How Police Treat Black and White Teens

Although most protests are peaceful, the looting and shooting get all of the news coverage. Many protests are infiltrated by those who have no business being there. It is unfortunate that so many negative things happen in large crowds of well-meaning people. There will always be those who take advantage of a situation.

But what I wonder is this. When an unarmed white person is Whites generally figure shot and killed by police, nobody reacts? They just wait until the next election? They don't take immediate action to try to hold the police accountable? They don't organize, protest, or object on a large scale?

And, let us not forget that We the People of the United States (at least conservatives) did break into the U.S. Capitol and kill people in the process on Jan. 6th.
Whites generally figure that someone shot by the cops has done something to deserve it. Most people of all races shot by cops are either resisting, or refusing to comply with orders from the cop. Now there are rare exceptions, but whites don’t get up in arms over a cop, making a mistake, they leave solutions to criminal and civil courts rather than taking revenge or attempting retribution.
White men can't beat black men in unarmed 1 on 1 combat. You'll get the odd exceptions here and there but generally speaking this is true.

So they need a whole system to give them back up

Whites generally figure that someone shot by the cops has done something to deserve it. Most people of all races shot by cops are either resisting, or refusing to comply with orders from the cop.

Cool story but the police go out of their way not to shoot whites who are resisting, refusing to comply with order from the cop or even if they have gun or weapon in their hand

The police treat white people like they are delicate little snowflakes.

Now there are rare exceptions, but whites don’t get up in arms over a cop, making a mistake.

That's because the cops don't make "mistakes" when it comes to unarmed white people

Let the police start killing unarmed white kids and getting off ? White people would be blowing up the police stations tomorrow. And you know what ? I respect that. White people have a deep "You're not gonna treat us like black ppl" mentality
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Whites generally figure that someone shot by the cops has done something to deserve it. Most people of all races shot by cops are either resisting, or refusing to comply with orders from the cop.

Cool story but the police go out of their way not to shoot whites who are resisting, refusing to comply with order from the cop or even if they have gun or weapon in their hand

The police treat white people like they are delicate little snowflakes.

Now there are rare exceptions, but whites don’t get up in arms over a cop, making a mistake.

That's because the cops don't make "mistakes" when it comes to unarmed white people

Let the police start killing unarmed white kids and getting off ? White people would be blowing up the police stations tomorrow. And you know what ? I respect that. White people have a deep "You're not gonna treat us like black ppl" mentality

Yet statistically more white men are shot and killed by police than black people are..So you are cordially invited to go fuck off and die.

And, let us not forget that We the People of the United States (at least conservatives) did break into the U.S. Capitol and kill people in the process on Jan. 6th.
Some people did die, but conservatives didn't 'kill' them.
White men can't beat black men in unarmed 1 on 1 combat. You'll get the odd exceptions here and there but generally speaking this is true.

So they need a whole system to give them back up

Paul it is about how many you can exterminate by technology. It is not about a scrawny person going mano mano with a fit and physical one. However, in these things must be male to male. For with gender power differences males will not die for that long term.
The black boy should have stopped fighting. See how quick that white kid stopped? That's what the black kid should have done.

He did. He was tackled to the ground and then handcuffed without him resisting. It's always interesting when ppl see what they want to see.
He did. He was tackled to the ground and then handcuffed without him resisting. It's always interesting when ppl see what they want to see.
The police were likely experienced in the need to often physically subdue blacks, including black women, thus their action.
There is a huge difference between black crime and white crime, thus the disparity in the way police deal with either.
White men can't beat black men in unarmed 1 on 1 combat. You'll get the odd exceptions here and there but generally speaking this is true.

So they need a whole system to give them back up

We need the 'system' for our own protection, a system of law enforcement that includes many black officers.
Yet statistically more white men are shot and killed by police than black people are..So you are cordially invited to go fuck off and die.

How many of those white men were unarmed ? We are talking about unarmed people. That's the reason for the black protests.

The cops very rarely kill unarmed white people and they hardly ever kill unarmed white kids.

You don't really have versions of Tamir Rice or Aiyana jones in your white community
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NPR are brain fucked Nazis fighting a war to end the Constitutional Republic. They appeal to other brain fucked Nazis.

The ANSWER to why blacks kill blacks on a massive scale is simply that black "culture" glorifies violence and crime

Thug Life


The HEART of black "culture" is gangs and violence - glorified, magnified - what every child aspires to.
I think the 'gangsta' culture is just a powerful 'tail that wags the dog'. Most blacks don't subscribe to it, although they have other problems.
Paul it is about how many you can exterminate by technology.

And that's the difference between black and the white supremacists. I and most black people have no desire to exterminate ppl by "technology"

Be careful. Look at what's going on in Russia and Ukraine. It's getting's getting serious

Russia has just as many nukes as USA

I just hope you and others survive the bomb and it's technology just long enough to truly experience the horrors the nuclear war.


The residual radiation spread over the landmass of the planet will ensure at least 200 years of inhabitability and much longer for the consumption of food.

Even if you have a bunker, that bunker must be able to withstand 200 years of continual habitation, air circulation, energy consumption and stored food and when the 10 generation of survivors finally manages to crawl out of the bunker, they will still starve or eat radioactive food and have horribly deformed children, thus ending humanity after a lengthy struggle for survival.

Even after all that u’d still be blaming the liberals and Black Lives Matter until your last breath.

It is not about a scrawny person going mano mano with a fit and physical one.

Anybody can shoot at something from a distance that's no threat to them. Or drop a bomb. But to get up close and fight man to man. That takes heart.

The true test of your manhood is can you beat a man your size and age and skill level in unarmed 1 on 1 combat ? And white men can't beat black men unarmed 1 on 1 combat.

No race of people has shown more heart and courage than black Americans. We face the most powerful military on the planet, and we have done that knowing that we are out gunned, out numbered and out-financed yet we have fought with the little resources we have for the opportunities we have got.
Paul it is about how many you can exterminate by technology.

And that's the difference between black and the white supremacists. I and most black people have no desire to exterminate ppl by "technology"

Be careful. Look at what's going on in Russia and Ukraine. It's getting's getting serious

Russia has just as many nukes as USA

I just hope you and others survive the bomb and it's technology just long enough to truly experience the horrors the nuclear war.


The residual radiation spread over the landmass of the planet will ensure at least 200 years of inhabitability and much longer for the consumption of food.

Even if you have a bunker, that bunker must be able to withstand 200 years of continual habitation, air circulation, energy consumption and stored food and when the 10 generation of survivors finally manages to crawl out of the bunker, they will still starve or eat radioactive food and have horribly deformed children, thus ending humanity after a lengthy struggle for survival.

Even after all that u’d still be blaming the liberals and Black Lives Matter until your last breath.

It is not about a scrawny person going mano mano with a fit and physical one.

Anybody can shoot at something from a distance that's no threat to them. Or drop a bomb. But to get up close and fight man to man. That takes heart.

The true test of your manhood is can you beat a man your size and age and skill level in unarmed 1 on 1 combat ? And white men can't beat black men unarmed 1 on 1 combat.

No race of people has shown more heart and courage than black Americans. We face the most powerful military on the planet, and we have done that knowing that we are out gunned, out numbered and out-financed yet we have fought with the little resources we have for the opportunities we have got.
You haven't figured out that if there is war---big cities will be targeted. You know where most blacks live.
The true test of your manhood is can you beat a man your size and age and skill level in unarmed 1 on 1 combat ? And white men can't beat black men unarmed 1 on 1 combat.
Blacks have two advantages: physical strength and savagery. Unnecessary fisticuffs is a display of one's stupidity, not a test of one's manhood. Also, losing a fight that you can't avoid does not impugn your manhood.

I beat a guy once who picked the fight with me for no good reason. I felt terrible about it. It didn't reinforce my 'manhood' one bit.
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Yet statistically more white men are shot and killed by police than black people are..So you are cordially invited to go fuck off and die.

How many of those white men were unarmed ? We are talking about unarmed people. That's the reason for the black protests.

The cops very rarely kill unarmed white people and they hardly ever kill unarmed white kids.

You don't really have versions of Tamir Rice or Aiyana jones in your white community
In 2015, The Washington Post launched a real-time database to track fatal police shootings, and the project continues this year. As of Sunday, 1,502 people have been shot and killed by on-duty police officers since Jan. 1, 2015. Of them, 732 were white, and 381 were black (and 382 were of another or unknown race).

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