How QE Boosted Inequality To Levels Surpassing The Great Depression

Oh! You are not supposed to think ahead like that, silly!

So far, you've added NOTHING productive to the conversation.

So far, you have issued talking points dressed up as your original thoughts. I asked you to pick one of your suggestions for discussion....and you even fucked that up. The idea that drilling for oil will solve out problems is funny. Brain has tried to explain it to you. He has more patience for idiots than I do.

Your original thoughts are not worth the effort you put into typing them. Of course drilling for oil will solve many of our problems, and preclude many future problems. Your inability to comprehend why, is not an argument, it is a sign of ignorance.

Our standard of living was built on cheap energy, and there is absolutely no reason to believe that anything has changed in that regard. As the cost of energy goes up, our economy suffers. Drilling for oil and gas will bring the price of energy down, and our economy will rebound accordingly.

When you can provide America with a cheap alternative, then by all means do so. Otherwise, get the hell out of the way, and allow the real world to get on with life. We don't need government to tell us when we should begin to shift to renewable energy, the market is far better able to do that.
I saw Amity Shlaes on C-Span3 this morning talking about Calvin Coolidge, the 1921 depression, The Federal Reserve and subsequent government intrusions into the market since. Quite eye-opening stuff that leftists are too stupid too grasp.
So far, you've added NOTHING productive to the conversation.

So far, you have issued talking points dressed up as your original thoughts. I asked you to pick one of your suggestions for discussion....and you even fucked that up. The idea that drilling for oil will solve out problems is funny. Brain has tried to explain it to you. He has more patience for idiots than I do.

Your original thoughts are not worth the effort you put into typing them. Of course drilling for oil will solve many of our problems, and preclude many future problems. Your inability to comprehend why, is not an argument, it is a sign of ignorance.

Our standard of living was built on cheap energy, and there is absolutely no reason to believe that anything has changed in that regard. As the cost of energy goes up, our economy suffers. Drilling for oil and gas will bring the price of energy down, and our economy will rebound accordingly.

When you can provide America with a cheap alternative, then by all means do so. Otherwise, get the hell out of the way, and allow the real world to get on with life. We don't need government to tell us when we should begin to shift to renewable energy, the market is far better able to do that.

Who are you? Are you somebody?
I saw Amity Shlaes on C-Span3 this morning talking about Calvin Coolidge, the 1921 depression, The Federal Reserve and subsequent government intrusions into the market since. Quite eye-opening stuff that leftists are too stupid too grasp.

Her book The Forgotten Man is long and intense but a great read.
We're still waiting on the inflation predictions that conservatives bleeted out when QE was created by the Fed. You can't move on to new myths & legends if the first ones never happened. That's not how it works. Nice try though.
So far, you have issued talking points dressed up as your original thoughts. I asked you to pick one of your suggestions for discussion....and you even fucked that up. The idea that drilling for oil will solve out problems is funny. Brain has tried to explain it to you. He has more patience for idiots than I do.

Your original thoughts are not worth the effort you put into typing them. Of course drilling for oil will solve many of our problems, and preclude many future problems. Your inability to comprehend why, is not an argument, it is a sign of ignorance.

Our standard of living was built on cheap energy, and there is absolutely no reason to believe that anything has changed in that regard. As the cost of energy goes up, our economy suffers. Drilling for oil and gas will bring the price of energy down, and our economy will rebound accordingly.

When you can provide America with a cheap alternative, then by all means do so. Otherwise, get the hell out of the way, and allow the real world to get on with life. We don't need government to tell us when we should begin to shift to renewable energy, the market is far better able to do that.

Who are you? Are you somebody?

No, I am somebody else. What in the hell difference does it make?
I saw Amity Shlaes on C-Span3 this morning talking about Calvin Coolidge, the 1921 depression, The Federal Reserve and subsequent government intrusions into the market since. Quite eye-opening stuff that leftists are too stupid too grasp.

Her book The Forgotten Man is long and intense but a great read.

She's a fascinating scholar. Not exactly the most beautiful woman in the world (though not ugly at all) but her presence is engaging, which is highly attractive. And a great writer, of course. I read TFM and am going to read her new book.
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So far, you've added NOTHING productive to the conversation.

So far, you have issued talking points dressed up as your original thoughts. I asked you to pick one of your suggestions for discussion....and you even fucked that up. The idea that drilling for oil will solve out problems is funny. Brain has tried to explain it to you. He has more patience for idiots than I do.

Your original thoughts are not worth the effort you put into typing them. Of course drilling for oil will solve many of our problems, and preclude many future problems. Your inability to comprehend why, is not an argument, it is a sign of ignorance.

Our standard of living was built on cheap energy, and there is absolutely no reason to believe that anything has changed in that regard. As the cost of energy goes up, our economy suffers. Drilling for oil and gas will bring the price of energy down, and our economy will rebound accordingly.

When you can provide America with a cheap alternative, then by all means do so. Otherwise, get the hell out of the way, and allow the real world to get on with life. We don't need government to tell us when we should begin to shift to renewable energy, the market is far better able to do that.

Now ^^^that's^^^ common sense in action. Thanks for a good post.
I saw Amity Shlaes on C-Span3 this morning talking about Calvin Coolidge, the 1921 depression, The Federal Reserve and subsequent government intrusions into the market since. Quite eye-opening stuff that leftists are too stupid too grasp.

Her book The Forgotten Man is long and intense but a great read.

She's a fascinating scholar. Not exactly the most beautiful woman in the world (though not ugly at all) but her presence is engaging, which is highly attractive. And a great writer, of course. I read TFM and am going to read her new book.

The Great Depression and its rampant unemployment were of primary focus for Morgenthau. And after almost two terms served by Roosevelt, Morgenthau assessed the federal effort to relieve economic conditions by proclaimingWe have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work....After eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started...and an enormous debt to boot!"[

Henry Morgenthau, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The single most revealing quote from the FDR fellow travelers (to me)
So far, you have issued talking points dressed up as your original thoughts. I asked you to pick one of your suggestions for discussion....and you even fucked that up. The idea that drilling for oil will solve out problems is funny. Brain has tried to explain it to you. He has more patience for idiots than I do.

And you STILL fail to add anything of value. You have no idea how to get America out of her financial/economic mess but you know ALL the reasons why we can't. You're a cup-half-empty sort of person who's opinions are valueless.
So far, you have issued talking points dressed up as your original thoughts. I asked you to pick one of your suggestions for discussion....and you even fucked that up. The idea that drilling for oil will solve out problems is funny. Brain has tried to explain it to you. He has more patience for idiots than I do.

And you STILL fail to add anything of value. You have no idea how to get America out of her financial/economic mess but you know ALL the reasons why we can't. You're a cup-half-empty sort of person who's opinions are valueless.

LL is not interested in debate or learning, just taking pot shots.
So far, you have issued talking points dressed up as your original thoughts. I asked you to pick one of your suggestions for discussion....and you even fucked that up. The idea that drilling for oil will solve out problems is funny. Brain has tried to explain it to you. He has more patience for idiots than I do.

And you STILL fail to add anything of value. You have no idea how to get America out of her financial/economic mess but you know ALL the reasons why we can't. You're a cup-half-empty sort of person who's opinions are valueless.

LL is not interested in debate or learning, just taking pot shots.

I've been learning who's who around here. I think some of these dudes get stoned before posting.
We're still waiting on the inflation predictions that conservatives bleeted out when QE was created by the Fed. You can't move on to new myths & legends if the first ones never happened. That's not how it works. Nice try though.

Don't know about any other conservatives but my dollars don't buy as much as the did at the end of 2008.

Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services. It is measured as an annual percentage increase. As inflation rises, every dollar you own buys a smaller percentage of a good or service.
Inflation: What Is Inflation? | Investopedia

Fuel prices rose; home utility costs rose; my rent increased by $100.00 per month; food prices increased; etc.

Since Bernanke, Inflation Increases 43% More Under Obama Than Bush

Since Bernanke, Inflation Increases 43% More Under Obama Than Bush | CNS News

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