How split between Trump supporters and anti-trumpers

Because of Trump most or all of these kids will grow up as racist garbage adults. America deserves better.

Kids Are Using Trump Talking Points To Bully Classmates

Trump is inspiring a generation of kids ... to be racist bullies at school

Trump is inspiring a generation of kids ... to be racist bullies at school

The Kos and Scary Mommy blog aren’t really mainstream media, they are Oped pieces which mean little. They are one persons view not based in fact, but by bias and hate.

So you are saying those kids will grow up racist like how they follow a lousy racist president?

I didn’t say anything of the sort. I am saying that the linked sites are highly biased with an agenda and are not a reliable source because no facts back any of what they say.

How do you even know that the link is not a reliable source? Yet you didn’t say anything about Daily Caller is lying.

The sources were both opinion articles that didn’t cite sources, just their opinions. I didn’t see the Daily Caller linked in your comment.
I don't know how tall this wall is, but it looks pretty tall:

That is just a post to make it beautiful just like any other gated mansion.

Do you even know how a wall looks like? Are you playing dumb or you are just plain dumb and ignorant.

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Madam 10 feet is 10 feet.

That is a fence.

Show me here where your 10ft wall that surrounds the mansion that you and Trump promoting.

Where’s the wall? Like I already blasted you several times but you keep doubling and tripling down of your stupidity.
Oh, and boat lady, you're on iggy.

How fucking dumb can you be promoting Trump lies about Obama’s wall?
It’s because you hate Obama as black president you can’t accept it?

Obama just as white as he was black, not that it matters, I disliked him because he was a Democrat. Skin color is not a reason to like or dislike a person, his politics are.
I told my sis I don't care if she hates Trump but if she goes into hysterical ranting that wont end I will walk away or hang up the phone.

So far I've walked out of her house once (with her screaming out the front door as I was driving away)...and hung up on her twice.

The last time I hung up she sent me a series of ugly emails because I was somehow obligated to listen to her hysterics.

I'm still not angry & I haven't said I will never talk to her or anything like that...but I find it AMAZING she cannot see the monster she has become.
I'm sorry your sis has TDS. There are a lot of people out there singing "My Way" and they're taking it to such extremes they're engaged in the strangest footshoot I ever saw. It's like Ready! Aim! Shoot self in foot! Every post. I'm sorry I'm laughing, but I will put your sis on my prayer list for having a reality check that shows her she's fallen into the hate trap. She should have gotten a dose of that when the fake impeachment trial lost the fake impeachment against the President, who was innocent of the faked charges.

The last time I had to hang up on her she was ranting about sara sanders.

THAT is how bad her TDS is.

I suggested to her to read moby's a story of blind hatred and how it will destroy you and all those around you!

I should start calling her "Ahab" :)

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