poll make this connection clear," said Mr. Foxman. "Anti-Israel sentiments are used in this country to fuel, legitimize and rationalize anti-Semitism."

Anti-Semitism on the Rise in America -- ADL Survey on Anti-Semitic Attitudes Reveals 17 Percent of Americans Hold "Hardcore" Beliefs
For people who express it, they are very serious.

As a problem, I think it is getting worse, but most of the people who care about it are of such low mental visibility as to be a danger only to themselves.

The problem is not Anti-jew per se. It is blaming what is wrong with your life on some "other." My life sucks, therefore it is the fault of the jews, mexicans, koreans, Japanese, blacks, italians, iluminati, council on foreign relations (!!?, seriously, people talk like that!) whomever. The fact you are an alky, a druggie, sexually incontinent, lazy, notoriously dishonest etc is of course not part of the equation. People who blame some "other" for their lives are the real hazard.

One also has to be very careful about constructing parallels. Every life has parallels , and so does every event. All to often folks invoke the Nazi trope on anything they don't like, even when their beliefs and behaviors are more Nazi like than their opponents.

Right now we are in a very scary time, and the emergence of anti jew trolls are worrisome. The collapse of the economy from almost full employment to unemployment rates unheard of in almost 30 years is a shock. The response of the politicians seems to have made things worse instead of better, and the response of the political class was to spit in the eye of the electorate. (IE, TARP, the GM bailouts, 0bamacare) This is the kind of thing that made the last days of Weimar so exciting.

So I think it is for real, I think it is worrysome, but I think we are on our toes, we don't have more of the population thinking democracy is a stupid mistake that should be eliminated, as was the case in Germany in 1932. Between them the Nazis, the Communists and other anti democratic parties had a majority in the Reichstag, and business only got accomplished in spite of them. And when the communists and the Nazis cooperated with each other, (which they would do often, just to gum up the works) nothing could get done.

That said, this will be an interesting election season.
Yup two minor incidents with Muslims and we are inundated with claims that Muslims in this Country are under attack and are stressed out by all the violence. Yet the REALITY is that 10 times the number of attacks on Muslims are recorded every year on Jews.

And when a Jewish attack is reported like the shooting in LA a while back, every Jew hater claims Jews did it to them selves.
Jews don't feel safe in France, that's a given, and more and more don't feel safe in Britain.

To a certain extent that's true. But more so on the continent than in Britain. Though I could be wrong. At the moment the communities feeling the heat, so to speak, are the Muslims and the Gypsies.

Far right parties are growing in popularity across many E.U nations as a response to the supposed threat of Islam. Whether or not the threat is real, is academic. But as with any percieved threat, there are always some ready to cause friction.

Personally, I think the full Burqa should be banned in Britain. It's not so much a security reason, but more of a 'you can see my face, why aren't I allowed to see yours?' motive. Though the two reasons for opposition are undeniably connected.
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seems more and more this board is getting anti jew messages.....jews own this...jews control that...not to invoke godwin's law....but how serious is this? how seriously do you take it when you see anti jew messages? does it force everyone to be rabid about protecting the jews? i am startled by how fast this anti jew mal is growing. it is one thing to object to the bombing of the uss liberty but to say the jews control the media, the federal reserve a bit much. the implications are scarey. i am always amazed at how quickly hate can grow and overcome logic.

hell someone compared the burning of the koran to kristallnacht, which leads me to believe people have no clue what kristallnacht was or the historical event it was.

Kristallnacht changed the nature of persecution from economic, political, and social to the physical with beatings, incarceration, and murder; the event is often referred to as the beginning of the Holocaust. In the words of historian Max Rein in 1988, "Kristallnacht came…and everything was changed."[41]

Kristallnacht - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have never felt antisemitism in the real world in my entire life. I thought it was more a myth than reality in America. Until I started on these boards. I see a lot of people with internet steroids spouting shit they would never say in public or to a Jews face. PF Titmore and Shitgun forsure!
Far right parties are growing in popularity across many E.U nations as a response to the supposed threat of Islam.
Its always the far right! Wilder you would put in that category, but he is far from a far rightest. What Europe is seeing a increase in Muslim immigration and them breeding like rabbits. Muslims don't assimulate, have a 100 fold higher crime rate, bitch and protest everything and they as a percentage are a disproportionate burden on the welfare state, while giving back little to the State.

Funny how America is protrayed as the top Islamic terrorist target because of 9/11 but Europe has been plagued with vastly more Islamic terrrorist acts than America has been hit with.
Far right parties are growing in popularity across many E.U nations as a response to the supposed threat of Islam.
Its always the far right! Wilder you would put in that category, but he is far from a far rightest. What Europe is seeing a increase in Muslim immigration and them breeding like rabbits. Muslims don't assimulate, have a 100 fold higher crime rate, bitch and protest everything and they as a percentage are a disproportionate burden on the welfare state, while giving back little to the State.

Funny how America is protrayed as the top Islamic terrorist target because of 9/11 but Europe has been plagued with vastly more Islamic terrrorist acts than America has been hit with.

Same aurgument some have against gypsies! People in the US feel the same agianst the Hispanics. Throughout history the immigrant have always been despised by the local population with few exceptions. They see them as a threat to their neighborhoods because they are different. As time goes on and if they get to know each other that distrust and animosity decrease. It is not a right or left thing. In Germany you see a rise of the Ayrian animosity and a symbol of this is nazism. In Frace it is somehting else. in times of recession these feelings are intensified and with the 24-7 news we have today it is magnified. It has always been there, we are just able to see it better today.

And this intensifying animosity is bringing an idea back into the World that has been silent sinc the thirteenth century, war between Chritianity and Islam. Is the path we are now on a path to religous conflict where the middle east will become th battlefield. Has it already begun? Are we seeing a fulfillment of prophecy, Revelations?
seems more and more this board is getting anti jew messages.....jews own this...jews control that...not to invoke godwin's law....but how serious is this? how seriously do you take it when you see anti jew messages? does it force everyone to be rabid about protecting the jews? i am startled by how fast this anti jew mal is growing. it is one thing to object to the bombing of the uss liberty but to say the jews control the media, the federal reserve a bit much. the implications are scarey. i am always amazed at how quickly hate can grow and overcome logic.

hell someone compared the burning of the koran to kristallnacht, which leads me to believe people have no clue what kristallnacht was or the historical event it was.

Kristallnacht changed the nature of persecution from economic, political, and social to the physical with beatings, incarceration, and murder; the event is often referred to as the beginning of the Holocaust. In the words of historian Max Rein in 1988, "Kristallnacht came…and everything was changed."[41]

Kristallnacht - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How is the FACT that Jews do own and control a lot of this country have anything to do with being anti joo?

Is being against things the nation of Israel does being anti Jewish?
Is being against the actions of extremeist jews being anti jewish?
Is supporting Jews right to worship as they see fit.
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I see some that have bigotry in their message but I also see others that throw the "Jew card" like others throw the "race card" at the drop of a hat, it has gotten so bad that you can't move about and discuss issues without getting attacked by either the genuine haters or the apologists.
I see some that have bigotry in their message but I also see others that throw the "Jew card" like others throw the "race card" at the drop of a hat, it has gotten so bad that you can't move about and discuss issues without getting attacked by either the genuine haters or the apologists.

Just ignore them. Nothing works better than silence.
Far right parties are growing in popularity across many E.U nations as a response to the supposed threat of Islam.
Its always the far right! Wilder you would put in that category, but he is far from a far rightest. What Europe is seeing a increase in Muslim immigration and them breeding like rabbits. Muslims don't assimulate, have a 100 fold higher crime rate, bitch and protest everything and they as a percentage are a disproportionate burden on the welfare state, while giving back little to the State.

Funny how America is protrayed as the top Islamic terrorist target because of 9/11 but Europe has been plagued with vastly more Islamic terrrorist acts than America has been hit with.

Same aurgument some have against gypsies! People in the US feel the same agianst the Hispanics. Throughout history the immigrant have always been despised by the local population with few exceptions. They see them as a threat to their neighborhoods because they are different. As time goes on and if they get to know each other that distrust and animosity decrease. It is not a right or left thing. In Germany you see a rise of the Ayrian animosity and a symbol of this is nazism. In Frace it is somehting else. in times of recession these feelings are intensified and with the 24-7 news we have today it is magnified. It has always been there, we are just able to see it better today.

And this intensifying animosity is bringing an idea back into the World that has been silent sinc the thirteenth century, war between Chritianity and Islam. Is the path we are now on a path to religous conflict where the middle east will become th battlefield. Has it already begun? Are we seeing a fulfillment of prophecy, Revelations?

We don't dislike Hispanics, we dislike illegal immigrants. There is HUGE difference btw illegal immigrants and legal immigrants!

Note: 25% of illegals are not hispanic!
Many people on here are either anti-Christian or anti-Muslim, depending on what side of the aisle you lean, but for some reason it's sacrilegious to be anti-jew.

Why is that? Why does each side have a religion they can't tolerate, but both sides for the most part protect jews?
Many people on here are either anti-Christian or anti-Muslim, depending on what side of the aisle you lean, but for some reason it's sacrilegious to be anti-jew.

Why is that? Why does each side have a religion they can't tolerate, but both sides for the most part protect jews?

the jews got far more mileage out of the holecoust than Bush did from 911.
And properly so I would think.
But the truth is that the Jewish people as a group have used the holocoust for political purposes in a very effective psychological manner.

Christianity was just spun off from Judaism to expand their hold in the non Jews portions of the world.
A corporate decision nothing more.
I see some that have bigotry in their message but I also see others that throw the "Jew card" like others throw the "race card" at the drop of a hat, it has gotten so bad that you can't move about and discuss issues without getting attacked by either the genuine haters or the apologists.

You anti-semite!!!
Many people on here are either anti-Christian or anti-Muslim, depending on what side of the aisle you lean, but for some reason it's sacrilegious to be anti-jew.

Why is that? Why does each side have a religion they can't tolerate, but both sides for the most part protect jews?

the jews got far more mileage out of the holecoust than Bush did from 911.
And properly so I would think.
But the truth is that the Jewish people as a group have used the holocoust for political purposes in a very effective psychological manner.

Christianity was just spun off from Judaism to expand their hold in the non Jews portions of the world.
A corporate decision nothing more.

I have a hard time believing that everytime jews advance, it's because of the holocaust.
Many people on here are either anti-Christian or anti-Muslim, depending on what side of the aisle you lean, but for some reason it's sacrilegious to be anti-jew.

Why is that? Why does each side have a religion they can't tolerate, but both sides for the most part protect jews?

the jews got far more mileage out of the holecoust than Bush did from 911.
And properly so I would think.
But the truth is that the Jewish people as a group have used the holocoust for political purposes in a very effective psychological manner.

Christianity was just spun off from Judaism to expand their hold in the non Jews portions of the world.
A corporate decision nothing more.

I have a hard time believing that everytime jews advance, it's because of the holocaust.

I did not say that at all.

why are you saying that?
the jews got far more mileage out of the holecoust than Bush did from 911.
And properly so I would think.
But the truth is that the Jewish people as a group have used the holocoust for political purposes in a very effective psychological manner.

Christianity was just spun off from Judaism to expand their hold in the non Jews portions of the world.
A corporate decision nothing more.

I have a hard time believing that everytime jews advance, it's because of the holocaust.

I did not say that at all.

why are you saying that?

The implication is that jews have rebounded from the holocaust and have been using it to advance ever since.

Maybe "everytime" was a bit absolute, but I figured you would still get my point.

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