How QE Boosted Inequality To Levels Surpassing The Great Depression


Your solution would have been what?

Have the Market collapse and massive unemployment as a result?

You folks would be singing a different tune if that happened.

Put it wouldn't be praising Obama.


By the way both Keynes and Friedman would have advocated for something like this..

Friedman is an idiot and you don't know much about Keynes do you?

Keynes advocated counter-cyclical measures.

Do some research.

QE is a counter-cyclical measure.
Exactly my point. And thus we find ourselves in the TOTAL mess we're in. Yes ... it had a starting point back in the day. It didn't happen over night.

Oh! Was that your point? You are really interesting.

So...for nearly a half century, the US dollar has been fake? Is our entire economy based on little more than beanie babies and Bitcoin?

Is that what you wanted to say? specifically mention Obama's printing press. You forgot to include his predecessors. I wonder why?

Oh! It's FDR! Our economy has been a sham since FDR?!!! Amazing!

You are so interesting!

I'm blaming Obama and his bankster friends for the current situation but I believe that the problem started with centralizing the banks and giving power over America's money to the Federal Reserve Bank. But I don't just blame Democrats. Nixon and friends also have a hand in our current mess.

I simply believe that true wealth is based on tangible, usable goods and productivity. I don't believe that printing paper money is going to solve anything. If we're going to print 1 trillion dollars to pay the bills then we may as well print 50 trillion dollars and throw a party.

Sorry......what has our dollar been backed by for the past 50 years again? I missed your answer.
Hmmmm ... how can I "fix" the economy?

Oh, I know, we can grow a money tree:

In a nutshell, that's all there really is to it. They decided to print money to pay the bills. I wish I could print money to pay the bills but that wouldn't be a realistic solution now would it?! If I printed money I would be accused of counterfeiting. Dollars are supposed to be backed by something of tangible value (silver or gold, etc.) but the money that Obama's team printed is backed by thin air.

Interesting. You seem really, really knowledgable.

What, may I ask, were our dollars backed by in the 30 years preceding thie election of Barack Obama?

Please....keep it simple for us idiots.

Have you ever heard the term "Fiat Currency"?
I simply believe that true wealth is based on tangible, usable goods and productivity. I don't believe that printing paper money is going to solve anything. If we're going to print 1 trillion dollars to pay the bills then we may as well print 50 trillion dollars and throw a party.

Wealth is not based on the value of a rock from the ground either.

Money is whatever people accept as money. It can be tangible or it can be fiat. It doesn't matter as long as people have confidence in it.
Hmmmm ... how can I "fix" the economy?

Oh, I know, we can grow a money tree:

In a nutshell, that's all there really is to it. They decided to print money to pay the bills. I wish I could print money to pay the bills but that wouldn't be a realistic solution now would it?! If I printed money I would be accused of counterfeiting. Dollars are supposed to be backed by something of tangible value (silver or gold, etc.) but the money that Obama's team printed is backed by thin air.

Interesting. You seem really, really knowledgable.

What, may I ask, were our dollars backed by in the 30 years preceding thie election of Barack Obama?

Please....keep it simple for us idiots.

Have you ever heard the term "Fiat Currency"?


Your solution would have been what?

Have the Market collapse and massive unemployment as a result?

You folks would be singing a different tune if that happened.

Put it wouldn't be praising Obama.


By the way both Keynes and Friedman would have advocated for something like this..

Friedman is an idiot and you don't know much about Keynes do you?

Keynes advocated counter-cyclical measures.

Do some research.

QE is a counter-cyclical measure.

One example of an automatically countercyclical fiscal policy is progressive taxation. By taxing a larger proportion of income when the economy expands, a progressive tax tends to decrease demand when the economy is booming

Procyclical and countercyclical - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now after seeing the above....what would be the inverse of this....and why would a progressive Tax Policy and Gov stimulation be antithetical to an economy, ANY economy righting itself......AND knowing as we do today that Government spending does not work (the 40's) and before yo say otherwise let me show you who admitted it....

Henry Morgenthau, Jr. ( May 11, 1891 – February 6, 1967) was the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury during the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt. He played a major role in designing and financing the New Deal.

"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work....After eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started...and an enormous debt to boot!"[6] Indeed, the unemployment rate for 1939 was higher than the unemployment rate for 1931, but lower than 1932.[7],_Jr.

It does not work....
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Interesting. You seem really, really knowledgable.

What, may I ask, were our dollars backed by in the 30 years preceding thie election of Barack Obama?

Please....keep it simple for us idiots.

Have you ever heard the term "Fiat Currency"?


That's the answer to your question....our money is "worth" whatever they say it is....except it isn't...and now it is worth less because have been creating 85 BILLION a month out of thin air for years.

Your solution would have been what?

Have the Market collapse and massive unemployment as a result?

You folks would be singing a different tune if that happened.

Put it wouldn't be praising Obama.


By the way both Keynes and Friedman would have advocated for something like this..

Hey, if you find out, could you explain it to me in simple English.

I'm not sure if the OP was complaining or boasting. Every single Republican economic policy is designed to redistribute the wealth of the nation from the bottom and middle to the very top. They even tell us, make sure the super rich have even more money and they will "make jobs". And minimum wage must be repealed and if those with minimum wage get food stamps, it's because they are too greedy.
I simply believe that true wealth is based on tangible, usable goods and productivity. I don't believe that printing paper money is going to solve anything. If we're going to print 1 trillion dollars to pay the bills then we may as well print 50 trillion dollars and throw a party.

Wealth is not based on the value of a rock from the ground either.

Money is whatever people accept as money. It can be tangible or it can be fiat. It doesn't matter as long as people have confidence in it.

True but I believe that history has proven that folks' confidence in gold has been far more consistent than their confidence in paper has been. But more valuable than gold is tangible, usable products. Items that people really need and really use. So America's true loss of worth is found in her willingness to take a back seat to China where the industrial world is concerned. We need to start producing and put men back to work if we have any hope of solving our current economic condition.
Have you ever heard the term "Fiat Currency"?


That's the answer to your question....our money is "worth" whatever they say it is....except it isn't...and now it is worth less because have been creating 85 BILLION a month out of thin air for years.

You ought to know by now that I rarely ask idiot nutters anything but rhetorical questions. I seldom seek information from those who have little to offer. also have a very simple take on this matter. We do not have a fiat currency. The dollar is backed by something just isn't a shiny metal.
Friedman is an idiot and you don't know much about Keynes do you?

Keynes advocated counter-cyclical measures.

Do some research.

QE is a counter-cyclical measure.

One example of an automatically countercyclical fiscal policy is progressive taxation. By taxing a larger proportion of income when the economy expands, a progressive tax tends to decrease demand when the economy is booming

Procyclical and countercyclical - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now after seeing the above....what would be the inverse of this....and why would a progressive Tax Policy and Gov stimulation be antithetical to an economy, ANY economy righting itself......AND knowing as we do today that Government spending does not work (the 40's) and before yo say otherwise let me show you who admitted it....

Henry Morgenthau, Jr. ( May 11, 1891 – February 6, 1967) was the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury during the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt. He played a major role in designing and financing the New Deal.

"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work....After eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started...and an enormous debt to boot!"[6] Indeed, the unemployment rate for 1939 was higher than the unemployment rate for 1931, but lower than 1932.[7]

Henry Morgenthau, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

It does not work....

QE is monetary policy, not fiscal policy. It is counter-cyclical in the same manner as the FOMC targeting the Fed funds rate.

That's the answer to your question....our money is "worth" whatever they say it is....except it isn't...and now it is worth less because have been creating 85 BILLION a month out of thin air for years.

You ought to know by now that I rarely ask idiot nutters anything but rhetorical questions. I seldom seek information from those who have little to offer. also have a very simple take on this matter. We do not have a fiat currency. The dollar is backed by something just isn't a shiny metal.

It is backed by the full faith of the US government. That's an intangible.

That's the answer to your question....our money is "worth" whatever they say it is....except it isn't...and now it is worth less because have been creating 85 BILLION a month out of thin air for years.

You ought to know by now that I rarely ask idiot nutters anything but rhetorical questions. I seldom seek information from those who have little to offer. also have a very simple take on this matter. We do not have a fiat currency. The dollar is backed by something just isn't a shiny metal.


The "Full Faith and Credit of the US Gov" is not tangible in any form.

Fiat money has been defined variously as:
any money declared by a government to be legal tender.[3]
state-issued money which is neither convertible by law to any other thing, nor fixed in value in terms of any objective standard.[4]
intrinsically valueless money used as money because of government decree[5]

While gold- or silver-backed representative money entails the legal requirement that the bank of issue redeem it in fixed weights of gold or silver, fiat money's value is unrelated to the value of any physical quantity. Even a coin containing valuable metal may be considered fiat currency if its face value is defined by law as different from its market value as metal.[6]

Fiat money - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That's the answer to your question....our money is "worth" whatever they say it is....except it isn't...and now it is worth less because have been creating 85 BILLION a month out of thin air for years.

You ought to know by now that I rarely ask idiot nutters anything but rhetorical questions. I seldom seek information from those who have little to offer. also have a very simple take on this matter. We do not have a fiat currency. The dollar is backed by something just isn't a shiny metal.

It is backed by the full faith of the US government. That's an intangible.

Hmmmmm. Nothing to do with oil, huh?
You ought to know by now that I rarely ask idiot nutters anything but rhetorical questions. I seldom seek information from those who have little to offer. also have a very simple take on this matter. We do not have a fiat currency. The dollar is backed by something just isn't a shiny metal.

It is backed by the full faith of the US government. That's an intangible.

Hmmmmm. Nothing to do with oil, huh?


No dollars issued are backed by oil.

Oil is traded in dollars, as are most commodities, but that is a function of being a unit of exchange, as opposed to the Federal Reserve holding oil and exchanging oil for reserve notes redeemed.
It is backed by the full faith of the US government. That's an intangible.

Hmmmmm. Nothing to do with oil, huh?


No dollars issued are backed by oil.

Oil is traded in dollars, as are most commodities, but that is a function of being a unit of exchange, as opposed to the Federal Reserve holding oil and exchanging oil for reserve notes redeemed.

In recent months Russia and China have hinted at unpinning the dollar from the trading of oil....they know that this would devastate us.....China however stands to lose billions if they do this.
It is backed by the full faith of the US government. That's an intangible.

Hmmmmm. Nothing to do with oil, huh?


No dollars issued are backed by oil.

Oil is traded in dollars, as are most commodities, but that is a function of being a unit of exchange, as opposed to the Federal Reserve holding oil and exchanging oil for reserve notes redeemed.

Should oil be traded in a currency other than dollars.....what would the impact be on our economy?

I am not going to engage in a battle of semantics here. The dollar and oil are linked......period.

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